OUR MISSION The Jamesville-Dewitt Central School District has an uncompromising commitment to excellence in preparing students to achieve and succeed, to respect themselves and others to practice life-long learning in an ever-changing, richly diverse society. We take responsibility for providing a challenging educational experience in a safe and nurturing environment. We dedicate ourselves to the academic, artistic, social, emotional and physical development of each student.
PROPOSED REVENUES State Aid $9,803,937 $11,229,863 County Sales Tax 318, ,000 Health Services Other Districts 200, ,000 Rentals 20,000 24,000 Drug Prevention Program 50,000 50,000 Interest On Deposits 130,000150,000 Medicaid Reimbursements 208,500125,000 Miscellaneous 743,204746,000 Use of Reserves 1,000, ,000 ARRA(Fed Jobs) 536,207550,000 Appropriated Fund Balance 442,000825,000 TOTAL REVENUES 13,452,368 14,649,863 REAL PROPERTY TAX Tax Levy 33,914,477 32,746,051 GRAND TOTAL $47,366,845 $47,395,914
DEBT SERVICE Retired some debt from 2002 building project Retired some debt from 2002 building project Payment of interest and/or principal continues on 2008 project Payment of interest and/or principal continues on 2008 project Includes debt for 2010 roof project Includes debt for 2010 roof project Debt for energy performance contract – $90,430 Debt for energy performance contract – $90,430TOTALS Budget - $3,868, Proposed Budget - $3,624,667 Difference =$243,697 -represents 6.3% Decrease
FRINGE BENEFITS Increase in payment to Teacher and Employee Retirement Systems Increase in payment to Teacher and Employee Retirement Systems Cost $764,810 over current budget Increase in health insurance - $155,520 Increase in health insurance - $155,520TOTALS Budget - $11,580, Budget - $11,580, Proposed Budget - $12,566, Proposed Budget - $12,566,178 Difference =$985,221 = 8.51% Increase Difference =$985,221 = 8.51% Increase
TRANSPORTATION Reduce Director of Transportation Reduce Director of Transportation Add part-time safety officer- cost savings $35,000 Add part-time safety officer- cost savings $35,000 Eliminate 4:15 bus run and one mid- day run – cost savings $23,824 Eliminate 4:15 bus run and one mid- day run – cost savings $23,824 Eliminate conferences- savings $1,100 Eliminate conferences- savings $1,100 Increase in fuel cost $4.00/gallon- Increase in fuel cost $4.00/gallon- Cost $112,000 over current budget Cost $112,000 over current budget
TRANSPORTATION CONTINUED TOTALS Budget - $1,761, Proposed Budget - $1,814,260 Difference = $52,976 = 3.01% increase
2011 Bus Purchases passenger w/o luggage $205, passenger w/o luggage $205, passenger bus w/ luggage $104, passenger bus w/ luggage $104, passenger suburban 1- 7 passenger suburban $37,362 $37,362 TOTAL $347,536 Last year we purchased 4 busses TOTAL $403,682 TOTAL $403,682
TRANSPORTATION PERSONNEL 1 Director - reduced 1 Director - reduced 1 Dispatcher 1 Dispatcher 33 Drivers 33 Drivers 4.0 Mechanics 4.0 Mechanics Add.5 Safety Officer Add.5 Safety Officer
OPERATIONS&MAINTENANCE CUSTODIAL CUSTODIAL Decrease in # of custodians (27 -26) Decrease in # of custodians (27 -26) Cost savings - $25,000 Decrease in natural gas and electricity Decrease in natural gas and electricity costs - $40,000 costs - $40,000
PROPOSED EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 2 Vacuum cleaners 2 Vacuum cleaners 1 floor scrubber 1 floor scrubber 1 pick-up truck 1 pick-up truck Hand held testing equipment Hand held testing equipment Total = $25,000 Total = $25,000
OPERATION and MAINTENANCE TOTALS Budget $3,355, Budget $3,355, Proposed Budget $3,284, Proposed Budget $3,284,871 Difference = $71,011 = 2.12% decrease Difference = $71,011 = 2.12% decrease
OPERATIONS&MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL 1 Director 1 Director 27 Custodians reduced to Custodians reduced to Maintenance Workers 5.5 Maintenance Workers
ATHLETICS –Reduce 13 coaching positions –jv cheer, assistants in boys/girls lacrosse and indoor track, modified positions in girls/boys soccer, boys lacrosse, baseball, softball, track, and cross country Cost savings- $36,672 Cost savings- $36,672 –2 nd year – no coaches professional development conferences –2 nd year – no uniform purchases –Increase fitness center hours Cost increase- $4,000 Cost increase- $4,000 –Decrease contract expense for athletic trainer Cost savings - $12,000 Cost savings - $12,000
