CEN ISSS: Extended URI Workshop Plenary Workshop 27th June 2002 Project Team Progress Report
Project Management and General Issues Phil Blythe
Objectives To extend the use of the CEN ISSS URI Workshop agreement CWA 13987: 2000 to multi-application smart cards To engage key players and organisations in the CWA To research and review key documents, related standards and technologies To Deliver a CWA in 3 parts
Project Team Attending Workshop: –Phil Blythe –Chris Makemson –Peter Tomlinson –Chris Wrathall Apologies –Jaap Akkermans Withdrawn from Team –Mads Henriksveen
Progress Report Revised eURI Business Plan produced after Workshop Meeting of 17th January 2002 Allocation of Work Item Leaders and main authors for each Item Resources allocated - left a number of days unallocated at this stage Revised schedule devised and written into Business Plan
Progress Report Some initial difficulties with the start up of Work Items 2 and 3 Resolved at Project Team Meeting on 3rd and 4th April 2002 It was reported at the last workshop it was reported that Mads Henriksveen has reduced his role in the project (due to unforeseen changes in job responsibilities) and has relinquished authorship of the Part 1 specification. This fact has also delayed some of the research work in Work Item 3.
Progress Report Part of the revised deal with Mads was that he would attend the project team meeting scheduled for the 15-16th May 2002 and deliver a final version of WI3 In discussion with the project team and then with CEN it was decided to ask Mads to withdraw from the project team To complete the research work on card management schemes the PT sub-contracted the DataCard Group to fill part of the knowledge gap left by Mads departure
Work Items WI 1: Project Management (PB) WI 2: Evaluation of Multi-Application Smart Card products (PT) WI 3: Evaluation of Card Management Schemes (PB - originally MH) WI 4: Development of Part 1 (PT - originally MH) WI 5: Development of Part 2 (CW) WI 6: Development of Part 3 (CM) WI 7: Promotion and Marketing (JA)
Revised Schedule (As of 27th April 2002) WI 1 Project Management/Project Team Meeting (Brussels)…..…. Liaison with TB7…………………………………………………… Workshop and Project Team Meetings (Brussels)..………………... WI 7 Initial Strategy Document……………………………………. Project Team Meeting (Brussels)………..……………………….… WI 2/WI3 Initial Research Drafts ………………….…………….... Workshop and Project Team Meetings (Brussels)...……………….. Project Team Meeting (London)…………………………………… WI 2/WI3 Final Reports……………………………………………. WI 4-6 (Parts 1 -3) 1st Working Drafts…………………………….. Workshop (Brussels)……………………………………………….. WI 4-6 (Parts 1-3) Final Working Drafts…………………………... WI 7 Final Publicity Material…………………………………..….. Final Workshop (Brussels)………………………………….…..…. 27th Nov th Jan th and 18th Jan th February rd-4th April th April th &19th April th May th June th June th Sept th Sept th Sept th Dec. 2002
CWA Final Deliverables Part 1: Formal Extended URI Specification (Normative) Part 2: Extended URI Implementation Guidelines (Informative) Part 3: Card Associations and the Extended URI (Informative)
Progress So far: Documents Delivered by 27/04/02 Design Proposal for WI 2 (Multi-Application Smart Card Products). From WI 3 Analysis of MULTOS Platform with respect to the eURI. (we have identified 5 platforms which we will analyse). WI 4-6 have each produced a draft table of contents for Parts 1 to 3 respectively of the WSA - for discussion and to try an scope out the work of the PT A publicity plan has been produced Under WI7
Progress so Far: Documents delivered for 27/06/02 Research Report Work Items WI2 and WI3 WI3 Research Report: Management of User Related Information on Multi-Application Smart Cards WI 4: Initial draft of Part 1 WI 5: Initial draft of Part 2 WI 6: Initial draft of Part 3
Issues No standardisation body is addressing the issue of identifying card platforms (could also be used to identify the presence of the eURI - as a common resource)
Issues Raise the point that we are considering microprocessor cards (as they fully support multi-applications). Will this exclude the Transport Sector who almost exclusively use memory smart cards?? We need input on user requirements from the Workshop. Are approaching PTEG, RNIB and ANEC - also need input from TB8. Have not been able to make fruitful contacts with TB4 (Terminals) yet - seem only interested in FINNREAD
Issues Final Point: –we are receiving a lot of interest in the eURI work from many quarters. This, however, is not being reflected in the membership and attendance of the Workshop Plenary Meetings. –What can we all do to redress this?
