Boolean Searches Named for British mathematician George Boole System of logic designed to produce much better search results Bartenders use Boolean logic every day to fill customers’ mixed drink orders
Remember the Search “Mixers!” Bartenders combine alcohol to make drinks. Operators combine keywords to make search strings. Vodka AND Roses Lime Juice Vodka AND Kahlua = Vodka Gimlet AND milk = White Russian
Research is like adding mixers Too many choices using the subject History – 405,393 articles in ProQuest Research Library Decide on your main ingredient (History), then blend it with mixers (place, time period, person, event) History AND England AND Tudor AND Elizabeth History AND Japan AND Tokugawa AND Shogunate
AND Narrows your search Retrieves only documents that contain all your keywords The more keywords, the fewer the results – Gin and Rum and Tequila and Vodka and “sour mix” and Cola – “Medical research” and ethics and “stem cells” – “Central Park” and Christo and art
OR Expands the search Retrieves documents in which either or both keywords appear The more keywords, the greater the results Also use for synonyms – Stolichnaya or Smirnoff or Finlandia or Absolut or Chopin or Belvedere or “Grey Goose” or VanGogh – Vodka and (Midori or “peach schnapps” or “blue curacao” or “apple pucker”) – college or university – feminism or “women’s rights”
NOT Narrows the search Retrieves documents in which only the first keyword appears – Cosmopolitan NOT splash of cranberry juice – Cowboys NOT Football Beware! The computer will not retrieve documents where both keywords appear. – Fuzzy Navel NOT peach schnapps – vegetarianism NOT “animal rights”
QUOTATION MARKS Not all databases or search engines allow this option Words inside quotation marks become a phrase. Computer searches for the words in that exact order. – Like the layered shot Chocolate Covered Cherry – “green tea” – “Wonder Woman”
NESTING Combines several search statements into one search – Parentheses separate keywords when you are using more than 1 operator and 3 or more keywords – Think about math… (8-4) * (12-6) = 24, but the answer would be different without the parentheses (Jose Cuervo or Sauza) AND (Gran Marnier or Cointreau or Triple Sec) AND (lemon or lime) NOT Salt (MDMA or ecstasy) AND (physiological or medical) AND effects
TRUNCATION Use * or # at end of word. – Computer retrieves documents containing variations of a root word. Sloe Gin Fizz: After Midnight, Against the Wall, Mexican Style, A Little Bit of English, With a Kiss environment* [Finds: environment, environmental, environmentalism, etc.] Use ? inside a word – Computer retrieves various spellings of a word Wom?n [Finds: woman, women, womin, womyn]
Always cite the websites where you retrieved your photos! Bibliography Cocktail:UK. (n.d.). Cocktail Recipe. Retrieved April 28, 2005, from Cynical-C Blog. (2005). Retrieved April 28, 2005, from Double Coffee. (2002). Alkoholiskie kokteiļi. Retrieved April 28, 2005, from Fluid Foundation. (n.d.). Fluid Trade. Retrieved April 28, 2005, from Gimlet. (n.d.). Retrieved April 28, 2005, from Internet Marketing Services. (2002). Martini Swords. Retrieved April 28, 2005 from Martini/martini-excalibur%201.jpg
Bibliography (Continued) Lorenzen, M. (2002). “Remember the Gin and Tonic!” Retrieved April 27, 2005, from Steve’s Frozen Chillers. (n.d.). Steve’s Frozen Chillers. Retrieved April 28, 2005, from Suntory Limited. (2005). Web Night Bar. Retrieved April 28, 2005, from p_long_island_iced_tea.gif Sword Forge. (2005). Functional Swords. Retrieved April 28, 2005, from images/M1643.jpg The Ultimate Cate Blanchett Website. (2003). Retrieved April 28, 2005 from theultimatecateblanchettwebsite/2/7.jpg Vin- & Cocktailguiden i Sverige AB. (n.d.). Cocktailguiden. Retrieved April 28, 2005, from vanillarussian.jpg.