Presentation to National Council of NASA Space Grant Directors Ming-Ying Wei, SMD Education and Public Outreach Lead 2 March 2007 Science Mission Directorate Update
2 SMD Programs * Science Mission Directorate Planetary Science Division Astrophysics Division Heliophysics Division Earth Science Division New Frontiers Mars Exploration Discovery Solar System Research Living with a Star Solar Terrestrial Probes Explorers Earth System Science Pathfinder Earth Systematic Missions New Millennium Deep Space Mission Systems Ground Network Hubble Space Telescope Navigator James Webb Space Telescope SOFIA GLAST ISSC: Herschel/Planck Division Program Earth Science Research Universe Research Beyond Einstein Applied Sciences Heliophysics Research Other Agency Support Programs ESS Multimission Ops Cassini
3 Management & Policy Division Dir. (R. Maizel) Heliophysics Division Dir. (R. Fisher) Deputy (C. Gay) Astrophysics Division Dir. (R. Howard-Act) Deputy (Vacant) Planetary Science Division Dir. (J. Green) Deputy (J. Adams) Associate Administrator (AA) (M. Cleave) Deputy AA (C. Hartman) Chief Scientist (P. Hertz) Deputy AA for Programs (M. Luther) Deputy AA for Technology (G. Komar) Earth Science Division Dir. (M. Freilich) Deputy (B. Cramer) Budget (C. Tupper) Policy (M. Allen - Act) Administration (D. Woods) Research (J. Kaye) Applied Sciences (T. Fryberger) Mars Program (D. McCuistion) Flight (T. Hammer - Act) SMD Organization Chief Engineer (K. Ledbetter)
4 SMD Status 1st NRC Decadal Survey for Earth Science released Availability of small/medium class launch vehicles Science Plan is in review cycle for release. Will be delivered to Congress soon, and made public at: Mars Scout selection for Phase-A studies: –Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) –The Great Escape Discovery selections for Phase-A studies: – Three Full Missions (GRAIL, OSIRIS, Vesper) – Three Missions of Opportunity (DIXI, EPOCh, Stardust-NExT)
5 SMD Recent Significant Accomplishments Planetary Science MRO enters primary science phase MGS discovers new water gullies Mars Scout selections Discovery selections Cassini reveals new rings. Outer E-ring created by Enceladus geysers Great coverage in media –Cassini in National Geographic –MER in Car & Driver Planetary Science MRO enters primary science phase MGS discovers new water gullies Mars Scout selections Discovery selections Cassini reveals new rings. Outer E-ring created by Enceladus geysers Great coverage in media –Cassini in National Geographic –MER in Car & Driver Astrophysics Hubble scientists created first three- dimensional map of dark matter distribution in the universe Chandra revealed evidence of a light echo from Milky Way’s supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* Spitzer reveals supernova explosion may topple the ”Pillars of Creation” JWST reached critical milestone when 9 of 10 technologies reached TRL6 Astrophysics Hubble scientists created first three- dimensional map of dark matter distribution in the universe Chandra revealed evidence of a light echo from Milky Way’s supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A* Spitzer reveals supernova explosion may topple the ”Pillars of Creation” JWST reached critical milestone when 9 of 10 technologies reached TRL6 Heliophysics Hinode (SOLAR-B) Three instruments with advanced capability in Vis, EUV, and X-ray wavelengths. STEREO –16 instruments on 2 s/c operating nominally –Solar orbits for A and B s/c achieved –Transition to Operations, 01/23/07 THEMIS to launch February 15 AIM to launch April Heliophysics Hinode (SOLAR-B) Three instruments with advanced capability in Vis, EUV, and X-ray wavelengths. STEREO –16 instruments on 2 s/c operating nominally –Solar orbits for A and B s/c achieved –Transition to Operations, 01/23/07 THEMIS to launch February 15 AIM to launch April Earth Science Net Loss of Ice Mass from Greenland quantified (GRACE) Subglacial lakes and hydraulic systems under Antarctic ice sheets observed (IceSat, MODIS) Robust, global, inverse relationship between sea-surface temperature and primary productivity documented (SeaWiFS) Earth Science Net Loss of Ice Mass from Greenland quantified (GRACE) Subglacial lakes and hydraulic systems under Antarctic ice sheets observed (IceSat, MODIS) Robust, global, inverse relationship between sea-surface temperature and primary productivity documented (SeaWiFS)
