Table I. Long-Term and Synoptic Measurements Helioseismic Probing GONG, SOHO, SDO Surface Magnetic Fields BBSO, GONG, ISOON, MSFC, MSO, MWSO, NSO, SDO,


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Presentation transcript:

Table I. Long-Term and Synoptic Measurements Helioseismic Probing GONG, SOHO, SDO Surface Magnetic Fields BBSO, GONG, ISOON, MSFC, MSO, MWSO, NSO, SDO, SOHO, WSO X-Ray & EUV (Full Disk & Resolved) GOES, SDO, SOHO, STEREO, SXI, Yohkoh Visible & Near-Infrared Solar Imagery BBSO, ISOON, MLSO, NSO, PSPT, SFSO Spectral & Total Solar IrradianceACRIM, ERB, GOES, NPOESS, SDO, SOHO, UARS Coronal White-Light & Line EmissionMLSO, NSO, SMEI, SOHO, STEREO L1 Plasma & FieldsACE, SOHO, Triana, Wind Energetic ParticlesACE, GOES, SOHO, STEREO, Wind Neutron Monitor NetworkBartol, University of Chicago Radio Wave Observations & IPSRSTN, STEREO, Wind

Table V.1.b. FASR Specifications Frequency range ~ GHz Frequency resolution ~3% ( GHz) <1% ( GHz) Time resolution <1 sec ( GHz) ~0.1 sec ( GHz) Antenna size D = m Number of antennas ~100 Number of baselines ~5000 Polarization full Stokes Independent data channels pairs Angular resolution 20/f arcsec (f in GHz) Field of view 1125/(fD) arc min (f in GHz; D in m)

Table Appendix 1. Solar Radio Instrument Capabilities From Around the World