Ondřej Střítecký
History start of producing: 1960s very favourite during communism – good substitute of non-available Coca Cola & Pepsi after communism – a lot of competitors: new market trademark belongs to Kofola from Krnov prestigious producer in middle Europe (Hungary, Poland and Slovakia)
Products Kofola original Kofola without sugar Kofola citrus
Kofola original Based on KOFO sirup 14 herbs – main is liquorice Compared to ordinary cokes: Half less kofein Third less sugar
Draught kofola Fresh Popular in hot summer
Competitors Coca cola Pepsi cola Non-original kofola makers
Mixed drinks popular with „Rum“ and „Whiskey“
Side products original glasses „Kofoláci“
Contact Address: Za Drahou Krnov CZECH REPUBLIC webpage: