ESA Support to SOLAR-B Hermann J. Opgenoorth Solar and Solar Terrestrial Missions Division ESA Science Directorate Programmatic.


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Presentation transcript:

ESA Support to SOLAR-B Hermann J. Opgenoorth Solar and Solar Terrestrial Missions Division ESA Science Directorate Programmatic Framework Downlink Data Center

Solar Orbiter Solar Sentinel Solar Dynamics Observatory SDO GEC, IT-SP & Swarm STEREO Solar-B Solar-Heliospheric Network observing Sun & tracking disturbances from Sun to Earth. Geospace Mission Network with constellations of smallsats in key regions of geospace. Geostorm ( Sub L 1 ) International Living With a Star Some Candidate Missions BepiColombo Kua-FU Enhanced Polar Outflow Probe MagCon Coronas-Photon STEREO MMS PICARD Distributed network of spacecraft providing observations of Sun-Earth system. GB Ulysses Solar Sentinel STEREO


ESA Ground-Support for Solar-B Solar-B started out initially as a collaboration project between Japan, NASA, and the UK. Considering the extensive European and programmatic interest ESA decided in 2003 to join this collaboration within the ILWS framework by providing additional downlink support from a high-latitude station. Goal: to increase the overall volume, availability and cadence of science data from the Solar-B mission, for the benefit of the international solar science community both in Europe and world-wide

We chose to use KSAT on Svalbard instead of the ESA facility in Kiruna, which is already successfully employed for Astro-F ESA Ground-Support for Solar-B

Reasons: Antenna redundancy, possibilityto track all 15 orbits every day and Norwegian interest in the mission. ESA Ground-Support for Solar-B

In contract with ESA: Partial provision of the data Svalbard Additional provision of a European Solar-B data centre As Co-Investigators: Develop Quick look (QL) software Develop Data Analysis (DA) software Assist in instrument development, calibration & future operation Norwegian Involvment

Total Volume of agreed activities over 10 Meuro (shared approx. 80/20) : a) Downlink and data transfer support for a period of four years from launch (> 8 Meuro) –Provision of X-band data downlink at 4 Mbits/s for every orbit of Solar B. –Provision of S-band downlink of up to 256 kbits/s for real time data. –Optional: provision of up to 256 kbits/s link to the Solar B Operations Centre at JAXA (TBC) for real time data transmission to be used for planning purposes. –Optional: provision of capability to commanding Solar B with S-band uplink - in case of special operational requirements. –Transfer of Science Data directly to JAXA using FTP or another protocol (TBC), utilizing the new fibre optical cables from Svalbard to the main land. Previous atellite link from Svalbard to mainland replaced by two 1,300 km long fibre optic cables Details of ESA/Norway Contract (1)

b) Establishment of European Solar-B Data Centre in Oslo Norway (> 2 MEuro) - Create suitable facilities at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Univ. of Oslo. –Archiving and calibration of Solar-B Level 0 data in collaboration with JAXA and the PI groups –Maintain and develop the required h/w and s/w to satisfy user needs as defined by the Solar-B Science Management Plan (TBC). –Distribution of data to European users –Preparation of final archive for one year after mission completion Details of ESA Norway Contract (2)

European Connectivity

Conclusions ESA, in sub-contractual collaboration with the Norwegian Space Centre, will provide one additional downlink contact to Solar-B for each of the 15 orbits per day This will considerably improve the overall scientific data return and the cadence of observations from the Solar-B mission The European scientific community will be catered with processed data through a dedicated Solar B data centre at the University of Oslo …rise and shine Solar-B !