ISWI in Slovakia ABSTRACT I. DOROTOVIČ ISWI National Coordinator in the Slovak Republic Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo, Slovak Republic, This contribution presents application of ISWI International Programme in the conditions of Slovak institutions, scientific focus of which includes among other fields of observational and research work also analysis of space weather processes. Particular attention is paid to providing scientific knowledge to students and the general public. STEERING COMMITTEE Zlatica Čabajová (BMP - BIOMET, Bratislava; Slovak Bioclimatological Society) Ivan Dorotovič Ivan Dorotovič (ISWI National Coordinator; Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo; Slovak Astronomical Society at SAS - Solar Section) Karel Kudela (ILWS and COSPAR; Institute of Experimental Physics SAS, Košice) Adriena Ondrášková (Division of Physics of the Earth, FMPI, CU, Bratislava) Pavol Rapavý (Astronomical Obseravtory in Rimavská Sobota; Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers) Miloš Revallo (SCOSTEP NC; Geophysical Institute SAS, Bratislava) Ján Rybák (Astronomical Institute SAS, Tatranská Lomnica) Fridrich Valach (Geophysical Institute SAS, Geomagnetical Observatory Hurbanovo) Web page: EXISTING INSTRUMENTS AND RESEARCH SID MONITORING Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), Tatranská Lomnica Patrol measurement of the green (530.3 nm, FeXIV) and red (637.4 nm, FeX) coronal emission lines intensities, short-term oscillations in these lines. It is done at Lomnický štít coronal station, 2634 m above sea level with a 20 cm coronagraph with spectrograph Monochromatic observations in the green corona started in 2007 Main target: long-term variation of the green corona, time-latitude distribution of the corona brightness, global circulations, magnetic fields, solar cycles Prominences in H-alpha 0.5 nm filter: time- latitudinal observations, CME’s onset, magnetic fields Eclipse observation of the solar corona Observation of the solar photosphere – sunspot drawings Investigation of the solar photosphere, chromosphere, transition region and corona using satellites (SoHO, TRACE, Hinode, SDO) and ground- based telescopes (DOT, SST, VTT) Dynamics and energy transport in the upper solar atmosphere – observational verification of different heating mechanisms Geophysical Institute, Bratislava, Geomagnetic Observatory, Hurbanovo; Comenius University, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Bratislava Division of Astronomy and astrophysics; / Division of Physics of the Earth Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo; Institute of Experimental Physics SAS, Department of Space Research, Košice; Neutron monitor at Lomnický štít high-altitude laboratory, 2634 m above sea level Participation in several space projects, development of instruments installed onboard the satellites: - IEP SAS analyzes earlier energetic particle measurements on satellites Active, CORONAS-F, Interball-auroral and tail (Russian satellites); energetic neutral atom measurements on TC2 satellite; methodical works were done for Venus-Express magnetometer. - IEP SAS continues works for future measurements in space by participation in development of part of the plasma instrument for ESA BepiColombo mission; for Russian RadioAstron mission and supporting works started for the project JEM-EUSO. Space Research Center: influences of Space Weather Astronomical Institute Institute of Experimental Physics P.J. Šafárik University “Space Research Center: influences of Space Weather”, center of excellence in eastern Slovakia. Three institutes, namely Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Tatranská Lomnica (main institution), Institute of Experimental Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Košice and P.J. Šafárik University in Košice (partner institutions) are constituting the Centre. With the help of the support by EU ( ):- experimental and computational basis for various ground based and satellite measurements will be updated - new experiments will be established. Daily drawings of the sunspots - Coude refractor Patrol observations of the chromospheric flares – spectrohelioscope Patrol observations of prominences (Lyot coronagraph with H-alpha filter, (FWHM 0.6 nm) Spectroscopic observations using Horizon- tal solar telescope with spectrograph Observation of total solar eclipses Registration of SEA effects SID monitoring – in test operation Fine structure of the solar photosphere North-south asymmetry of the solar activity Space weather; Sun - Earth connections Modified Coronal Index -EUV satellite measurements Evolution of active region (solar photo- sphere, corona) – SDO images. Astronomical Observatory in Rimavská Sobota; Astronomical Observatory in Partizánske; Astronomical Observatory in Hlohovec; registration of solar flares: J. Karlovský (Hlohovec) a R. Šlosiar (Bojnice) constructed their own prototypes of SID monitors, which are installed in Bojnice and in the Observatories Hlohovec and Parti- zánske. J. Karlovský constructed also a SuperSID monitor. Real-time data: Hlohovec Partizánske SID monitor record of the solar flare on 19 January, 2010, 13:40 UTC - Partizánske Observatory. Bojnicehttp:// /page/rudy/ In the SCO Hurbanovo is also installed one SID monitor in test operation, but real-time data are not available, yet. ISWI INSTRUMENTS SuperSID monitor E-CALLISTO In the near future will be installed in Slovakia in the frame of the ISWI instrument deployment program the following instruments: two SuperSID monitors for registration of solar flares (both in the SCO Hurbanovo and the Astronomical Observatory in Rimavská Sobota) and one radio spectrometer E-CALLISTO (in the SCO Hurbanovo). SUNSPOT OBSERVATIONS Basic daily patrol observations of sunspots are currently carried out in a network of 18 observatories and individual observers (including members of the Slovak Union of Amateur Astronomers). National centre for sunspot observations Astronomical Observatory and Planetarium Prešov National centre for sunspot observations is in the Astronomical Observatory and Planetarium Prešov. Sunspot numbers observed in Slovakia (1964 – 2008, 44 years with individual observations. EDUCATION AND PUBLIC OUTREACH committee members teaching Most of the National ISWI committee members have also teaching activities activities. course of astronomy SCO in Hurbanovo organizes a two-years course of astronomy at high-school level including lectures on solar physics and space weather. Astronomical observatories and planetaria Astronomical observatories and planetaria in Slovakia perform in general guided tours, training of amateur astronomers and students, organize public astronomical events, summer programs, lectures and competitions, publish brochures, posters and other astronomical material for visitors, etc.. AI SAS in Tatranská Lomnica AI SAS in Tatranská Lomnica organizes seminars for teachers, guided tours, Open House days, etc. SOME ISWI ACTIVITIES: SCO in Hurbanovo SCO in Hurbanovo organizes biannual national solar physics meetings with participation from abroad. Last one was held in June 2010 and the next meeting is planned for in Tatranská Lomnica – AI SAS in Tatranská Lomnica – has suitable facilities for organisation of international conferences or training workshops. GO Hurbanovo is member institu- tion of theINTERMAGNET Network for geo- magnetic measurements AI SAS IEP SAS SCO