ATHLETIC TOTALS Budget- $673, Budget- $673, Proposed Budget - $613, Proposed Budget - $613,818 Difference = $59,225 =8.8% decrease Difference = $59,225 =8.8% decrease
ATHLETIC PERSONNEL 1 Director 1 Director 1 clerical 1 clerical 97 coaching positions reduced to coaching positions reduced to 84
CENTRAL OFFICE Board of Education Board of Education Superintendent’s Office Superintendent’s Office Business Office Business Office Curriculum and Personnel Curriculum and Personnel All slightly decreased All slightly decreased.5 clerical position reduced in business office- cost savings $14,000.5 clerical position reduced in business office- cost savings $14,000 Reduced staff development resources – cost savings $8,000 Reduced staff development resources – cost savings $8,000
CENTRAL OFFICE BOCES Data processing BOCES Data processing Student Information Management Financial Management Financial Management Test Scoring Test Scoring Data Warehousing Data Warehousing Website Website No significant change No significant change
CENTRAL OFFICE Liability Insurance Premium Liability Insurance Premium Sewer and Water Taxes Sewer and Water Taxes Fingerprinting Fingerprinting BOCES Administrative Costs BOCES Administrative Costs No significant change No significant change
CENTRAL OFFICE PERSONNEL Superintendent Superintendent Administrative assistant Administrative assistant Assistant Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Administrative assistant Administrative assistant Director Curriculum and Instruction Director Curriculum and Instruction Business Official Business Official 3.5 business staff reduced to business staff reduced to 3.0
CENTRAL OFFICE TOTALS budget- $1,492, budget- $1,492, Proposed budget - $1,466, Proposed budget - $1,466,082 Difference - $26,612 = 1.8% decrease Difference - $26,612 = 1.8% decrease
TECHNOLOGY Slight decrease in new equipment Slight decrease in new equipment Slight decrease in cost for infrastructure support from BOCES Slight decrease in cost for infrastructure support from BOCES Cost decrease - $17,927 Cost decrease - $17,927
TECHNOLOGY PERSONNEL 1 District Coordinator 1 District Coordinator 1 Network Technician 1 Network Technician 5 District Assistants 5 District Assistants
TECHNOLOGY TOTALS Budget - $904, Budget - $904, Proposed Budget- $890, Proposed Budget- $890,092 Difference - $14,519 = 1.6% decrease Difference - $14,519 = 1.6% decrease
INSTRUCTIONAL BUDGET District Level Curriculum/Personnel Budget already presented District Level Curriculum/Personnel Budget already presented Instructional Building Budgets Instructional Building Budgets Special Education Special Education Athletic Budget already presented Athletic Budget already presented Technology Budget already presented Technology Budget already presented
INSTRUCTIONAL BUDGET Discretionary building budgets decreased Discretionary building budgets decreased Cost savings $79,000 Cost savings $79,000 Teaching Center Support decreased Teaching Center Support decreased Cost savings $20,000 Cost savings $20,000 Relocated district printing back to BOCES Relocated district printing back to BOCES Cost savings $90,000 Cost savings $90,000
INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 5 Principals, 4 assistant principals 5 Principals, 4 assistant principals Decrease K-4 teachers from 67.2 to 64.9 Decrease K-4 teachers from 67.2 to art, 1 Jamesville classroom, part-time phys ed 1 art, 1 Jamesville classroom, part-time phys ed Decrease 9-12 teachers from 71.5 to 66.5 Decrease 9-12 teachers from 71.5 to 66.5 Due to enrollment Due to enrollment Decrease guidance counselor staff from 9 to 8 Decrease guidance counselor staff from 9 to 8 Elementary counselor position Elementary counselor position 10 teaching assistants reduced to 8 10 teaching assistants reduced to 8 Decrease clerical staff from 12 to 11 Decrease clerical staff from 12 to 11 Decrease teacher aides from 23.5 to 22.5 FTE Decrease teacher aides from 23.5 to 22.5 FTE 2 part-time library aides in MS and HS 2 part-time library aides in MS and HS
