Welcome BHHS Class of 2016
BHHS Counseling Staff Megen Anspach ROP/Career Counselor Diane Hale Co-Dept. Chair/ Guidance Counselor Janice Hart Guidance Counselor Jill Lewis College Counselor Kate Marks Guidance Counselor Celeste McDonald Co-Dept. Chair/ Guidance Counselor Ali Norman- Franks Intervention Counselor Bridget Reichhart Guidance Counselor Hanna Zylberberg Guidance Counselor
SUBJECT BEVERLY HILLS HIGH SCHOOL A. SOCIAL STUDIES 30 credits one year each: World History/Geography, U.S. History, and American Government/Economics B. ENGLISH 40 credits four years C. MATH 30 credits three years which must include: Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra II or Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry D. SCIENCE 20 credits one year each: Biology and a Physical Science -- Chemistry or Physics E. FOREIGN LANGUAGE 20 credits two years: Must include two years of the same foreign language (one year of credit may be earned in 8 th grade) F. FINE ARTS (VPA) 10 credits one year G. ELECTIVES Additional courses to complete a minimum of 230 credits required for graduation PHYSICAL EDUCATION 20 credits in grades 9 and 10 and must pass Physical Fitness Exam HEALTH 5 credits one semester course CAHSEE Must pass both Math and English BEVERLY HILLS HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS FOR CLASSES 230 Credits are required for graduation from BHHS. BHHS graduation requirements are the same as the UC/CSU A-G requirements.
In planning your ninth grade program, it is important to be aware of the high school graduation requirements. You will have an opportunity to meet with your counselor periodically to plan your classes for each year, and to make sure you are meeting graduation and college entrance requirements. Approximately 95 percent of our graduates go on to further education. During your four years at BHHS, your counselor will review college admission requirements with you. Ninth grade grades DO count towards your high school GPA and will be seen by admissions officers at colleges to which you apply. Selective colleges and universities may require more than the BHHS / UC A through G requirements for admittance. BHHS Graduation Requirements (continued)
9 th Grade Electives Animation Culinary Arts (Intro) Architecture Graphic Design Art Foundation Environmental Science** Band Intro to Theater Arts Beginning Journalism Orchestra Broadcast Studies Photo Art Ceramics (Beginning) Piano Workshop Concert Choir If Environmental Science is selected as your elective, you will take Biology in 10 th Grade rather than in 9 th Grade. Students may be recommended for Honors World History, ASB, Algebra Support, Reading Skills Workshop, or General Studies based on current grades, STAR test scores, and/or teacher recommendation. Please choose your elective based on what you are interested in, as changes will not be permitted without approval once school begins. Elective Request Forms are due to your homeroom teacher by March 30, 2012.
BHHS Athletics Fall Sports Cheer, Cross Country, Football, Girls Golf, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball Boys Water Polo Winter Sports Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Girls Water Polo, Wrestling Spring Sports Baseball, Boys Golf, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Boys Tennis, Track, Softball, Swimming Summer conditioning is offered during summer school in the afternoons. Please contact Jason Newman, Co-Athletic Director with questions at The BHHS Athletic Sports Fair will be held on Saturday, June 23 rd from 9am to 11am in the upstairs basketball gym. Information regarding try-out dates will be available.
Activities/Clubs/Organizations Being a well-rounded person is important. Our goal is that 100% of the student body will be involved in an activity, club, or organization. Activities outside of class are where you may actually acquire and practice skills like problem solving, communication skills, and teamwork. Experiment with clubs or activities to find out what is right for you; however there should be something you start and stay with for at least a couple of years. This demonstrates commitment. A complete list of available activities, clubs, and organizations is available on the BHHS website. Please contact Loren Newman, Director of Student Activities at if you have additional
Your 9 th Grade Schedule: As a freshman at BHHS, you will be enrolled in six year- long classes. A typical schedule consists of: English(Regular or Honors)* Math(Algebra 1/2 or Geometry)* Biology(Regular or Honors)* Foreign Language(Level 1/2 or Level 3/4)* PE / Athletic Team Elective Based on Middle School Teacher recommendations If you are not currently taking a Foreign Language, or wish to enroll in a different Foreign Language for 9 th Grade, please see your Middle School Counselor
Bell Schedule All classes meet daily Monday through Friday. The complete bell schedule is available on the BHHS website. 9 th grade students typically begin their day at approximately 8:00am with 2 nd period/ Homeroom and finish after 7 th period at approximately 3:20pm. (Times will vary for those students who participate on an athletic team and/or those who have an optional 1 st period.)
Summer School High school summer school courses for incoming 9 th Graders include: Animation, Photography, Refresher Algebra, Geometry, Biology, and Health Specialty One Week Workshop Freshman 101 Session 1: June 27 – July 13 Session 2: July 16 – July 31 8:00am to 1:20pm Please check the Beverly Hills Summer Academy website at for details and registration information or call (310)
FAQ’s Where can I find useful information regarding Beverly Hills High School? The BHHS website has a wealth of information for parents and students and may be found at How do I communicate a request for an elective change after I have turned in my Elective Request Form? Requests must be received before the end of the school year and may be ed to Diane Hale or Celeste McDonald Co-Department
Whom do I contact regarding summer school questions? Summer school registration information can be found at or you may call (310) When will I get my schedule? Your 8 th grade teachers will share their course recommendations with you by the end of April. You will receive a list of your requested/ recommended courses over the summer. Counselors will be available during drop-in hours in August should you have any questions or concerns. You will receive your actual schedule at Freshman Registration on August 21 st.
Whom do I talk to if I have a question about why I was recommended for a specific class? (For example, I was recommended for regular Biology but I want to take Honors Biology.) After recommendations have been made and communicated to you, should you have a specific question, please see your 8 th grade teachers. What should I do if I have a private question or concern? Please speak with your Middle School Counselor first. If you need additional information, please Diane Hale or Celeste McDonald Co- Department
What do I do if I think of additional questions? Please come to Open House on April 26 th at 5:15pm for our special 8 th to 9 th Grade Orientation. You will be able to meet our administrators, all of the counselors, visit classrooms, and get many of your questions answered.
Upcoming Events BHHS Open House – April 26 th Special 8 th to 9 th Grade Orientation begins at 5:15pm BHHS Athletics Sports Fair – June 23 rd 9am to 11am in the Upstairs Basketball Gym Summer School Registration begins mid-March (check the website for more details) Summer School – June 27 th to July 31 st Session 1 – June 27 th to July 13 th Session 2 – July 16 th to July 31st
Upcoming Events Freshman Registration – August 17 th (parents are welcome and encouraged to attend) Freshman Orientation – August 21 st (students only) First Day of School – August 27 th