Accessing the Future Through Excellence in Education!
To reach Bellmar Middle School, please press 3500.
1. All head coverings must be removed upon entering the school. 2. Miniskirts; halter, strapless or backless tops; and spaghetti straps are not permitted. 3. Items with indecent, suggestive, offensive or obscene language, pictures, or symbols are not permitted. 4. All tops must extend below the waistline. 5. Footwear must be worn at all times. Slippers and flip flops are not recommended for safety reasons. 6. All belts, wristbands, neck bands with studs, spikes, are not permitted. 7. Students dressed inappropriately will be reported to the office staff and will be given an article of clothing to wear, until a parent/guardian can bring appropriate attire. Repeated offenses will warrant disciplinary action.
1 st Nine Weeks 2 nd Nine Weeks 3 rd Nine Weeks 4 th Nine Weeks 6 th Grade th Grade th Grade