6 New Horizons ST-5 STEREO Cloudsat CALIPSO GOES-N ST-6 TWINS-A Hinode THEMIS AIM Phoenix GLAST Dawn GOES-O TWINS-B Kepler IBEX SDO OCO Glory HST SM-4 OSTM GOES-P CINDI Chandrayaan 1 Herschel Planck NPP MSL WISE ST-8 Aquarius NOAA-N’ ST-7 SOFIA* NASA Mission on US ELV DoD Mission with Substantial NASA Contribution International Mission with Substantial NASA Contribution Joint NASA - International Partner Mission Reimbursable for NOAA NASA Science Mission Launches (CY06-CY14) 2011 RBSP Juno LDCM Mars Scout Discovery 12 MMS MSO Discovery 13 MIDEX-7 GPM Core JWST As of 1/31/07 GPM Const ESSP-7 New Frontiers 3 SMEX = Successfully launched to date * = First science flight
7 SMD AOs and CANs NAME OF SOLICITATION RELEASE DATE PROPOSAL DUE DATE TARGET SELECTION DATE DISCOVERY 2006 AO01/03/0604/05/06Oct 2006 Three full missions and three missions of opportunity selected for Phase A studies. MARS SCOUT 2006 AO05/01/0608/01/06Jan 2007 Two full missions selected for Phase A studies. One ExoMars Co-I selected. Two proposals selected for technology development. SMD Division Education and Public Outreach Support Groups CAN Early 2007 Explorer AO: MIDEXLate 2007 or 2008 Mars Science Orbiter Instruments AOLate 2007 or 2008 Discovery AO2008 * * Depends on how many Discovery 2006 downselections New Frontiers AONET 2008 Earth System Science Pathfinder AONET 2008 Explorer AO: SMEXApprx 2010 Revised 1/31/07
8 SMD NRAs - ROSES SMD receives over 4000 research proposals each year Approximately 1000 proposals are selected for new awards each year Over $175M is available for funding for new research awards each year. NAME OF SOLICITATION RELEASE DATE PROPOSA L DUE DATE TARGET SELECTIO N DATE NRA: RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES IN SPACE AND EARTH SCIENCES (ROSES-2006) Amendments Proposal due dates have passed (as of 2/16/07) 5 Proposal due dates upcoming 01/23/0604/14/06 thru 04/13/07 Goal: 150 d after Proposal Due Date NRA: RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES IN SPACE AND EARTH SCIENCES (ROSES-2007) No Amendments (as of 2/16/07) 0 Proposal due dates have passed 54 Proposal due dates upcoming (+ 5 TBD) 02/16/0705/01/07 thru 04/30/08 Typically 150 to 220 d after the Proposal Due Date
9 Status of FY2007 Budget H.J. Res. 20 Passed by the House on January 31 Placed on the Senate Legislative Calendar February 1 Action may not occur until week of Feb. 12 Key Features Funds NASA at the FY2006 level, subject to a.28% across- the-board rescission Provides $5,251,200,000 for Science Final amount available to SMD currently under review
10 FY2008 NASA Budget ($M)
11 FY06 vs. FY07 Budget* Comparison *FY08 Budget is essentially unchanged from FY07 runout (after accounting for Full Cost Simplification)
12 Management & Policy Division Dir. (R. Maizel) Heliophysics Division Dir. (R. Fisher) Deputy (C. Gay) Astrophysics Division Dir. (R. Howard-Act) Deputy (Vacant) Planetary Science Division Dir. (J. Green) Deputy (J. Adams) Associate Administrator (AA) (M. Cleave) Deputy AA (C. Hartman) Chief Scientist (P. Hertz) Deputy AA for Programs (M. Luther) Deputy AA for Technology (G. Komar) Earth Science Division Dir. (M. Freilich) Deputy (B. Cramer) Budget (C. Tupper) Policy (M. Allen - Act) Administration (D. Woods) Research (J. Kaye) Applied Sciences (T. Fryberger) Mars Program (D. McCuistion) Flight (T. Hammer - Act) SMD Education & Public Outreach Chief Engineer (K. Ledbetter) Ming-Ying Wei Larry Cooper Doris Daou Ruth Netting Eric Christian Wei (acting) Liz Burck (Einstein Fellow) Marilyn Lindstrom Hashima Hasan EPO Central - Lead on inter-Divisional Division Rep. - Lead on Division-specific
13 SMD/EPO Programmatic Highlights NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program SMD/EPO Program Element E.6 in ROSES 2006 Student Collaboration Program Definition Team –Open call through a Dear Colleague letter –Finite duration ending with the submission of a final report International “Science” Years –Polar (IPY) –Heliophysical (IHY) –Electronic Geophysical Year (eGY) –Astronomy (IYA)
Word of the Year American Dialect Society Winner (57) To pluto/be plutoed: to demote or devalue someone or something, as happened to the former planet Pluto when the General Assembly of IAU decided Pluto no longer met its definition of a planet Runner-up (43) Climate canary: an organism or species whose poor health or declining numbers hint at a larger environmental catastrophe on the horizon