SPECIAL EDUCATION Reduce.4 Psychologist Reduce.4 Psychologist due to enrollment due to enrollment Eliminate the elementary behavior management program due to enrollment Eliminate the elementary behavior management program due to enrollment Cost savings - $90,000 Cost savings - $90,000 Reduce.3 Special ed administration Reduce.3 Special ed administration Cost savings - $17,400 Cost savings - $17,400 Tuition-private placement decreasedTuition-private placement decreased Cost savings $50,000 Cost savings $50,000BOCES special ed services increasedBOCES special ed services increased Cost increase $181,000 Cost increase $181,000Tuition-private placement decreasedTuition-private placement decreased Cost savings $50,000 Cost savings $50,000BOCES special ed services increasedBOCES special ed services increased Cost increase $181,000 Cost increase $181,000
SPECIAL EDUCATION STAFF 2.3 administrators reduced to administrators reduced to 2.0 Non-public CSE meetings Non-public CSE meetings Teachers reduced to Teachers reduced to Teaching Assistants reduced to Teaching Assistants reduced to clerical assistants 2. clerical assistants 34.5 Teacher aides 34.5 Teacher aides 3.8 Occupational/Physical Therapists 3.8 Occupational/Physical Therapists
OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF 5 Librarians 5 Librarians 1 AV Specialist 1 AV Specialist 9 Guidance Counselors reduced to 8 9 Guidance Counselors reduced to 8 1 Attendance Aide 1 Attendance Aide 5.4 Nurses 5.4 Nurses 3.8 Therapists 3.8 Therapists 5.8 Psychologists reduced to Psychologists reduced to Alcohol/Drug Counselors (ADAPEP) 2 Alcohol/Drug Counselors (ADAPEP)
POSITION REDUCTIONS SUMMARIZED Transportation Director Transportation Director.3 Special ed administrator.3 Special ed administrator 1 elementary art teacher 1 elementary art teacher 1 elementary special ed teacher 1 elementary special ed teacher 1 Jamesville elementary teacher 1 Jamesville elementary teacher 5 high school teachers 5 high school teachers.4 Psychologist.4 Psychologist
POSITION REDUCTIONS CONTINUED 3 teaching assistants 3 teaching assistants 1 custodian 1 custodian 1.5 clerical 1.5 clerical 1 aide 1 aide
INSTRUCTIONAL TOTALS Budget -$25,830, Budget -$25,830, Proposed Budget - $24,751, Proposed Budget - $24,751,685 Difference -$1,078,634 = 4.18% decrease Difference -$1,078,634 = 4.18% decrease
TOTAL BUDGET Budget - $47,395, Budget - $47,395, Proposed Budget – 47,366, Proposed Budget – 47,366,845 Difference $29,069 = 0.06% decrease Difference $29,069 = 0.06% decrease
Program Administrative Capital Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District TOTAL BUDGET $47,366,845 Administrative Component $3,881,781 Program Component $36,096,149 Capital Component $7,388,915
PROPOSITION #1 Shall the Board of Education of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District be authorized to expend the sums set forth in the total amount of $47,366,845 for the school year and to levy the necessary tax therefore? Shall the Board of Education of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District be authorized to expend the sums set forth in the total amount of $47,366,845 for the school year and to levy the necessary tax therefore? Budget Proposition
PROPOSITION # 2 Shall the Board of Education of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District (“District”) be authorized and directed to purchase two (2) 65- passenger diesel school buses without luggage at an approximate cost of $205,459 and one (1) 65-passenger diesel school bus with luggage at an approximate cost of $104,715 and one (1) 7-passenger suburban at an approximate cost of $37,362 for a total sum not to exceed $347,536 such sum to be raised by levy of a tax upon the taxable property of the District to be collected in annual installments in the years and amounts as the Board of Education shall determine in accordance with Section 416 of the Education Law and, in anticipation of such tax, issue obligations of the District? School Bus Replacement
PROPOSITION # 3 Shall the Board of Education of the Jamesville-DeWitt Central School District levy and collect a tax to increase the amount from $1,166,700 to $1,209,535 for the support of the DeWitt Community Library, pursuant to Section 259 of the Education Law? LIBRARY
Member, Board of Education Vote for Three Samuel Young Donald VanStry Thomas Taylor Susan Petrosillo
Annual Budget Vote Tuesday, May 17, 2010 Jamesville-DeWitt High School Gymnasium 7:00 am - 9:00 pm