1 Future solar missions (Based on the summary by R.A. Harrison) S. Kamio 2004.11.15.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Future solar missions (Based on the summary by R.A. Harrison) S. Kamio

2 St Andrews is a small town in countryside. It is known for…

3 Aim of workshop - Latest theoretical ideas for coronal heating - Observational results (SOHO, Yohkoh, TRACE, and RHESSI) - Looking towards the future space missions 2004 September University of St Andrews, UK

4 Future solar missions Demands for better spatial and temporal resolution (in terms of coronal heating) - small scale magnetic structures - wave or oscillation “Golden age” continues Solar-B (2006) STEREO (2006) Solar Dynamics Observatory (2008) Solar Orbiter (2013) We should understand their capabilities and limitations to make a suitable observation plan

5 Solar-B SOT (Solar Optical Telescope) 50cm aperture, diffraction limited (0.25” or 175km) Intensity and vector magnetic field measurement - Narrow band filter - Broad band filter - Spectrograph XRT (X-Ray Telescope) Full or partial Sun, 1” Temperature range MK EIS (EUV Imaging Spectrometer) Å and Å (mainly 1-10MK lines) Doppler velocity (2km/s at best) Temperature and Density Diagnostics Launch

6 STEREO (Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory) Observe 3D structure of the Earth-directed CME (A pair of spacecraft) Launch 2006 EUV Imager (1.6”/pixel) Full Sun in 171Å, 195Å, 284Å, 304Å Coronagraph COR R  COR R  Heliospheric Imager Interplanetary CME

7 SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) Observe fine magnetic structures Launch 2008 HMI (Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager) Full Sun Doppler velocity (1” resolution) Vector magnetic field measurement High resolution imager (0.6”/pixel) 7 EUV and 3 UV bands Full Sun (FOV 41’ ) EUV irradiance measurement

8 Solar Orbiter Getting close to the Sun (45R  or 0.2AU) Launch 2013 Instruments (TBD) soft X-ray, visible light EUV imager/spectrometer High resolution 0.5” = 70km (at 0.2AU) Polar region observation Latitude up to 33 degree

9 What’s next ? No (approved) mission after 2013 Solar Probe (NASA) ? Solar-C (JAXA) ? We should clarify the desired features for the following mission

10 Notice Solar-B special session ASJ meeting in Meisei Univ., Tokyo (2005 Mar ) Abstract deadline: 2004 Dec 6 Observation plan based on your results SOT Kwasan Library 2004 December SOT magnetograph - SOT operation - Data analysis (to be transmitted to Hida?)