The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: FISA Workshop 4 13th November Component Manufacturer View Point Moore Industries Rob Stockham
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Moore Industries Manufacturer of Process Interface Components and Systems Trip Amplifiers Temperature Transmitters Signal Isolators Data Communications and Intelligent I/O Plus much more
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: (non safety related applications) British Energy BNFL UKAE AWE Electrabell Doel (Belgium) Garona (Spain) Bruce Power (Canada) Typical Customers In The Nuclear Industry
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Sensor Logic SolverActuator Selection and Justification of Instruments ??? Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Requirement Defined for Loop Component Safety Data PFD, SFF,etc PIU and Software Component Safety Data PFD, SFF,etc PIU and Software Component Safety Data PFD, SFF,etc PIU and Software PIU Proven in Use PFD Probability Failure on Demand SFF Safety Failure Fraction Typical Safety Related Loop Environment Calibration and Maintenance Procedures Application - Duty
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: How Should The Component Be Selected Certification ‘Suitable for SIL 3’ Alternatively ‘Proven in Use Claim’ OR ‘Manufacturer Claim’ OR ‘Third Party EXPERT Opinion’ Basis for selection Component selected to meet Safety Integrity Level (SIL) requirement Selection follows a comprehensive Risk Assessment and Assignment of Safety Integrity Level (SIL) for the whole safety instrumented loop Typically SIL 1, 2 or 3 (SIL being the 4 highest) Can this be justified But what does this mean?
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Rob Stockham: 1/ User with SIS 2/ Need ? 3/Manuf with Comp 4/ Need ? 5/ Cert comp 6/Info 7/Money 2x arrow 8/Certificate 9/ Wall ? 9/ Wall comment 10/Cert comp- are they competent 11/Accreditation comp comments 12/ ‘Certified’ Manuf Man Rob Stockham: 1/ User with SIS 2/ Need ? 3/Manuf with Comp 4/ Need ? 5/ Cert comp 6/Info 7/Money 2x arrow 8/Certificate 9/ Wall ? 9/ Wall comment 10/Cert comp- are they competent 11/Accreditation comp comments 12/ ‘Certified’ Manuf Man Often a ‘Wall’ where the basis of the certificate is not clear? Third Party Certification Rob Stockham: 1/ User with SIS 2/ Need ? 3/Manuf with Comp 4/ Need ? 5/ Cert comp 6/Info 7/Money 2x arrow 8/Certificate 9/ Wall ? 9/ Wall comment 10/Cert comp- are they competent 11/Accreditation comp comments 12/ ‘Certified’ Manuf Man Rob Stockham: 1/ User with SIS 2/ Need ? 3/Manuf with Comp 4/ Need ? 5/ Cert comp 6/Info 7/Money 2x arrow 8/Certificate 9/ Wall ? 9/ Wall comment 10/Cert comp- are they competent 11/Accreditation comp comments 12/ ‘Certified’ Manuf Man Rob Stockham: 1/ User with SIS 2/ Need ? 3/Manuf with Comp 4/ Need ? 5/ Cert comp 6/Info 7/Money 2x arrow 8/Certificate 9/ Wall ? 9/ Wall comment 10/Cert comp- are they competent 11/Accreditation comp comments 12/ ‘Certified’ Manuf Man Rob Stockham: 1/ User with SIS 2/ Need ? 3/Manuf with Comp 4/ Need ? 5/ Cert comp 6/Info 7/Money 2x arrow 8/Certificate 9/ Wall ? 9/ Wall comment 10/Cert comp- are they competent 11/Accreditation comp comments 12/ ‘Certified’ Manuf Man Rob Stockham: 1/ User with SIS 2/ Need ? 3/Manuf with Comp 4/ Need ? 5/ Cert comp 6/Info 7/Money 2x arrow 8/Certificate 9/ Wall ? 9/ Wall comment 10/Cert comp- are they competent 11/Accreditation comp comments 12/ ‘Certified’ Manuf Man Rob Stockham: 1/ User with SIS 2/ Need ? 3/Manuf with Comp 4/ Need ? 5/ Cert comp 6/Info 7/Money 2x arrow 8/Certificate 9/ Wall ? 9/ Wall comment 10/Cert comp- are they competent 11/Accreditation comp comments 12/ ‘Certified’ Manuf Man National Accreditation body, audits and ‘Accredits’ the certification company ‘Expert Company’ providing certified opinion Functional Safety Management in place, audited and certified by ‘Accredited Certification company High confidence the Manufacurer is competent, experienced and has all the required procedures, tools, techniques and processes in place for complete safety life cycle of the component
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Justification for Use Component Selected Generic Data Bases can be used for ‘bench marking’ the safety and reliability data of components Rob Stockham: MARK to add some wise words, here or on dedicated slide Rob Stockham: MARK to add some wise words, here or on dedicated slide Justification based considering a wider source of information and approaches A More Robust Approach Proven in Use Data - if comprehensively documented and relevant to application Third Party Certification - is the ‘certifier’ experienced and competent, with open and audited certification procedures ( they should be ‘Accredited’ by a National Body - UKAS in the United Kingdom) Functional Safety Management must be in place at the manufacturer ( i.e. IEC Part 1) FMEDA comprehensive ‘Failure Modes Effects and Diagnostic Analysis’ on hardware will have been undertaken, this is part of the hardware realisation procedures (I.e IEC Part 2) Review of Software and Firmware, analysis of definition, integrity and code analysis,etc. Has the software been developed to recognised standard ( i.e. IEC Part 3) Target SIL level achieved? do the procedures in place for Functional Safety Management, Hardware Realisation and Software meet the requirements for the target SIL level requirement under IEC 61508, plus any industry and application specific requirements (such as the British Energy Programmable Electronic System (PES) Guidelines
