The Jordan Education Initiative A Multi-stakeholder Partnership Model to Support Education Reform Haif Bannayan Juliana Guaqueta Osama Obeidat Harry Anthony Patrinos Emilio Porta
Summary Jordan Education Initiative (JEI) launched in 2003 under World Economic Forum (WEF) Public-private partnership – or multi-stakeholder partnership Integrates ICT in education as tool for teaching & learning Fits on-going reform of education system in Jordan JEI main objective: help students develop critical knowledge economy skills crucial for competitiveness & economic growth – JEI also seeks to build capacity of local IT industry – Sustainable reform model supported by private sector that could be scaled & replicated in other countries
JEI Objectives Improve delivery of education through PPP Unleash innovation of teachers & students through effective ICT use Build capacity of local IT industry Create reform model that can be used by other countries
JEI part of Reform JEI developed when Jordan began education reform : Education Reform for Knowledge Economy Project (ERfKE), 2002, strongly supported by His Majesty King Abdullah II The ERfKE strategy is based on: – Structuring educational system to ensure lifelong learning – Ensuring responsiveness of system to the economy – Access & use ICT to support learning & management – Ensuring quality learning experiences & environments
Public & Private Collaboration Help students develop knowledge economy skills – academic-related (communication & thinking) & personal (responsibility, adaptability, teamwork) Improve delivery of education through PPP with potential to accelerate reform through ICT
Origins JEI launched in 2003 by group of nonprofit, IT & telecom industry leaders at World Economic Forum agreed to join forces to improve education in developing country Jordan selected because of top leadership Jordan already had enabling & supporting environment (eg, National Broadband Learning & Research Network) JEI also a response to call expressed in Arab Human Development Report 2002 for public & private collaboration to promote change
Sources of JEI Initial Investment Costs ($ millions)
JEI Partners Minister of Education, Minister of ICT, Minister of Planning & International Cooperation Minister of Education, Minister of ICT, Minister of Planning & International Cooperation Various int’l corporations Various int’l corporations Executive Committee chaired by Minister of ICT, under patronage of HM Queen Rania Executive Committee chaired by Minister of ICT, under patronage of HM Queen Rania
Fast Moving JEI moved quickly from externally supported PPP project to national status WEF umbrella limited to 3 years Most partner support for content & provision of ICT completed in 2007 That represented 1 st phase of JEI By 2008 JEI transformed to not for profit company – Registered in Ministry of Industry & Trade as not for profit Limited Liability Company; one of HM Queen Rania Al Abdullah organizations on education – Independent organization – Own strategy – Research & innovation – Implementer of projects – Consulting services globally
Education Investments Development of e-content – Thus promotes creation of Jordanian education software companies Global – Local – Government – Private partnerships
JEI’s Activities in 100 Discovery Schools
Performance Relative to objectives program effective in: 1.Constitute test bed for innovation in ICTs & education 2.Develop ICT - education industry 3.Develop & test model of education reform based on partnerships to apply in other countries JEI trying to achieve 3 outcomes: 1.Impact on learning 2.Development of local ICT industry 3.Demonstration of an effective reform model
Impact on Learning Delivery of education Effective use of ICTs Development of knowledge economy External reviews reveal positive indications from teachers & students using e-curriculum & technology (USAID) But not enough student-centered learning (NCHRD)
National Assessment for Knowledge Economy Skills (NAfKE) NAfKE measures student achievement in math, science, Arabic; complemented with surveys to students, teachers, principals 2006 & 2008, on 5 types of schools: public; Discovery; Military; UNRWA; private
Results Discovery & Non-Discovery 5 th 9 th 11 th grades in Amman Participating in NAfKE in 2006 & 2008
Mean Differences YearSubjectGradeDiscovery Advantage 2006Math Math99.59* 2006Math114.17* 2006Science57.07* 2006Science96.24* 2006Science114.91* 2006Arabic54.45* 2006Arabic96.24* 2006Arabic115.45* 2008Math53.85* 2008Math97.65* 2008Math Science Science910.01* 2008Science111.97* 2008Arabic56.88* 2008Arabic98.20* 2008Arabic111.44
With Controls YearSubjectGradeDiscovery Advantage 2006Math Math97.58* 2006Math114.74* 2006Science510.83* 2006Science Science Arabic Arabic96.60* 2006Arabic113.86* 2008Math Math96.74* 2008Math Science5-4.25* 2008Science97.11* 2008Science Arabic Arabic96.00* 2008Arabic111.69
Development of Local IT Industry 5 local companies benefited from close relationships with global partners – Example: Rubicon, a local e-content developer, partnered with Cisco Systems & Cisco Learning Institute to produce math e-curriculum – Example: Menhaj worked closely with Microsoft to develop ICT e-curriculum Estimated $3.7 million transferred from global partners to local companies as result of JEI Helped create favorable environment for investment – Example: Cisco formed partnership with Estarta to develop Cisco Technical Support Centre
Developing Model of Reform for Other Countries JEI's focus is education Consultancy arm to manage & implement projects in several countries Supported by World Economic Forum (eg, Palestine, Egypt, Rajasthan) Rwanda developing IT in Education policy
Sustainability Continuity, monitoring, support to 100 DS Finances flows needed to maintain IT in schools Implementing partner to Madrasati ( initiative launched & led by HM Queen Research for Government to find new solutions Full cost of implementing JEI approach: $27,743 /year /school (USAID 2008) $28 per student
JEI Holistic Approach Cycle of Planning & Implementation of Projects
Conclusions JEI represents successful model of international PPP Met objectives of establishing PPP with considerable external donor & private participation JEI able to provide classrooms with state of the art ICT & software Discovery Schools can serve as platforms for experimentation & venues for attracting & piloting further innovation JEI as model of reform & partnerships that can be replicated in other countries JEI’s early success manifested in transformation to national body
Going Forward JEI is important for ongoing education reform Important that program impacts be estimated Need rigorous assessment of impact – Ideally randomized longitudinal study Entering 2 nd phase not too late to follow up students, with randomized trials Taking its role as a test bed for innovative technologies, implementation in Discovery Schools could provide important information on what technologies work and under what circumstances and for which group of students Which technologies work best is the most important question of the day
JEI Current Tracks Phase II tracks Discovery Piloting new innovative solutions & creating New partnerships Expansion Rolling out Through Madrasati Global Outreach JEI services to local-global private Sector and Government