Writing and Processing Theological Reflections 1
What is a Theological Reflection? The term “theological reflection” has come into prominence over the last thirty years in a variety of settings. It is a means of teaching and learning in which an individual or small group reflects on their personal or collective experience(s) and the analysis/process in light of the scriptures and faith tradition. TRs are often referred to as case studies Experience + Reflection + Analysis Feedback GROWTH 2
What is the role of experience in ministry? Experience is a great teacher –The school of “hard knocks” provides a great education but the school colors are black and blue Experience does not trump Scripture –We have been given a book that distills “experience” for us We need to reflect on our experiences to grow –Someone can have 12 years of ministry experience or 1 year of ministry experience repeated 12 times. 3
Why should they do theological reflection? The purpose of a reflection is to capture the essence of a leadership situation so that the intern can use that situation as a learning environment. The purpose of your reflection on the case study is to make connections between spiritual formation, your academic coursework, and your leadership situation. Spiritual Practice Academic coursework- Leadership situation - Character trait/Spiritual formation 4
The purpose of Theological Reflection is to identify and analyze a significant event and process the event from a biblical perspective in order to bring about character development and spiritual integration.. Why should we do theological reflection? 5 The Theological Reflection document should be designed not just to tell a story but to provide a learning environment to discuss and grow along with you.
Action (old self) Reflection+ Analysis InsightDecision Action (new self) Reflection Process 6
Desired outcomes of theological reflection 1. Understanding of self, God’s word, work and His will Knowing and calling 2. Personal Spiritual Transformation Being and character 3. New action in the ministry leadership/world Doing and competency in practicing ministry 7
Writing a Theological Reflection Your theological reflection assignment is made up of two pages (single-spaced) : Part 1 Narration (1 page) –background –narrative/Event details in chronological order Part 2 Reflection (1 page) –spiritual practice –Character trait –Integration – Use Logos software –Zone Reflection & prayer 8
What situations warrant a theological reflection? Situations of conflict Situations of apathy Situations in which you wish to facilitate change Other... 9
Why is it important to experience ministry? Experiencing ministry Reflecting on the practice of ministry Reporting the practice of ministry Articulating insights gleaned from reflection and integration Planning new approaches to practice of ministry 10
Four Vital Questions? What does it mean? Why is it happening? What is happening? How shall I respond? Responseexperience Reflection Analysis 11
Writing Theological Reflection 12
Instructions for Writing a Theological Reflection Select a leadership situation Describe one meeting or one event – and then describe as background any details that are necessary to understand the nuances of the situation 13
I ) Narration Make yourself the central character in the story. Tell the story from your point of view. You do not have to write in the first person. Feel free to write an open-ended case study. Start out by writing a draft of the story as if you need no background to tell it. Then go back and add the necessary details. Try to separate facts from your interpretation of the facts. 14
II. Reflection & Integration a. Spiritual Practice 1. Write a short reflection describing one of your own spiritual practices as it connects to the ministry event in the case. Spiritual practices give shape to your reflection. Examples of spiritual practices : Sabbath-keeping hospitality acts of service witnessing spiritual guidance fasting working for social justice tithing contemplative exegesis solitude and silence worship prayer spiritual journaling creating community self-examination and confession contemplative Scripture reading 15
Things to consider How did the spiritual practice help me connect more closely with God, with others, in the leadership situation? How did the spiritual practice… –help me change my perception of the leadership situation? –increase my understanding or discernment? –change my behavior ? –reveal something about my personal character ? 16
II. Reflection b. character trait Write a short reflection describing a character trait you attempted to embody (or you hope someday to embody) in the ministry event, and explain how it connects to your case. Your integrity in ministry comes from how you live out your beliefs in daily life. 17
Things to consider You may want to refer to the fruits of the Spirit: Galatians 5:22-23, Colossians 3:12-17 Other character traits that are important in ministry for your consideration could be: a sense of humor ability to forgive yourself and others willingness to listen to all sides of an issue life-long learner consistency openness to learning about people and traditions unlike your own moral and ethical integrity compassion being an agent of reconciliation being a person of engagement not avoidance 18
Other considerations How does my personal character influence the development or the outcome of the leadership situation described in my case study? How does the character trait I chose change my perception of the situation in the case? How does it influence my behavior in the current situation, or how could it influence my behavior in similar future ministry situations? What did I learn from this reflection on a character trait? 19
II. Reflection c. Integration of coursework Write a short reflection describing at least one concept or insight you have learned from your coursework in Bible, theology or leadership class and Spiritual Formation classes and explain how it connects to your case. Help them to reflect on something they have learned from a ministry course that helped you improve a ministry skill that is used in your case. Integrate a theological concepts from the following coursework: systematic theology. Bible course Biblical Spiritual Formation inter cultural course that supports or connects to your case. Carefully exegete the passage/ word using LOGOS software Use insights from the word of God, wisdom to interlace their Zone of Reflection and end in prayer. Let them submit Theological Reflection Response Sheet 20
Integration Theology Intercultural Ministry Spiritual Formation Hermeneutics
Action Plan How does this theological concept/insight connect to my decisions/actions in this case? How did this theological concept affect my course of action in this case or how could it alter my response or course of action in the future? What does this insight teach me about God, or myself and my relationship with others? What does this insight reveal about my understanding of God in the decisions/actions I have taken in this case? What is my short term goal/plan for personal development? What is my long term plan for professional or leadership development? Write a prayer. 22