English II – 10/14/2014 Last chance to turn in “Girl” questions for full credit! Objectives: Edit a paragraph; participate in collaborative learning Directions: Please copy and then edit the following short paragraph. There are nine errors. This past weekend I went with my friend’s to a movie and it was awesome we was having such a good time. I just got my license but we took Jamals car not mines. Then we eat pizza.
“Daily Collaboration and Participation Points” Guidelines Helpful Reminders to Create Classroom Community Beginning of class: -Be present and on time. -Be prepared with class materials and homework in the bin. -Enter and start bell ringer independently (hand up if you have a question or whisper to a neighbor). -Be seated within one minute of the bell. -Stand up quietly for the Titan Creed (2 nd period). During Class: -Show respect: Don’t talk when a teacher or a peer is talking. -Stay on task: Complete class work and participate. -Be alert: Heads up; face forward. -Responsible Choices: Use respectful language and keep your hands and feet to yourself. -Stay engaged until the bell rings. -Work actively and cooperatively in partners or small groups. After Class: -Complete reading and homework assignments so you can fully participate the next day. -If you have any problems, concerns, or questions ask your teachers during or after class.
Name 10/14/2014 Name journal Please write a short letter to whoever named you – if you don’t know, take a guess. You may: -thank them for your name -ask questions about your name or your birth -comment on your name and your feelings about it -tell the story you already know about your name
Then, in partners: Share journals and discuss your names with one another; -Why were you named what you were? -What makes your name important? -Why did your parent/s choose it? -If you could change your name, would you? Why? Be ready to share out in five minutes.
English II – 10/15/2014 Objectives: Edit a paragraph; write a name memorial Directions: Please copy and then edit the following short paragraph. There are five errors. This Friday I’m going to homecoming with a few friends. They is so excited to go. Honestly, I don’t like to dance to much but all of my friends can’t wait I am really looking forward to the game beforehand.
Now we are going to listen to a reading of “My Name” by Sandra Cisneros. The purpose of this reading is to understand how the speaker in the story received her name and her feelings towards it. After we have listen to the reading, we are going to “reverse” annotate. Find and underline a line that… This seems important to me because… This makes me wonder… This connects to the central idea because… This shows that…
This seems important to me because… (share out) What conclusions can we draw from these sentences?
8 Vietnam War Memorial
9 Yad Vashem
Name memorials On your notecard, try to memorialize the name of someone close to you (or a famous person) who has passed away. Try to include: -his or her name -when he or she lived -where he or she was from -anything special you want people to remember about the person
English II – 10/16/2014 ANNOTATIONS FROM “THE POWER OF DETAIL” IN THE BIN (1 st only) Objectives: Use subordinating conjunctions; read and annotate a text Directions: You should now be familiar with the ABBI SAW A WUWU subordinating conjunctions. The following sentences use additional subordinating conjunctions which are underlined. Please copy the beginning of each sentence and then try to finish it. 1.Whenever I go on vacation, I… 2.Selina loves traveling to India whereas… 3.She talked to her mother as if… 4.I am going to study for my Chemistry test so that…
1. Our purpose for reading is to determine whether or not someone’s name determines his or her future. 2.Circle words or phrases that you don’t understand. 3.Underline central ideas based on the purpose for reading. 4.Write comments or questions in the margin based on what you’ve circled or underlined. Sentence starters… -This seems important because… -This sticks out to me because… -This shows that… -This connects to the central idea because… -This is evidence of… -This makes me wonder… -I’m confused because…
13 Freakonomics Published in Written by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner. By 2009: 4 million copies sold. 13
The Daily Beast delivers award-winning original reporting and sharp opinion from big personalities in the arenas of politics, pop-culture, world news and more. Fiercely independent and armed with irreverent intelligence, The Daily Beast now reaches more than 17 million readers per month.
English II – 10/17/2014 Objectives: Edit a paragraph; practice close reading Directions: Please copy and then edit the following short paragraph. There are six errors. Homecoming is gonna be a blast I cannot wait! I am so excited for the game for I just know The Titans will win. At the dance, everyone are going to be dressed up in there best clothing I am so excited to see everyone.
1. Our purpose for reading is to determine whether or not someone’s name determines his or her future. 2.Circle words or phrases that you don’t understand. 3.Underline central ideas based on the purpose for reading. 4.Write comments or questions in the margin based on what you’ve circled or underlined. Sentence starters… -This seems important because… -This sticks out to me because… -This shows that… -This connects to the central idea because… -This is evidence of… -This makes me wonder… -I’m confused because…
17 Does a name control one’s destiny? YesNo “Quote directly from the text” YesNo “Quote directly from the text” Freakonomics Daily Beast
Article from The Daily Beast 1. Our purpose for reading this article is to support or refute the idea that names determine one’s future. Please follow the same annotation strategy that we practiced for the first excerpt.
19 YOUR QUESTION YesNo “Quote directly from the text” YesNo “Quote directly from the text” Freakonomics The Daily Beast
Transcript from Arrest I told Mrs. Witherspoon that Mr. Toth was under arrest. I told Mrs. Witherspoon to get back into the car. Mrs. Witherspoon stated that she was a 'U.S. Citizen' and that she was allowed to 'stand on American ground.' I put my hands on Mrs. Witherspoon's arms to arrest her. Mrs. Witherspoon was resistant but I was able to put handcuffs on her without incident due to Mr. Toth calming her down. Mrs. Witherspoon asked, 'Do you know my name?' I answered, 'No, I don't need to know your name.' I then added, 'right now.' Mrs. Witherspoon stated, 'You're about to find out who I am.' I stated, 'I am not worried about you ma'am.' 20