19 Mrs. Sandra Allen Head Teacher 8.12.09 DIARY DATES I would like to thank everyone who has contributed and helped to organise all our fund raising events.


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Presentation transcript:

19 Mrs. Sandra Allen Head Teacher DIARY DATES I would like to thank everyone who has contributed and helped to organise all our fund raising events this term. The amount raised for each event was approximately £1, Craft Fayre, £ for Children in Need and £43.30 for the cake sale. The sponsored fun run has raised an incredible £1, I cannot thank you enough for the support you have given the school and the proceeds benefit all the children, for instance, contributing to the cost of the pantomime and the trim trail. It was good to see so many of you sharing with the children last Friday the work they had completed in their skill based learning in History, Geography, Art etc. I will be talking to some of the children before the end of term to gather their ideas on the new approach to learning. I would welcome your comments on a RICK FORM about the open afternoon in readiness for our next one. The breakfast club has been successful this term and we are continuing with this provision. If your child is not attending and would like to do so please see Mrs Milkins for further details. Christmas is approaching us quickly and the school posting box will be available from today. The panto is next Tuesday 15 th December. The coach should arrive back at approximately 5.30 pm. Please collect your child from the school classroom not from the coach as a register needs to be taken on return from this event. Our school Christmas celebration this year is in the church at 2 o’clock on the last day of term, followed by refreshments back in the school hall. We look forward to seeing you all there. Christmas Party Day is Thursday 17 th December. For party day please may I remind you that we ask children to bring in a plate of food to share at lunchtime instead of their normal school or packed lunch. They can wear party clothes if they wish as we are planning a day of fun activities for them. We urgently need help to set up and clear away after the party at lunch-time. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can help. The school choir will be singing at the Christingle Service at 3pm on Sunday 13th December everyone welcome. They are also singing to Begbrook and Frenchay Nursing homes before the end of term during the school day rd Advent Service at the church 3.00 everyone welcome Whole school attending Panto in Bristol Party afternoon Christmas celebration at 2.00 p.m. in the church and end of Term School closed for In- service training day Beginning of Term 3 for children 9 th & 10 th February parent consultations End of Term Beginning of Term End of Term Beginning of Term School closed for May Day – KS2 Assessment tests End of Term Beginning of Term End of Term 6 2 more In-service training days to be organised pending availability of facilitators. STOP PRESS REMEMBER All newsletters and key policies are on our website. Clubs - This week will be the last week for clubs run by school staff. Sports Heroes, football, athletics, KS1 drama, and Play Rangers will carry on as normal. Play Rangers club will finish next week and I would like to thank on your behalf Emma and Richard for making the club so enjoyable. Mr. Gabb’s open afternoon to see what the children have been doing in their skill based learning will be on Wednesday 16 th December at 2.30pm.