4 Are you in the right classroom? 4 This is Period 6 Rm. 3S Spanish 2 (L165). 4 Please sign the Open House sheet. 4 If you haven’t received a name tag, please take one and wear it for the evening. 4 Enjoy the music, I do take requests!
2011 OPEN HOUSE Mr. Charvat (GPC)
Mr. Charvat 4 22st year at SHS 4 BA- Spanish from Valparaiso University 4 MS Education from NIU 4 Varsity Girls Soccer Coach 4 JV Boys Soccer Coach
Mr. Charvat- continued 4 Hobbies- Sports, computers, vacations, music, television, and family. 4 This year I teach Spanish 2, Spanish 4, and Spanish 5! 4 I am a member of the Technology Committee at SHS 4 I am also a graduate of Schaumburg High School- don’t ask what year!
My Schedule 4 Period 1 Spanish L466 Rm. 3S 4 Period 2 Spanish L466 Rm. 3S 4 Period 3 Free 4 Period 4 Spanish L466 Rm. 3S 4 Period 5 Lunch 4 Period 6 Spanish 2 L165 Rm. 3S 4 Period 7 Spanish L579 Rm. 3S 4 Period 8 Free
If your son or daughter needs help... 4 they can see me by appointment periods 3 and 8. 4 they can see me before school 6:45-7:30 am. 4 I can get them help from National Honor Society 4 they can me at 4 they can go to classzone.com
Is there homework in Spanish? 4 Do birds fly? 4 Of course there is! Usually there is homework every night! On average minutes a night. 4 Homework is usually worksheets or workbook pages, but can also take the form of essays, video creation, or computer projects.
Course Content Books used Books used: 4 Avancemos 2 4 This is an excellent, brand new textbook!! 4 There are countless practice activities online!! Materials covered weekly: 4 reading and writing 4 culture 4 listening 4 speaking!!! 4 grammar 4 videos 4 oral reports
GRADING POLICY The Quarter Grade is Divided into three equal categories- each category is worth one-third of the quarter grade. The Quarter Grade is Divided into three equal categories- each category is worth one-third of the quarter grade. 4 Quizzes- one every week 4 Orals- daily- includes everything except for quizzes and tests 4 Tests- one every 2-4 weeks
Grading- continued 4 Each student will be given a 50 point daily homework grade each quarter. This grade is posted at the end of the quarter! 4 If your son or daughter has missed three assignments by midterm it will be indicated on their midterm report. # of missing assignments GradePoints 0A+50 1A47 2A-45 3B43 4B-40 5C38 6D34 7F31 8F28 9F25 10 or moreF0 credit/Teacher conference
Grading- an example Marta Garcia- 4 Quizzes-- 90 4 Orals-- 90 4 Tests-- 90 Final percentage 90 Quarter Grade A-
Course sequence in Spanish 4 Spanish 2 for Freshmen L165 4 Spanish 3 L366 4 Spanish 4 L466 4 Spanish 5 L579 El Espa ñ ol
4 Opportunity to receive college credit in High School (AP). 4 Foreign language learning helps students on the vocabulary sections of the ACT and SAT tests. 4 Improved job opportunities in the future. 4 Learn about other cultures and their customs and traditions! 4 Communicate with people from other countries. 4 It is fun!
Opportunities for continued success! 4 Encourage your children to listen to Spanish music! 4 Encourage your children to watch Spanish television. Search the Internet for Spanish sites. Try Yahoo en Español. 4 Eat in Spanish and Mexican restaurants. 4 Read Spanish and Mexican magazines. Try out various computer programs for practicing Spanish.
Other stuff--- 4 My SHS Web Page is located at: C/GPC.html C/GPC.html 4 My web page has a comprehensive review of all of the vocabulary and grammar used in our textbook and PowerPoint presentations. 4 Always check grades online at I post one to two days after a quiz or test is given.
Do you have any questions for me?