1 Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee Astrophysics Division Update Dr. Jon Morse Astrophysics Division Director Science Mission Directorate NASA.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee Astrophysics Division Update Dr. Jon Morse Astrophysics Division Director Science Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters May 10, 2007

The Brightest Supernova Ever Seen


4 SOFIA First Flight April 26, 2007

5 Chief Scientist (J. Mather) DCS for ES (R. Friedl) DCS for SS (A. Cheng) SMD Organization Chart Management & Policy Division Dir. (R. Maizel) Deputy (Vacant) Heliophysics Division Dir. (R. Fisher) Deputy (C. Gay) Astrophysics Division Dir. (J. Morse) Deputy (R. Howard) Planetary Science Division Dir. (J. Green) Dep. (J. Adams) Associate Administrator (AA) (A. Stern) Deputy AA (C. Hartman) Deputy AA for Programs (T. May) Chief Engineer (K. Ledbetter) Senior Advisor for R & A (Y. Pendleton) Earth Science Division Dir. (M. Freilich) Deputy (B. Cramer) Budget (C. Tupper) Policy (M. Allen*) Administration (D. Woods) Applied Science (T. Fryberger) Research (J. Kaye) Flight (T. Hammer-Act) Mars Program (D. McCuistion) As of: May 2007 * Dr. Allen is an ST and serves as Team Lead for this Branch. Mr. Maizel is the supervisor on record. DRAFT Science Policy, Process and Ethics Officer (P. Hertz)

6 SMD Guiding Principles To advance the priorities of all four decadal surveys. To get more from our budgets through better management and investments in R&A. To help the Vision for Space Exploration succeed (i.e., fostering a lunar science community).

7 Improvements to R&A Strategic improvements related to R&A and data analysis across SMD Outreach Activities –Site visits to centers, universities, and affiliates –To the community through science conferences, newsletters, website, and contact for R&A issues:

8 Astrophysics Division What’s New New SMD focus on Strategic Investments in: Research and Analysis, Data Analysis, and Suborbital Opportunities. For example, the next Small Explorer (SMEX) AO announced on April 24: –Draft AO target June 2007 –Final AO target October 2007 –Proposals due 90 days after AO release Mission cost cap of $105M (FY08$), not including launch vehicle Mission of Opportunity allocation of $70M (FY08$) –Selections anticipated 4 months after proposals due Approximately 6-8 Phase A concept studies Anticipate selecting up to 3 for flight –New experience standards for PI, but only PI

9 SMD Science Plan The Science Plan fulfills a Congressional requirement from the NASA Authorization Act of It is SMD’s implementation plan, per the new NASA Strategic Management and Governance Handbook, under the 2006 NASA Strategic Plan. The Plan: –Articulates science questions to be pursued in the context of national priorities, esp. the Vision for Space Exploration –Defines and prioritizes missions –Describes the associated research & analysis, technology, and related programs Available on-line at:

10  New Horizons  ST-5  STEREO  Cloudsat  CALIPSO  GOES-N  ST-6  TWINS-A  Hidode  THEMIS  AIM Phoenix GLAST Dawn GOES-O TWINS-B Kepler IBEX SDO OCO Glory HST SM-4 OSTM GOES-P CINDI Chandrayan 1 Herschel Planck NPP MSL WISE ST-8 Aquarius NOAA-N’ ST-7 SOFIA* NASA Mission on US ELV DoD Mission with Substantial NASA Contribution Foreign Mission with Substantial NASA Contribution Joint NASA - International Partner Mission Reimbursable for NOAA NASA Science Mission Launches (CY06-CY14) 2011 RBSP Juno LDCM Mars Scout Discovery 12 MMS MSO Discovery 13 MIDEX-7 GPM Core JWST As of GPM Const ESSP-7 New Frontiers 3 SMEX  = Successfully launched to date * = Shared risk science

11 FY2008 NASA Budget ($M)

12 FY2008 SMD Budget by Division ($M)

13 Astrophysics Division Budget (Proposed FY08 President’s Budget vs FY07 President’s Budget) What’s Changed: SOFIA mission reinstated with ~2010 Initial Operations Capability (IOC) and ~2013 Full Operations Capability (FOC). Navigator Program re-focused; funds core interferometry, related planet-finding science, and project risk reduction efforts via remaining SIM funding, limited TPF funding, and ground-based projects (Keck and LBTI). Reserves added to JWST in 2008 and Budget for HST supports May 2008 SM4; working to identify additional funding to support September 2008 Shuttle manifest. Funds Kepler (LRD NET November 2008) and GLAST (LRD NET November 2007) replans due to cost growth, schedule slip. WISE entered development in October 2006 (LRD NET November 2009). New “Future Missions” wedge added to be available for the highest priority Decadal Survey mission(s). Beyond Einstein Program Assessment Committee (BEPAC) formed to determine which mission (LISA, Con-X, JDEM, Inflation Probe or Black Hole Finder) will be selected to proceed first; results available ~ September Herschel and Planck launch delayed until NET July What’s Stayed the Same: All operating missions continue to produce science results. Maintains FY07 R&A funding levels.

