Ontario Chamber of Commerce presented by: Bob Malcolmson,C.E.O. & General Manager Greater Oshawa Chamber of Commerce BOOT CAMP 2004 THE WHO DOES WHAT OF A CHAMBER
BOOT CAMP AGENDA l Introduce the Panel l The Alien Test l Staff and the Chamber l The Manager, Chief Volunteer, The Board l How you Might use this Information l Questions & Answers
The Panel Chief Volunteer John Hertel, Chair Education Committee Ontario Chamber of Commerce Chief Staff Person Bob Hammersley, President and C.E.O St. Thomas & District Chamber of Commerce
THE ALIEN TEST If an Alien abducted your Board today 1)Would anyone care? 2)Would it make any difference in your community? 3) How much would you pay to get some or all of them back?
Are the Board Members and staff clear on WHAT their roles are HOW their roles and responsibilities differ?
The Chamber Staff l Day to day needs of between 200 and 1500 Members l 15,000 to over 30,000 inquiries per year. l Add the operation of a Tourism Centre or a Motor Vehicle Licensing office or a provincial Park
The Chamber Staff l Order Products l Pay bills l Financial Statements l Update Website l Certificates of Origin l Member Referrals l Group Insurance Plan
The Chamber Staff l Business After Five l Business Before Breakfast l Mayor’s Luncheon l Annual General Meeting l Trade Show l Awards Dinner l Golf Tournament
The Chamber Staff l Monthly Board & Committee Meetings l Annual Board Elections l Tourism l Political Action l Voice of Business all levels of Government l Directory & Newsletter
The Manager President, COO, GM, CAO, CEO, GM, ED l Directs Administration and co- ordinates the Chamber activities l Guides and directs the support staff in activities and objectives l Recruitment and member retention
The Manager l Directs operations to achieve budgets l Financial watchdog to preserve the capital and reserve funds of the chamber l Promotes direct volunteer involvement
The Manager l Establishes and maintains high profile relationships with business leaders and community leaders l Directs development of budgets, strategic plans, long and short term goals of chamber
The Manager l Member and principal resource person to the Board l Appraises and evaluates the results of over-all operation l Supervises communication programs l Acts as spokesperson
The Manager l Ensures Chamber activities in compliance with government regulations and laws l Ensures that interests and welfare of employees preserved and protected l Ensures that interests of Board are preserved and protected
The Manager l Maintains and recommends changes to Chambers Strategic Plan for the growth of the chamber l Ensures operating policies are consistent with Board pollicies and objectives and ensures execution
The Manager l Directs the development and establishment of equitable personnel policies l Directors Insurance l Staff is responsible to General Manager
The Chief Volunteer l Set the tone for the year ensuring that the future planning and goals of the Boards Strategic Plan are followed through with l Attend as many social and community functions where Chamber representation is desirable l attend the OCC and CCC Annual General Meeting when possible
The Chief Volunteer l The President or Chair Official spokesperson for Chamber plan along with CEO all meetings of Executive and Board Chairs Executive and Board meetings Leads and receives delegations Mandate, Mission, Vision, Objectives
The Chief Volunteer l Maintains the Chambers relationship with the Chamber network and the OCC and CCC l Official voting delegate at OCC and CCC l convenes and Chairs Nominating Committee
The Board Giving Money is enough for a Board seat. Warm bodies are Welcome. Board members tolerated even if not adding value (even if detracting) OR ARE
The Board - Responsibility Competent people actively recruited for a Board Seat. A Waiting List An Honour to be on Board Ambassadors for Business Represent all the businesses in community
Board Member - Role Clarity l Role Clarity - Accountability is critical when Board Member acting as Advisor/Consultant to Management Volunteer on Committee Board Member
Board Member - Role Clarity l As Consultant/Advisor to management he or she is accountable to management l As Volunteer he or she is accountable to the committee chair or staff
Board Member - Role Clarity l As a Board member has no special status over and above any other member except when he or she is in a duly called Board meeting
Board Member - Role Clarity l Must add value and not just mind the store. l Must be focused on future and achieving the mission l Must concentrate on policy
Board - Responsibilities l Move from Micro to Strategic Management l Keep Board out of Staff Duties l Strategic Planning l Ensure Board duties are back on Board l Whole Board must be involved in Strategic Planning
Financial Management Are adequate Financial Tools in Place? Financial Policies, Internal Controls, Regular Audits, Financial Reports
Financial Management Do Board Members understand and contribute to discussion of your financial status? OR Are they just a rubber stamp?
