1 ESPRiT Enhancing Industrial Safety, Environmental Protection and Risk Management in Serbia by means of dedicated Training, Education and Technology Transfer ESPRiT Project Results Presentation and Second Commencement Ceremony
2 General data Project Østarted June 1, 2008 ØEnded May 2010 Øinvolves costs about 0.5 million € Main goals: Øto establish the training and qualification system for education of professionals who will become qualified for introduction of Risk Management in Serbian energy supply companies according to EU standards and to manage the system.
3 Financed by DEG, member of KfW Bankengruppe (KfW banking group), finances investments of private companies in developing and transition countries. As one of Europe's largest development finance institutions, it promotes private business structures to contribute to sustainable economic growth and improved living conditions.
4 Partners Steinbeis Technologietransfer GmbH & Co KG Steinbeis Advanced Risk Technologies GmbH Steinbeis University Berlin DEKRA Akademie GmbH
5 Overall project scheme Main elements – Training and Education Concept: Øeducation and training in Serbian industries (professional education) Øextending the education curricula at Serbian universities Øon-the-job training of Serbian professionals in Germany (industry, academia, R&D) Øcertification scheme for professionals
6 Course-based Training and Education (engineer and/or technician level) Overall project scheme Main elements - Training and education concept Serbian Partners Oil & Gas companies Insurance companies Electric utility companies Chemical companies Universities / Innovation centers … Financing: Serbian industry, DEG mbH, Steinbeis … Financing needed for: Result: Trained and certified professionals in Serbia needed for modern Risk Management and successful integration into the European and global economy… Combined with On-the-job Training and Education 1 week to 6 months stays in Germany and other EU countries German Partners Know-how Technology transfer Trainers Certification Hosting of trainees … (European) Master of Risk Engineering OPTION: PhD Bologna Specialists’ Courses for Senior Risk Assessors Specialists’ Courses for Certified Risk Examiners Preparation and implementation of a special study curriculum in the area of industrial safety and risk management… …
7 Training modules
8 Overall project scheme Project deliverables ØEducation curricula extended (Univeristies Belgrade or Novi Sad)
9 combined with On-the -job Training and Education (1 week to 6 months stays in Germany and other EU countries) Course-based Training and Education (engineer and/or technician level) Masters Studies (M.Sc.) – (European) Master of Risk Engineering Specialists’ Courses for Senior Risk Assessors Specialists’ Courses for Certified Risk Examiners Overall project scheme E.g.: ESPRiT Project + University of Belgrade (Faculty of mechanical engineering) Extending the education curricula at Serbian universities
10 Qualification titles
11 Qualification titles
12 Situation in Serbia regarding industrial safety The situation in Serbia regarding industrial safety, compared to the EU, according to the opinion of Survey of needs participants, conducted in September 2008
13 Project results
14 Project results
15 Project results
17 Certification
18 Contribution of the ESPRiT project Contribution of the ESPRiT education, training and certification to the personal competence, as seen by the project participants (over 95% “significant”!)
19 Contribution of the ESPRiT project Contribution of the ESPRiT education, training and certification to the company’s competence, as seen by the project participants (over 90% “significant”!)
20 ESPRiT after ESPRiT Project Safe China Østart January 2011 Øduration 24 months Øinvolves costs about 0.5 million € Main goals: ØImplementation of an education- and qualification system, for HSE-engineers and HSE-professionals, needed to implement the requirements from the EU standards and regulation in risk management systems in Chinese companies and government bodies/authorities
21 ESPRiT after ESPRiT ØSafe China Ø10 courses, 5 – day in average ØOne week on-the-job training for 20 persons Ø4 weeks of on-the-job training for 5 persons Ø20 risk professionals Ø200 participations in course
22 Thank you! Your ESPRiT team