JANET Public Access Workshop – Consultation Results Mayfair Conference Centre, 15 th December, 2011 Paul Wakefield
Process & Timescales Define the requirement (December 2011) –Call for interest & consultation –Community workshop Implementation (Summer 2012)
Community Response There were 50 responses from JANET connected organisations and representative bodies (see list to follow). Each were contacted to identify their interest or requirement in this area, which resulted in: –35 interviews –9 responses –6 non-contactable for follow up. –37 participants at workshop today
List of participating organisations 157 Group Aberdeen University Ashmolean Museum - University of Oxford Belfast Metropolitan College Birkbeck College, University of London Birmingham Metropolitan College Buckinghamshire County Council Cardiff University Courtald Institute Coventry University Cranfield University East Sussex County Council Highbury College HUBS (High-speed Universal Broadband for Scotland) Hull College Imperial College, University of London Lewisham College London School of Economics Loughborough University Middlesex University National Museum of Science & Industry National Museum of Wales Net North West Newcastle University One Connect Ltd (formerly Lancashire County Council) Oxford Brookes University SCONUL St Andrews STFC Sussex Coast College Sussex Downs College South West Grid for Learning UCISA UCLAN UHI ULCC University of Birmingham University of Bradford University of Bristol University of Cambridge University of Edinburgh University of Essex University of Hertfordshire University of Leeds University of Manchester University of Oxford University of Westminster University of Wolverhampton University of the West of England Warwickshire College
Community Response 98% of respondents indicated they have a requirement for public access, and are interested in exploring how Janet can support this activity.
Consultation Results
Consultation Outcomes There was a clear requirement for Janet to support this activity. There was a consensus on the three main types of activity, which required a solution: –Open access internet terminals –Commercial wireless hotspots & backhaul –B&B type accommodation Open access internet terminals, was the key criterion from all respondents (73%). However, when looking at the HE sector in isolation, this was virtually matched (72%) by B&B provision. 61% of respondents had multiple requirements.
Consultation Outcomes Strong interest in commercial interaction, but requirements differ significantly – many achievable through BCE. Mid-2012 delivery was in line with community requirements/expectations. No technical or business model was identified at this stage, but options will be discussed today. There was a broad recognition that some form of organisational charging may apply.
Organisational Benefits 1. Simpler configuration / network management. 2. Increase service offering to customers. 3. Cost savings - circuit costs, procurement burden, management overhead etc.