Financial Management Are Statutory remittances noted at Board Meetings (i.e. GST, Revenue Canada, PST)? Do Board members approve an Annual Budget?
Financial Management Are new members and terminations discussed at the Board level? When Does a member become a member? After Board Approval or when the cheque is presented?
Incorporation & Legal Issues l Does the Board understand its legal responsibility for the Chamber? l Is the Board operating within the By-laws? l Director’s Insurance l Conflict’s of Interest & Confidentiality
Governance l Agree upon role and responsibilities l Committees develop policy l Boards debate, approve and monitor policy l Staff puts in place policy
Strategic Planning l Do you have an established Strategic Planning Cycle linked to Fiscal Year-end and Budget? l A professionally run planning process? l Involvement in the planning process by Board, Committee Volunteers and staff?
Recruitment, Retention Renewal l Is Your Chamber known as “AN OLD BOYS CLUB”?
Board Recruitment l A Successful Recruitment Record l Staggered entry and Board turnover l Diversity of the community l Nomination Process
Orientation l New members given appropriate orientation l Must be organized l Plan and Budget Time for Board Development l Make it Meaningful l Orientation Manual
Orientation l Annually as part of Orientation review Strategic Plan Business Plan Budget Board Job Description
Effective Meetings l Do Board Members Arrive prepared for meetings, having read the agenda, minutes and reports sent out in advance? l Are meetings serving a useful purpose?
Effective Meetings l Are meetings spent on; Housekeeping formalities Speeches, Non-Board items Non- Agenda items Handouts
Effective Meetings The Chair Controls the Meeting Is like a traffic cop directing traffic - The Chair should Direct the Discussion Should refrain from entering the Discussion Duty is to get the Board to debate the issues.
Effective Meetings The Handout Director - “I didn’t have time to get this to you sooner.” Chair - “I will give each of you a few minutes to look at this before we open discussion and then call the motion.” l THE ONLY MOTION Move to TABLE
Effective Meetings Do Board members Leave meetings with a clear sense of what was determined and their responsibilities?
External Climate Is your Chamber recognized for community leadership? l Work with other Organizations l Participate at OCC or CCC l Policy for dealing with Media, Government and Major stakeholders
Human Resources Micro Management l Does the Board permit the Manager to do his or her job within a mutually understood framework? l Staff and volunteers MUST work as a Team to be effective.
Internal Climate Is Your Chamber’s viability due to the contributions and leadership of; Many People, One Person or a Few?
Internal Climate Are Members able to influence the decision-making process? Newsletter
Internal Climate l Your Chamber should be open to people with diverse views, opinions and experience. l Conflicts arising at the Board are they generally Acknowledged and dealt with in an open positive manner?
Internal Climate Are relationships among Board Members, Staff, Volunteers characterized by: Openness, Trust and Mutual Respect ? HIDDEN AGENDA’S
Internal Climate l Volunteer Handbook l Event List for the Year l Press Release and Interview Policy l Confidentiality Policy l Conflict of Interest Policy l Staff Training
Internal Climate Remember!!!! Volunteers & Staff must be appreciated for their Contribution and Accomplishments
Internal Climate l The Manager and Chief Volunteer MUST WORK AS A TEAM COMMUNICATIONS
How you Might Use this Information Compare Trends to your own Chambers practice. List the Variances to your current practice. Consider identifying areas of possible improvement
How You Might Use this Information Identify What is - Attracting New Board Members - Driving Board Members away Set priorities and Develop Action Plan to Correct the Variances.
COMMUNICATE So How much would you pay an Alien to get some or all of your Board back? THANK YOU