The Populists Part I. SCH Ch. 16
The Bourbon Democrats Wade Hampton is elected Governor – 1876 Wade Hampton is elected Governor – 1876 Former Confederate General Former Confederate General Did not believe in social equality Did not believe in social equality Believed in political equality Believed in political equality Conservatives/Democrats back in power Conservatives/Democrats back in power State budget was cut/low taxes State budget was cut/low taxes Interested in bringing back (redeeming) the old south Interested in bringing back (redeeming) the old south
Industry in SC Cotton prices fell Cotton prices fell Textile Mills were built because of… Textile Mills were built because of… cheap labor and no labor unions cheap labor and no labor unions Mills moved south Mills moved south Cotton seed oil, Phosphates (fertilizer), and Lumber became big industries Cotton seed oil, Phosphates (fertilizer), and Lumber became big industries
Voting Rights The Eight Box law and Poll taxes were used by Democrats to disfranchise blacks The Eight Box law and Poll taxes were used by Democrats to disfranchise blacks Gerrymandering was used to draw one congressional district where blacks had the majority Gerrymandering was used to draw one congressional district where blacks had the majority Women begin to push for suffrage but SC doesn’t support it Women begin to push for suffrage but SC doesn’t support it
The Populists Part II. SCH Ch. 16
The Farmers Small farmers were in debt due to Crop Lien laws – bank owned crop Small farmers were in debt due to Crop Lien laws – bank owned crop Cotton prices fell due to foreign competition Cotton prices fell due to foreign competition Farmers in debt planted even more cotton (they thought it meant more $$$) Farmers in debt planted even more cotton (they thought it meant more $$$) Farmers couldn’t pay taxes – foreclosure Farmers couldn’t pay taxes – foreclosure Army worms and Boll Weevils ate cotton Army worms and Boll Weevils ate cotton
The Farmers The Grange – farmers got together to talk about issues The Grange – farmers got together to talk about issues The Farmer’s Alliances – 1880s wanted to change the money supply The Farmer’s Alliances – 1880s wanted to change the money supply 1890s Populists Party (small farmers) organized to deal with issues 1890s Populists Party (small farmers) organized to deal with issues
Populist Party Supported banking, railroads, federal farm loans, secret ballot, graduated income tax Supported banking, railroads, federal farm loans, secret ballot, graduated income tax Also, 8 hour work day and restrict immigration Also, 8 hour work day and restrict immigration
Ben Tillman Gov then elected US Senator in 1894 Gov then elected US Senator in 1894 Platform was based on racism & white supremacy Platform was based on racism & white supremacy Violence and lynching occurred – Blacks were intimidated Violence and lynching occurred – Blacks were intimidated
Clemson College 1889 Tillmanites vs. Conservatives (Bourbons) Tillmanites vs. Conservatives (Bourbons) No agricultural college in SC No agricultural college in SC Thomas G. Clemson (John C. Calhoun’s son-in-law) gave land for a land grant college Thomas G. Clemson (John C. Calhoun’s son-in-law) gave land for a land grant college Taught crop management Taught crop management 1895 creates Winthrop 1895 creates Winthrop
The Temperance Movement Some wanted total prohibition/Tillman did not Some wanted total prohibition/Tillman did not Push to outlaw alcohol ended with Tillman giving control of sales to the SC Dispensary Push to outlaw alcohol ended with Tillman giving control of sales to the SC Dispensary
Constitution of 1895 Tillman wanted to replace 1868 Const. Tillman wanted to replace 1868 Const. It established… It established… poll tax to be paid 6 months in advance of election poll tax to be paid 6 months in advance of election Separate schools for blacks and whites Separate schools for blacks and whites Jim Crow laws Jim Crow laws