The People and the Land in the Old Testament Session 2D The People and the Land in the Old Testament
“…history itself in many respects is inseparably bound by and subject to the limitations of geography.” Barry J. Beitzel 3)CONTEXT: How Geography plays a part in understanding theology
אֶךֶץ ’erets land, earth a)earth b)land (country, territory, district, region, tribal territory, piece of ground, land of Canaan, Israel, inhabitants of land, Sheol, land without return, (under) world, city (-state) ) 1c) ground, 1d) people of the land. space or distance of country (in measurements of distance), level or plain country,land of the living, end(s) of the earth 1e) (almost wholly late in usage), lands, countries, often in contrast to Canaan
“There was therefore an inextricable and vital interconnection between landlessness and hopelessness. Alternatively, it was the whole notion of ‘land,’ and, more important, being in possession of it, that became at once a powerful medium to display God’s mighty acts, and through which his promises might be realized by Israel. Furthermore, monarchic, Messianic, and eschatological expectations cannot be dissociated from, and often find their context precisely within, the concept of ‘land.’” Barry Beitzel
Semites arriving in Egypt
Origin of the Nations
Abraham & Moses’ Near East
Modern Middle East
The River Euphrates
The earliest writing was probably a pictogram like this:
Cuneiforms: Wedge Writing
The Ziggurats of the Sumerians
ZiggarautZiggaraut Step Pyramid - in the center of the city
Hammurabi giving the law
Hammurabi’s Stele
The fabled hanging gardens of Babylon (artist's interpretation pictured) was built on the banks of the Euphrates river by King Nebuchadnezzar II.
Assyrians going to battle
Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser IIIBlack Obelisk of Shalmaneser III. This is the only known image of an Israelite king. It shows Jehu, the king of the northern kingdom of Israel from B.C., bowing before the Assyrian king Shalmaneser III, who ruled from 858 to 824 B.C.
The Mesopotamian Empires
Hieroglyphics on the wall of the tomb of Ramses V and Ramses VI, in the Valley of the Kings.
The Gift of the Nile: Egypt
The Nile River
Boat on the River Nile
Another boat on the Nile
The Great Pyramids
Murex bearing the name of Rimush, king of Kish, ca BC, Louvre, traded from the Mediterranean coast where it was used by Canaanites to make a purple dye
1. C o a s t a l P l a i n 2. C e n t r a l H i l l C o u n t r y 3. J o r d a n R i v e r / R i f t V a l l e y 4. T r a n s j o r d a n P l a t e a u