Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Multnomah County Department of School and Community Partnerships
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN Service System Evaluation Findings Summary of Success
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Underlying Policy Built upon 2 broad policy areas: Supporting education and school success Improving the way resources for students and their families were delivered by developing a school- based delivery model
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN aligns a Core Set of Human services including: Social Services –Emergency Services (Energy, Food, Clothing,etc.) –Rent Assistance –Case Management –Skill Building –Transitional Housing Academic Support –Extended-day Activities (before, after school and evening learning and recreational opportunities for youth and adults) –Case Management –Early Childhood Services –Parent Education & Engagement Health Services Mental Health Services Library Services
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Delivered Through SUN Community Schools –55 SUN Community Schools located in 6 school districts at elementary, middle and high schools Regional Service Centers –6 geographically-based Regional Service Centers Other convenient community locations
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families
Outcome & Evaluation Activities The Department of School Community Partnerships conducted the second annual output and outcomes report in fall 2006 Evaluation activities included : –Review and reassessment of outcome and output measures to incorporate feedback from the first annual evaluation –Development and incorporation of new measures based on feedback –Analysis of output and outcome measures
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families System Results ,382 Individuals were served across the system 62% were people of color/non-White 38% were White/Caucasian 82% of clients were at or below the poverty level 60,734 in % in 04-05
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Demographics: Ethnicity
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Demographics: Gender
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Outcome Analysis Systemwide outcomes were analyzed for 5 programs of the SUN Service System: –SUN Community Schools –Touchstone –Social & Support Services for Educational Success –Parent Child Development Services –Self-Sufficiency Services (Case Management, Rent Assistance, Transitional Housing, Emergency Services, etc.)
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Systemwide Outcomes: School-Age Children & Youth A common set of academic & developmental outcomes was measured again this year across the SUN Service System. For students with regular participation: 70% increased state benchmark scores in Reading 71% increased state benchmark scores in Math Average daily school attendance was 94% 80% attended school 90% or more of the time 77% in % in % in % in 04-05
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Increase Benchmark Scores
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN SS Increase in Benchmark Scores to 05-06
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Average Daily Attendance
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Attendance to 05-06
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families New Measures % Met or Exceeded Reading Benchmarks 68% Met or Exceeded Math Benchmarks Average M/E % for 6 districts: 69% reading 69% math 71% of SUN CS and Touchstone Students Qualified for Free and Reduced Lunch Districts’ average: 49% FRL
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Systemwide Outcomes: Self-Sufficiency & Case Management % of exited clients entering with unstable housing achieved permanent housing By the time of exit from the program or service:
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Systemwide Outcomes: Self-Sufficiency & Case Management % of clients achieved permanent housing 92% of clients had their issues addressed 69% of clients had completed the majority of their case plan goals
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Findings Students continue to make gains in state benchmark test scores in both Reading & Math. We continue to be on target with 70% or more of students making gains Attendance rates have increased from 89% to 94% A number of case management outcomes indicate success for individuals receiving services, and 88% had their issues addressed by the time of exit The targeted number of individuals to serve was exceeded for each program
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN Community School Model: Core Services Extended Day Activities Family Engagement Parent Organizing Individual, Group & Family Support Services Community & Business Involvement Service Integration Site Management
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families In , SUN Community Schools served 19,413 unduplicated youth and adults in enrolled activities Over 120,000 in family & community events 56% of those served were people of color 53% females; 47% males 3,005 more than ,000 more than % in 04-05
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families In , SUN Community Schools Served: 59% of youth served were identified as being at risk of academic failure (not meeting established state or district standards, performing below grade level, ELL, or teacher/staff referral) 69% of student qualified for Free and Reduced Lunch Districts’ average: 49% FRL 54% in 04-05
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families District Comparisons: Percent of Students Eligible for Free and Reduced Lunch (05-06) Centennial51% David Douglas68% Gresham Barlow36% Parkrose53% PPS45% Reynolds 59%
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families What/Who Was Measured? For SUN Community Schools outcomes were analyzed for regular attendees. There were 5,932 regular attendees in ,241 in Regular attendance is defined as 30 days or more of participation. This definition is in alignment with the federal definitions for community school programs
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN Community Schools Outcomes % increased benchmark scores in Reading Average score gain = 3.8 points 71% increased benchmark scores in Math Average score gain = 4.0 points Academic Outcomes 75% in in % in in 04-05
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families New Measures Percent Met or Exceeded Benchmark Reading 71% Met or Exceeded Reading Benchmarks In 50% of SUN Schools, a greater percent of SUN students Met or Exceeded Benchmarks than the school as a whole. DISTRICT COMPARISONS Centennial*70% David Douglas*69% Gresham Barlow74% Parkrose*64% PPS77% Reynolds* 65% Average M/E % for 6 districts: 69%
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Percent Met or Exceeded Benchmark Math 70% Met or Exceeded Math Benchmarks In 48% of SUN Schools, a greater percent of SUN students Met or Exceeded Benchmarks than the school as a whole. DISTRICT COMPARISONS Centennial*71% David Douglas*67% Gresham Barlow73% Parkrose*66% PPS77% Reynolds* 70% Average M/E % for 6 districts: 69%
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN Community Schools Outcomes Average daily school attendance was 94% 91% in % of regular participants attended school 90% or more of the time 76% in Attendance Outcomes
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families District Comparison Average Annual Attendance Centennial93% David Douglas92% Gresham Barlow94% Parkrose93% PPS92% Reynolds 93%
