Parent-Teacher Interview! Good Morning Staff and Students, This is a reminder that Thursday, March 29, 2012 from 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm and 6:00 -8:00 pm is Northview’s Semester 2 Parent-Teacher Interview Day. Students if you need volunteer hours this is a great opportunity to achieve them and to make your mark at Northview. Come to the Main office and decide which job and time would best suit you. The forms should be in the main office by the end of today or early Thursday morning.
Attention Aboriginal Students! To commemorate the Honourable James Bartleman’s term as Ontario’s Lieutenant Governor, the Government has created the James Bartleman Aboriginal Youth Creative Writing Award. Examples of creative pieces include short stories, poems, essays plays or songs. Wining recipients receive a cash award of $2, If you identify yourself as Aboriginal and you are interested, please see the Guidance Office or Ms Scholl for details. Also, Carleton University is offering two special programs for Aboriginal students in their final year of high school. If you identify yourself as Aboriginal and are interested in attending University in our Nation’s Capital, come to the Guidance Office for more details! You are a candidate for these programs even if you have not applied to university. - Ms Karas
Attention Graduates! Don’t forget that Prom Committee is selling CLASS OF 2012 WEAR, this week and next week in the main foyer at lunch! Come buy your t-shirts, hoodies and sweatpants today! -Ms Byrnes
Talent Show! Hey Northview! Get your act together for this year’s talent show. Auditions start as soon as April 11 th. Hope to see your talents. - Ms Juruc
Vocal Jazz Choir! There will be a VOCAL JAZZ CHOIR REHERSAL today in the music room at 11:45 am. Come sing! - Ms Lonseth
Multicultural Club! A message from the Multicultural Club: Seats to the assembly are all SOLD OUT! There is a mandatory rehearsal today after school in the auditorium. ALL ACTS must attend. - Ms So
Middle Eastern Dance Club! We will have a practice today at lunch in the auditorium from 11:45 am-12:30 pm. - Ms Giannoutsos
NEAT! NEAT will be meeting at lunch on Friday, March 29, in room Ms Porter
Debate Club! Come join the abortion debate today at lunch at 11:45 am. All are welcome but this is NOT the weak of heart. - Mr. Mathai
Muslim Club! Listen up, Northview, yes you! You’ve probably wondered a lot about Islam. Well, wonder no more! Well, wonder no more! You’ve heard about it on the news and there are a lot of misconceptions out there. Today, the Muslim Student Association will be holding a special question-and-answer session in room 126 at 11:30 am. So come with your questions or just come to learn. We have snacks! Legal disclaimer: conversion not required! - Mrs. Martinez, Ms Di Tommaso
Softball Team! Girls interested in playing on the softball team can pick up a try-out form in the Science office or from Mrs. Hutchison- Mrs. Hutchison
Boys Baseball The first Boys Baseball tryout will be on Monday, April 2 nd afterschool in the Hydro Fields behind the stadium. You must have a permission form signed to be able to tryout. - Mr. Tsai
Tennis! Tennis! Tennis! Those students interested in joining the Northview Spring Tennis Team are to come to room 131 at the beginning of lunch on lunch TODAY. If you cannot come to the meeting, please see Mr. Grande. - Mr. Grande
Boys Soccer There will be a boys soccer practice today at 3:30 pm on the Hydro Field. - Mr. Burke
Track & Field In lieu of yesterday’s change of plans for practice and Tomorrow’s Parent –Teacher Interview’s, an additional practice is available TODAY after school at 3:45 pm. See you there! - Ms Juruc