Experience Curve
Marketing strategy - Types of strategies 1 BCG’s “growth-share portfolio matrix” "Based on his work with experience curves (that also provides the rationale for Porter’s low cost leadership strategy), the growth-share matrix was originally created by Bruce D
Experience curve effects 1 In management, models of the 'learning curve effect' and the closely related 'experience curve effect' express the relationship between equations for experience and x-efficiency|efficiency or between efficiency gains and investment in the effort.
Strategic management - Growth and portfolio theory 1 It also provides experience curve advantages
Strategic alliance - Strategy Development 1 * Excessive cost for one party to develop the expertise to carry the transaction itself (e.g. due to experience curve effects|experience curve)
Market analysis - Industry cost structure 1 The cost structure also is helpful for formulating strategies to develop a competitive advantage. For example, in some environments the experience curve effect can be used to develop a cost advantage over competitors.
Learning curve 1 This form, in which unit cost is plotted against total production, is sometimes called an experience curve.
Learning curve - In economics 1 In 1968 Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) generalized the Unit Cost model pioneered by Wright, and specifically used a Power Law, which is sometimes called Henderson's Law. He named this particular version the 'experience curve'. ontent/Classics/strategy_the_experience_ curve/ BCJ
Learning curve - In economics 1 Research by BCG in the 1970s observed experience curve effects for various industries that ranged from 10 to 25 percent.
Learning curve - In economics 1 The economic learning of productivity and efficiency generally follows the same kinds of Experience curve effects|experience curves and have interesting secondary effects
Learning curve - Examples and mathematical modelling 1 :The specific case of a plot of Unit Cost versus Total Production with a Power Law was named the 'Experience Curve': the mathematical function is sometimes called Henderson's Law.
Learning curve - Examples and mathematical modelling 1 The page on Experience curve effects offers more discussion of the mathematical theory of representing them as deterministic processes, and provides a good group of empirical Experience curve effects#Reasons for the effect|examples of how that technique has been applied.
Learning curve - Broader interpretations 1 Initially introduced in educational psychology|educational and behavioral psychology, the term has acquired a broader interpretation over time, and expressions such as experience curve, improvement curve, cost improvement curve, progress curve, progress function, startup curve, and efficiency curve are often used interchangeably
Learning curve - General learning limits 1 Learning curves, also called experience curves, relate to the much broader subject of natural limits for resources and technologies in general
A/UX - Features 1 This feature was intended to ease the Experience curve effects|learning curve for users new to Unix, and decrease the user’s reliance on the Unix manual
Boston Consulting Group - History 1 The company was founded by Bruce Henderson|Bruce D. Henderson, a Vanderbilt University and Harvard Business School alumnus. After many years in the purchasing department of Westinghouse Electric (1886)|Westinghouse in Pittsburgh (where pricing behavior gave him the idea of the experience curve), he joined Arthur D. Little in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was then recruited by The Boston Company, where he founded a one-man, one-telephone consulting unit he named Boston Consulting Group.
Boston Consulting Group - Growth-share matrix 1 The corporation would categorize its business units as Stars, Cash Cows, Question Marks, and Dogs (originally Pets), and then allocate cash accordingly, moving money from cash cows toward stars and question marks that had higher market growth rates, and hence higher upside potential.[ pdf The Product Portfolio], BCG, January 1970[ 4.pdf The Experience Curve Reviewed] BCG
Boston Consulting Group - Experience curve 1 The experience curve illustrates that the more often a task is performed the lower will be the cost of doing it. The task can be the production of any good or service. Each time cumulative volume doubles, value-added costs (including administration, marketing, distribution, and manufacturing) fall by a constant and predictable percentage.
Boston Consulting Group - Experience curve 1 BCG founder, Bruce Henderson, expounded the implications of the experience curve for strategy. BCG research concluded that because relatively low cost of operations is a very powerful strategic advantage, firms should capitalize on these learning and experience effects.
Global strategy 1 Nevertheless, these firms are able to take advantage of scale economies and experience curve effects, because it is able to mass-produce a standard product which can be exported (providing that demand is greater than the costs involved).
List of production topics - Productivity 1 ** Experience curve effects / Vocational education
Porter's generic strategies - Concept 1 The concept of choice was a different perspective on strategy, as the 1970s paradigm was the pursuit of market share (size and scale) influenced by the experience curve. Companies that pursued the highest market share position to achieve cost advantages fit under Porter's cost leadership generic strategy, but the concept of choice regarding differentiation and focus represented a new perspective.
Porter's generic strategies - Cost Leadership Strategy 1 the firm hopes to take advantage of economies of scale and experience curve effects
Corporate strategy - Origins 1 Bruce Henderson, founder of the Boston Consulting Group, wrote about the concept of the experience curve in 1968, following initial work begun in The experience curve refers to a hypothesis that unit production costs decline by % every time cumulative production doubles. This supported the argument for achieving higher market share and economies of scale.
Corporate strategy - Experience curve 1 It has been empirically confirmed by some firms at various points in their history.[ content/Classics/strategy_supply_chain_m anagement_experience_curve_reviewed_t he_concept/ BCG Perspectives-The Experience Curve Reviewed-Parts ] Costs decline due to a variety of factors, such as the learning curve, substitution of labor for capital (automation), and technological sophistication
Corporate strategy - Experience curve 1 Further, the experience curve provided a basis for the retail sale of business ideas, helping drive the management consulting
Corporate strategy - PIMS study 1 It also provides experience curve advantages
Bruce Henderson - The experience curve 1 The strategic implications of the experience curve came closer to shattering earth.—The Economist,
Bruce Henderson - The experience curve 1 The Experience Curve is a managerial tool primarily used to predict cost behavior. It states that costs characteristically decline by 20-30% in real terms each time accumulated experience doubles. This means that when inflation is factored out, costs should always decline. The decline is fast if growth is fast and slow if growth is slow..
Bruce Henderson - The experience curve 1 The Experience Curve partially relies upon the concept of the learning curve, yet expands upon it in de-linking it from labor- driven repetitive tasks.
Bruce Henderson - The experience curve 1 As a managerial tool, the experience curve is still in use in the 2010s, for example by Petrobras in Oil-Field Development.
Bruce Henderson - The growth-share matrix 1 The logarithmic scale may have been carried over from the work done on the Experience Curve (which uses a log-log scale), and is not always consistently used as such - in many cases the scale used is a linear one, not a logarithmic one
Bruce Henderson - The Rule of Three and Four 1 The Rule of Three and Four is Henderson's attempt to understand the implications of experience curves at the level of industry structures. In such endeavor, he conjectures that industries that are stable and competitive will evolve into a structure with no more than three significant competitors, with market share ratios around 4:2:1.
Bruce Henderson - Business and biology 1 By the early 1980s, the lessons of the experience curve led Henderson to shift his thinking beyond the bankruptcy of mainstream economics
Underwater photography - Underwater flash 1 The increasing use of digital cameras has reduced the Experience curve effects|learning curve of underwater flash significantly, since the user can instantly review photos and make adjustments.
Marketing strategies - Types of strategies 1 Based on his work with experience curves (that also provides the rationale for Porter's low cost leadership strategy), the growth-share matrix was originally created by Bruce D
2000s commodities boom - Platinum 1 It started to gain value in mid-2002 and grew on an Experience curve effects|experiential curve model as the prices then began to move sharply upwards
Ragnarok Online - Job system 1 The experience curve for transcendent jobs is significantly higher
For More Information, Visit: m/the-experience-curve- toolkit.html m/the-experience-curve- toolkit.html The Art of Service