December 1, 2013 It is important not only to know what to do, but to understand why. Our church is rich in scripture, history, tradition, and symbolism.
Privilege Worship Nourishment Opportunity to lead Serve to others Enrichment
What does an acolyte do? An acolyte does more than just light the candles. An acolyte is a worship leader involved in : Preparation Leadership Assistance
Who can be an acolyte? Any member of the assembly Youth or adult Male or female Any age (as long as you can reach the candles on the altar and light them)
Why are candles used in worship? Light is symbolic of: 1.God God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5b 2.God’s impact on us I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12 3.The mission to the world. I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Acts 13:47
Old Testament Worship Believers of the O.T. lived under the LAW. They waited for God’s promise of a Savior.
New Testament Worship Believers of the N.T. live under the GOSPEL. God’s promise has been fulfilled in Jesus.
Reverence Respect for God in His sanctuary, shown by: A bow from the waist when entering the altar area – lighting candles, accepting offering, assisting in communion or baptism A bow when leaving the altar Worshipping (singing, hearing the Word, praying, praising) Focus on the tasks of leadership
Alb and Cincture The oldest and most basic vestment Symbolic of the righteousness with which Christ has clothed us
Candlelight Tool Made of precious metals Know how is works Know when to light and extinguish the candles Know which candles to light
Holy Communion Worship Gathering Word Meal Sending
Special Tasks Advent Wreath Imposition of Ashes Palm Sunday Procession Tenebrae Service Easter Baptism Funerals
Church Calendar Festival Portion Christ’s Life Growth Portion AdventTrinity ChristmasSundays after Pentecost EpiphanyReformation Ash WednesdayChrist the King Lent Holy Week Easter Ascension Pentecost
Responsibilities to check on
Opportunity to Practice What does the candle wick look like? Practice reverence bowing. Practice lighting candles. Practice receiving the offering. Practice extinguishing candles. Practice lighting the Advent wreath. Locate the cabinet for robes and the tool.
Would you like to volunteer to be an acolyte?