Research Tasks: Work Items WI2 and WI3; and WI 4: Draft of Part 1 Peter Tomlinson
WI2, WI3, WI4 June 2002 Status WI2 and WI3 now both managed by PWT WI2 Research Report submitted WI3 Research submitted in 2 sections: 1.Part included with WI2 2.Separate report sourced from Datacard WI4... Is running slightly late
WI2, WI3, WI4 June 2002 Research Report summary Card platforms built to open specifications: only viable product families for multi-application are those based on: –Global Platform / Open Platform / Java Card –Multos Proprietary platforms will continue to have important sectors of the market –ISO style –Java cards
WI2, WI3, WI4 June 2002 Research Report summary URI Implementation on cards Now: as application or applet on cards –Without difficulties Later: at card platform level –Standards not adequate –Linked to providing standard way of identifying card platforms
WI2, WI3, WI4 June 2002 Research Report summary Dataset –Basic dataset to have global validity –Extensions for ‘Card Communities’ –Implement as constructed data objects –Recognise existing standards (reference them) –CEN/ISSS to be requested to become the ISO Tag Allocation Authority for the URI
Draft Table of Contents Part 2 (WI 5) Chris Wrathall
Extended URI: WI5 Review of CWA 13987:2000 – Part 2 New structure: Stand-alone / Networked Review actors (as per Part 3) Front-end processes only – no back office? Security – URI for billing purposes? Integrate URI management proposals (BR) URI Generic Data Storage and Retrieval Options – here or in Part 1? Extensions to the initial implementation – here or in Part 1? Anything else?
Extended URI: Links with TB7 (the silver-tongued Business Plan) The workshop will form links with eEurope Smart Card Charter Trailblazer 7 in order that: the largest group of interested parties can be assembled as members without overloading them with too many meetings and dual activities duplication of work can be minimised convergence of ideas takes place leading to the development of a common approach by the two projects and the adoption of the Extended URI as part of the common recommendations of the Smart Card Charter Steering Committee.
Draft Table of Contents Part 3 (WI6) Chris Makemson
Add new roles & change names Application Loader Registration and Certification Authority Card Community Manager (Application) Service Provider
Global Changes Card Association to Card Community URI to eURI Removal of references to Distinct
Issues The Card Acceptor role CEN’s registration role New Logo
Publicity and Marketing (WI7) Jaap Akkermans
Elements of PR plan Fact sheet Simple logo to recognise workshop activity Website at UNINFO –general + meetings + primer + specs + application perspective + presentations given Three URI-scenarios –transport / city cards / education / payment? –multimedia modules for in presentations ? RfC for scenarios –comments + changes New presentation prepared for eESC Madrid Additional resources allocated to WI7
Interest in the eURI is high NERSC committed to use eURI IMAGE project had a 2 day meeting at CEN to discuss using the eURI as a profiler for accessing intelligent mobility agents delivering transport and tourism information to mobile platforms. Various conference and other meetings have been used to promote the eURI A number of papers are being produced to support this task Need to link to ENV as this is being revised at the moment by CEN TC224/WG6
Final comment on Progress We have had difficulties in finalising the research items however we have now achieved this and produced some excellent documentation to be used as background for parts 1 to 3. TB 7 have been less useful than we anticipated Drafts of parts 1, 2 and 3 now available. Part 1 will be completed by mid-July (Parts 2 and 3 cannot progress without this. We are largely on-track