14 Astrophysics Missions

15 Astrophysics: Content of FY08 Budget

16 FY 2008 President’s Budget (Astrophysics Budget Changes)

17 Astrophysics Division Budget Problems and Issues Budget problems and issues that must be dealt with during this summer’s budget process: Resolving impacts of 2007 budget (full year CR). – Additional funding to support Sept 2008 HST SM4 (4 month slip). – Any launch slip to GLAST (schedule tight and range conflicts). – Additional cost growth in Kepler? – Any adjustments in balance within Navigator Program. – Direction of Balloon Program (ULDB future). – Strategy for Astrophysics Future Missions line.

18 Astrophysics R&A Elements Supporting Research & Technology (SR&T) –Astronomy & Physics Research & Analysis (APRA)* –Astrophysics Theory Program (ATP)* –Origins of Solar Systems (SSO)* Data Analysis (DA) –Astrophysics Data Analysis (ADP)* –Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE)*, X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE)* –GALEX*, Swift*, Suzaku* –Hubble, Chandra, Spitzer, XMM, INTEGRAL Mission science teams for the above missions, plus those in development – GLAST, JWST, Kepler, SOFIA, WISE * ROSES Element

19 Astrophysics “Research” Budget For FY2006, the following aggregates the competed Astrophysics research budget excluding flight hardware development “Astrophysics R&A” ………………………………………………$65M –SR&T –R&A embedded in flight programs (Beyond Einstein, TPF) Data analysis (other than “Astrophysics R&A”)…………………..$90M –Mission specific General Observer/Guest Investigator programs –Archival data analysis programs Mission Science Teams (other than “Astrophysics R&A”)……..~ $75M –PI teams for missions and instruments selected through AO –Additional team members selected through competition Participating scientists, interdisciplinary scientists, science working group members, etc. Total Astrophysics research and data analysis funding ………..~ $230M

20 Supporting Research & Technology (SR&T) Astronomy & Physics Research & Analysis (APRA)  Disciplines - Particle Astrophysics - Gamma-Ray - X-ray - UV/Optical - IR/Sub-mm/Radio  Categories of Investigations - Suborbital Investigations - Detector Development - Supporting Technology (Optics, Coatings, Coronagraphs, …) - Laboratory Astrophysics - Ground-based Astrophysical Theory & Fundamental Physics (ATFP) Origins of Solar Systems $53M “Astrophysics R&A”

21 Total FY07 Funding $53M

22 Statistics

23 NRA status: Reviews Completed: ADP, APRA, ATP/BEFS, GALEX GI #3, FUSE GI #8, Swift GI #3, Suzaku GO #2 Suzaku GO #2 Reviews Upcoming: APRA-2007 Grants status: WBS xx (Universe R&A) xx: 01 (APRA/X-ray, Gamma-ray)80% funding sent xx: 02 (ATP + BEFS)75% funding sent xx: 03 (APRA/Particle Astrophysics)80% funding sent xx: 04 (Carriers)moved to Balloon Program xx: 05 (APRA/UV, Opt)80% funding sent xx: 06 (APRA/IR, Sub-mm)79% funding sent xx: 07 (Origins of Solar Systems)79% funding sent xx: 08 (Keck)moved to Navigator Program UPN (BEFS)moved to Universe R&A (ATP) UPN (ADP/LTSA)75% funding sent Concerns: Partial funding release due to CRs enables only partial funding of grants. Assessment of Status – ROSES-2006

24 Backup

25 Principles for the Research Program Scientific merit through peer review –Use scientific merit, as determined through community and peer review, as the primary criterion for science program planning and resource commitment. Timely availability of data –Ensure vigorous and timely interpretation of mission data, requiring that data acquired be made publicly available as soon as possible after scientific validation. Community participation –Ensure the active participation of the research community outside NASA, which is critical to success. Maintain NASA capabilities –Maintain essential technical capabilities at the NASA Centers.

26 How awardees are selected Solicitations for proposals are made via NASA Research Announcements (NRAs) Annual R&A solicitation, “Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences” (ROSES), is open to University, NASA, FFRDC, & Industry –SMD’s omnibus NRA; ROSES-2006 has 64 program elements –Used to solicit virtually all non-flight opportunities –No special treatment for successor proposals Peer Reviews - panels evaluate: –Scientific or technical merit –Relevance to NASA’s objectives –Cost realism and reasonableness Program officer recommends selections based on peer review evaluations and programmatic considerations