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families What Teachers Say Teacher Surveys : Teachers indicated that the following % of SUN CS and Touchstone students had improvement in these areas: Turning in homework on time70% 75% Homework completion to teacher satisfaction70% 76% Classroom Academic Performance80% 83% Positive Attitude Toward School79% 83% Being Attentive in Class73% 78% Participating in Class78% 83% New Measures: Gaining Confidence in at Least One Subject83% Finding Alternative Resolutions to Problems73% Ability to work well on teams77% Short Term Academic & Behavior Outcomes
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN Student Survey 9 Schools 4 th grade and up: 291 complete surveys 81% of students like coming to school 17% Just for one of two classes 6% Just for SUN 16% Just to see friends or staff they like to hang out with 87% feel safe at school 93% know at least one adult who cares about them and to whom they can go for help
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN CS Student Survey Highlights Highlights – Grades % look forward to SUN 87% feel safe at SUN 85% say SUN helps w/ reading and math 82% say SUN helps with homework 87% say there is 1 thing they are really good at Highlights – Grades % know at least one adult who cares about them & to whom they can go for help 89% agree SUN teachers think they can learn new things 60% learn things in SUN that help them do better in school 64% finish their homework in SUN 86% say there is at least 1 thing they are really good at
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN Student Survey 89% agree SUN teachers think they can learn new things 64% say teachers and student treat each other with respect 62% feel like their ideas count in SUN 59% feel successful in SUN 68% feel safe after school 57% get to do things in SUN they don’t usually get to do elsewhere 63% look forward to SUN activities 60% learn things in SUN that help them do better in school 64% finish their homework in SUN
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN Student Survey 51% enjoy school more 46% make new friends 46% learn more about their own and others’ cultures 55% learn to work together with other students 49% feel more like a part of their school 86% say there is at least one thing they are really good at 73% like to learn new things
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN Student Survey After High School (n=130/ some gave multiple answers) 27% say they will get a job 32% say they will go to community college 97% say they will go to a four- year college 18% say they will join the military 33% don’t know
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families SUN Student Survey Elementary Results (n=142 complete surveys) 84% look forward to SUN 87% feel safe at SUN 87% say their SUN teacher helps them 85% say SUN helps w/ reading and math 82% say SUN helps with homework 87% say there is 1 thing they are really good at
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families In , Touchstone served 3,158 unduplicated youth and adults 1,674 in ,061 households 522 in % of those served were people of color 62% in % were females 45% were males 83% qualified for Free and Reduced Lunch
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families What/Who Was Measured? For Touchstone and SSSES programs, outcomes were analyzed on students who received 45 days or more of service. # of Students who received 45 days or more: Touchstone: 595 students 766 in SSSES: 548 students 790 in 04-05
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Touchstone Outcomes % increased benchmark scores in Reading Average score gain = 4.1 points 72% increased benchmark scores in Math Average score gain = 4.2 points Academic Outcomes 76% in in % in in 04-05
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families New Measures % Met or Exceeded Reading Benchmarks 65% Met or Exceeded Math Benchmarks
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Touchstone Outcomes Average daily school attendance was 90% 89% in % of students served attended school 90% or more of the time 60% in Attendance Outcomes
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Touchstone Outcomes By the time of exit: 92% achieved permanent housing 92% in % had their issues addressed 82% in % completed the majority of their case plan goals 68% in % of exited clients entering with unstable housing achieved permanent housing by the time of exit Case Management/Self-Sufficiency Outcomes
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families In , SSSES served 2,035 unduplicated youth and adults 2,557 in % of those served were people of color 87% in % were females 48% were males 44% Female: 56% male in % of students were identified as At-Risk of Academic Failure Average age: 14
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Social & Support Services for Educational Success (SSSES) Outcomes % increased state benchmark scores in Reading 83% in Average score gain 2.4 points 6.0 in % increased state benchmark scores in Math 71% in Average score gain = 1.3 points 4.3 in Academic Outcomes
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families New Measures 52% met or Exceeded Reading Benchmarks 48% met or Exceeded Math Benchmarks Average M/E % for 6 districts: Reading Middle School 66% High School 49% Math Middle School 65% High School 37%
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Social & Support Services for Educational Success (SSSES) Outcomes Average daily attendance was 90% 87% in % attended school 90% or more of the time 62% in Attendance Outcomes
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Social & Support Services for Educational Success (SSSES) Outcomes By the time of exit: 93% achieved permanent housing 96% in % had their issues addressed 90% in % completed the majority of their case plan goals 72% in % of exited clients entering with unstable housing had achieved permanent housing at exit Case Management/Self-Sufficiency Outcomes
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families In , Parent Child Development Services served 1,762 unduplicated youth and adults; representing 884 households 1,793 /806 in % of those served were people of color 74% in % were females 31% were males 70% were at or below the poverty level
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Parent Child Development Services Outcomes By the time of exit: 99% of the children served had up-to-date immunizations 98% in % were within the normal developmental stage 94% in % of parents reported that they had gained new skills from program participation 99% in % of adults said were more knowledgeable about available resources, including affordable childcare Developmental & School Readiness Outcomes
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families In , Self-Sufficiency Services served 4,297 unduplicated youth and adults 1,505 Households 8,253 in % of those served were people of color 61% in % were females 42% were males 86% of clients were at or below the poverty level
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Self-Sufficiency Services Outcomes By the time of exit: 83% achieved permanent housing 97% in % increased income 20% in % had their issues addressed 68% completed the majority of their case plan goals 69% in % of exited families entering with unstable housing had achieved permanent housing at exit Case Management/Self-Sufficiency Outcomes
Building a Brighter Future for Our Kids and Families Areas of Focus in Service integration 2.Surveys—Student, Parent, Satisfaction 3.Enrollment/Exit services tallies 4.Exiting/Status at Exit 5.Expanding Measures for One-Time Only Funded Programs 6.High School Measures 7.Partners’ Suggestions for Areas of Focus