Building Blocks to Sustainable Living Sandra K. Knight, PhD, PE, D.WRE Deputy Administrator for Mitigation Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration FEMA’s Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration -- Leading the Nation to Build a Stronger, Smarter, Safer America
Great Communities
Prosperous Eco-Friendly Resilient Sustainable Living
Sound Economy Social Equity Dependable Infrastructure Culturally Diverse Good Growth Safe Clean Affordable Healthy Prosperous
Eco-effective Environmentally Intelligent Biologically Diverse Green Economy Abundant Green space Adaptive to Nature Small Carbon footprint Eco-Friendly
Lives and livelihood Risk Awareness Risk Management Risk Mitigation Long Range Plans Adaptive to change Opportunistic Prepared Disaster Resilient
“Every phenomenon and apparent eccentricity of the river … is controlled by law as immutable as the Creator, and the engineer need only to be insured that he does not ignore the existence of any of these laws, to feel positively certain of the results he aims at.” --James B. Eads
Greensburg, Kansas “To provide inspiration and leadership to Kiowa County in order to be a model of sustainable living for the world.” Mission of Greensburg GreenTown
Florida’s Post-Disaster Redevelopment Planning
Putting It All Together Can we build a sustainable vision through better Floodplain Management?
Community Standards LEED Certification Cradle-2-Cradle Certification Smart-Growth Energy Star NEPA New Ideas Carbon Credits Mitigation Banking Green CRS Green Building Blocks
National Building Blocks EO EO EO EO FIFM-TF FIFM-TF NFIP Reform NFIP Reform Long Term Disaster Recovery Work Group Long Term Disaster Recovery Work Group Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force WRDA P&S WRDA P&S Revisions to HSPD 8-National Preparedness Revisions to HSPD 8-National Preparedness Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction Subcommittee on Disaster Reduction
Mitigation Building Blocks Societal Responsibility Economic Development Environmental Individual Accountability Protecting Citizens Sustainability & Resiliency Equitable Viable Responsible Accountab le Affordable NFIP Reform HMA Portfolio Management Risk MAP
“The world will not evolve past its current state of crisis by using the same thinking that created the situation.” --Albert Einstein