Preventing Dropout Presentation at the SOS-Conference, Drop-outs or Push-outs? - by Kristine Hecksher
Background Preventing Dropout is a three-year project taking place between Focus on issues of dropouts in order to prevent long- term exclusion from society Supported by Interreg IVA - an European Regional Development Fund and the Capital Region of Denmark Counts 14 partners of Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Schools
Activities Identify, develop and test methods of best practice in order to reduce the number of early school leavers Researchers, teachers and counselors work closely together in networks and research circles Danish and Swedish teachers exchange knowledge and engage in common activities
Example Common exercise for Danish and Swedish students with autism
Preliminary Conclusions Vocational guides/counsellors need to take on a new role in order to prevent drop-outs/push-outs Inclusive teaching requires a variety of teaching methods, student involvement end physical exercise Teachers need to focus on language in order to include all students We have to focus on ways to adjust the system to individuals
Students with special needs Expected results: Best practise guide for: How to engage students with autisme/ADHD in physical exercise How to deal with students who suffers from writers block Examples of mentoring Improvement of social skills by the method of Social Stories How to work with absentism
What are the main challenges? How do we provide the best teaching conditions for students with special needs? Special schools or inclusive teaching in integrated schools?
After school? How do we build a bridge between the educational system and the labour market for students with special needs?