MS FALL SPORTS Football, Boys Soccer, Fastpitch PARENT MEETING 9/4/2014 4:45 PM
AGENDA SPORTSMANSHIP PROTOCOL WHEN ISSUES ARISE Have you talked to the coach? What items can I not talk about to the coach?
INTRODUCTIONS ATHLETIC DIRECTOR RON BARNARD, District AD How to get ahold of me Housed at the high school – but travel to YMS and RMS Work #: 360-458-6110 Email:
INTRODUCTIONS - 2 FASTPITCH COACHES RMS YMS Russ Riches, HEAD Trish Matthews, Assistant YMS Lindsay Walton, Head Kaelen Moore, Assist
INTRODUCTIONS - 3 FOOTBALL COACHES RMS YMS Tim Beaudin - HEAD Guy Simpson, Mike Munro, Dan Helms – Assistants YMS Justin Overlie - Head Mike Snodgrass, Mike Riley, Skeeter Cordova - Assistants
INTRODUCTIONS - 4 BOYS SOCCER COACHES RMS YMS Jerry Price - HEAD Cami Krise- Assistant YMS Art Vanveen - Head Salmon Lutz - Assistant
WIAA MEMBER SCHOOL WIAA stands for Washington Interscholastic Activities Association It is a member school organization for 7th thru 12th grade Have a set of rules created by our peers to ensure all student-athletes are on the same playing field. There is a checklist that we need to verify for each athlete.
SEAMOUNT LEAGUE Possibilities for next year – currently the high school will be using WPA Networks in the coming month Schedules – notification when changed Parents sign up for the notification
WHAT YOU SHOULD GET FROM COACHES TONIGHT: Schedules Coaches Expectations Practice and Games (times and locations may vary) How to contact the coaches
BENEFITS OF PARTICIPATION Athletes Non-athletes GPA 2.86 1.96 Ave. Absences 6.52 days 12.57 days Drop Out Rate 0.7% 8.98% Graduation Rate 99.56% 94.66% Athletes are less likely to Engage In Risky Behavior, Smoke or Take Drugs or Be Arrested Athletes are Exposed to: Teamwork Leadership Self-Discipline Sportsmanship Socialization Many More Benefits
STATE CONCUSSION POLICY AN act relating to requiring the adoption of policies for the management of concussion and head injury in youth sports; amending RCW 4.24.660 and adding a new section to chapter 28A.600 RCW. Each school district's board of directors shall work in concert with the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) to develop the guidelines and other pertinent information and forms to inform and educate coaches, youth athletes, and their parent(s) /guardian(s) of the nature and risk of concussion and head injury including continuing to play after concussion or head injury. On a yearly basis, a concussion and head injury information sheet shall be signed and returned by the youth athlete and the athlete's parent and/or guardian prior to the youth athlete's initiating practice or competition.
STATE CONCUSSION POLICY A youth athlete who is suspected of sustaining a concussion or head injury in a practice or game shall be removed from competition at that time. A youth athlete who has been removed from play may not return to play until the athlete is evaluated by a licensed health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussion and receives written clearance to return to play from that health care provider. State Concussion Training Video
DISTRICT CONCUSSION POLICY If your Athlete is Showing Sign(s) of a Concussion Your Athlete will be removed from practice or game/match/meet 911 will be called Parent or Guardian will be called (if not in attendance) Emergency Professional will make decision to transport if parent is not present Athlete Cannot Practice or Play until written clearance provided by a Doctor
INJURY ON THE FIELD If there is an injury and we need a medic unit. Parents are called AD is called Coach goes with ambulance unless… Coaches have an emergency plan just in case …
STUDENT – ATHLETE GRADES/ELIGIBILITY GRADE CHECKS To play in the first game they could not have more than 1 F (WIAA) Athletes are on probation for three weeks if they had 2 or more Fs previous June. September 22 (Monday) first day to be cleared academically. During the season athletes can’t have any failing grades. There are opportunities at both schools to make up work GRADE CHECKS Each season we do grade checks every two weeks – 2nd, 4th, and 6th week of the season. September 24th, October 8th and October 22nd (Wednesdays) This is a snapshot of the teacher’s grade book Coaches get a copy and the athlete will receive an individual copy. If they have an F, they have until Monday to bring it up. 2 or more Fs, they can’t compete until Fs are up.
EXPECTATIONS OF ATHLETES, AND PARENTS Show respect for opponents by shaking hands Accept decision of the contest official Avoid un-sportsmanship like behavior Parents Use only positive comments No yelling of negative comments toward coaches, athletes, officials, or other fans Lead by example, citizenship to your student-athlete Provide time for post game positive reinforcement for your child
EXPECTATIONS OF PARENTS After Competition Give The Athlete Room to Think (Don’t Rehash Every play) If They/The Team/or Others Played Poorly Don’t Blame the Officials or Coaches If They/The Team/or Others Played Well Don’t Blame the Officials or Coaches Either Way Tell Them You Enjoy Watching Them (Try it for a Season, Its Powerful!)
PARENTING YOUR STUDENT-ATHLETE VIDEO Emphasis’ In Video 1) Be Positive and Support Your Son or Daughter and Their Athletic Program 2) Make It Fun! 3) Keep Things In Perspective
PARENT EXPECTATIONS View Games and Practices with TEAM goals in Mind Accept The Decisions of Officials and Coaches- Remain in Control Release Your Child to The Coach and The Team Be An Encourager - At Games and At Home Accept The Results of Each Game- Don’t Make Excuses Be A Good Listener
PROTOCOL WHEN ISSUES ARISE Have you talked to the coach? Before, during, or after a game is not the best time to talk with a coach. Their responsibility is with the athletes they are supervising. Write the issue down Give yourself 24 hour rule – then set up an appointment to meet with the coach. If for some reason that doesn’t work then we can set up a meeting with myself and the Coach to resolve the issue.
What can I talk to the coach about? What are ways to help my son/daughter improve their skills. Level of competition Treatment of your child – mentally and physically What can I not talk to the coach about? Playing time Team Strategies Play calling Other Student-Athletes
WHY ATHLETES ARE SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE Work Ethic Role of a Team Player Coachable How to Handle Adversity Always Gives Great Effort Be a Risk Taker Lead by Example Hold Yourself Accountable
HAVE A GREAT EXPERIENCE THIS SEASON Breakout Sessions YMS Football Aux Gym YMS Fastpitch Room 625 YMS Boys Soccer Commons RMS Football Main Gym RMS Fastpitch Room 616 RMS Boys Soccer Room 415 Thank You for Being Here