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: More Information and Evidence Moves Black to Grey towards White Specification challenged Evidence Specification How it works How is the software written How it performs Accuracy EMI/RFI Temperature Effects etc Justification Analysis Tests Explanation Documentation Third Party Review Component Black Box, no real information on how it works or what’s inside Claim Claims And Justification
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Issues of Technical & Commercial sensitivity Resource and cost implications Requires commitment Additional Personnel, tools, techniques, procedures and third party involvement for review and certification Matching Commitment and involvement by user Implications To Manufacturer More Information and Evidence Moves Black to Grey towards White Specification challenged Evidence Specification How it works How is the software written How it performs Accuracy EMI/RFI Temperature Effects Justification Analysis Tests Explanation Documentation Third Party Review Component Claim Claims and Justification
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Rob Stockham: Mark - Comments I can use please! Rob Stockham: Mark - Comments I can use please! Issues On Software And Firmware Development under IEC will also ensure that issues of competency, tools, techniques and configuration and change management will all be implemented Is the manufacturer in control of all parts of the software development, what are the implication of embedded ‘COTS’ modules and ‘SOUP’ within the software. Has any ‘competent’ third party reviewed the software development, together with code analysis and what are the findings? Has the software been developed to a standard (IEC Part 3)? This will provide rigorous and documented procedures for definition, specification, safety requirements, function, performance,testing, validation and verification, etc How complex is the software, in IEC 61511and Clause defines 3 levels of software - FPL Fixed Programming Language - Trip Amplifier, Transmitter - LVL - Limited Variability Language - typical of a PLC - FVL - Full Variability Language - C++, Java, etc Existing products - is ‘Proven in Use’ claimed for the software, can it be justified? How long in manufacture, how many units sold, application profiles, how was the software written, software failure and ‘bug’ fix documentation?
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Rob Stockham: Copy of FSCA in box Rob Stockham: Copy of FSCA in box How Has Moore Industries Dealt With Some Of The Issues? Achieved Accredited Certification by SIRA for our product development processes to IEC Part 1 and Part 2, under the CASS scheme for Functional Safety Capability Assessment Investment in tools, training and resources to undertake FMEDA work on our products Working with our customers on real safety related applications and to provide practical solutions Involvement with IEC and IEC seminars, conferences and committees to increase our understanding of what is required Over 35 years experience in ‘high reliability instrument has built a robust basis for the requirements of safety related instrumentation
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Ideal For The ‘White Box’ The manufacturer has to have ‘core competency’ in safety related components, together with having in place safety management procedures, hardware and software development procedures to IEC 61508, audited to an accredited scheme. The user and the manufacturer need to come together at an early stage to define requirements and participate in the product development process Open communication and understanding of the development of the project, to minimise uncertainties in hardware, software, testing and implementation. Complete involvement by the manufacturer in the life cycle of the component with the user, with feedback on performance and failures to go back into the development and life cycle process This degree of commitment and involvement will present and challenge to all manufacturers, but especially those who may be involved in general commercial instrumentation.
The Interface Solution Experts 1 Lloyds Court, Manor Royal, Crawley West Sussex, RH10 9QU, United Kingdom Tel: Fax: Summary The user should consider the most comprehensive and robust justification and not to rely on ‘one’ element to substantiate their case. Consider the whole application and life cycle for the requirement Consider the competency and experience of the potential manufacturer (Do they understand the particular and CHALLENGING requirements of the nuclear industry) Get involved with the potential manufacturer at an early stage If required develop ‘partnering’ arrangements to develop specific components or solutions to application requirements. THANK YOU