Knowledge religion social Location HEI Economics
Knowledge/movement Egypt sumer Israel
religion Egypt sumer Israel
social logy Egypt sumer Israel
location Egypt sumer Israel
Human Environment Interaction Egypt sumer Israel
Economics/movement Egypt sumer Israel
Egypt They are considered the smartest ancient civilization ever. They had the technology to create things like the pyramid. People today are bewildered on how they did it without it crumbling Back
Egypt They believed that in the beginning their was nothing. Then a god appeared and puked up the other gods. Back
Egypt They did everything for their family. They choose their offspring’s husband/wife. Only because of that it would be best for the certain person Back
Egypt 30°N 30°E: Located along the nil below the Mediterranean sea Back
Egypt Egypt had many natural resources. Such as basalt, alabaster, gold. Lots of other minerals. Back
Egypt They have invented a boat type thing so they would travel up/down the Nile to trade resources Back
sumer The Sumerians invented the wheel. They also invented a form of writing know as Cuneiform. Back
sumer The Sumerians believed in over three thousand gods an different people worshipped certain gods by buying and obtaining small statues of the certain god Back
sumer They were very loving of there family only if they did equal work
sumer Ur: 31º N 48º E. Located in between The Tigris and the Euphrates river Back
sumer They only had one natural resource… Food. But food made sumer a great trading post. They traded food for, just about anything Back
sumer Since Sumerians invented the wheel, they made carriages to transport goods all over the middle east Back
Israel They have invented Monotheism Back
Israel They were monotheistic meaning they believed in one all powerful god. Back
Israel They always told their children of the old testament. They were loving and caring for others Back
Israel 32ºN 35°E: Located next to the Mediterranean sea, above Saudi Arabia Back
Israel Israel was a big trading post and had many resources Back
Israel They would have Egyptians come to them and trade Back