SCIENCE AND THE INVENTION OF RACE Essential Questions: How have ideas about race defined America? Guiding Questions: What role has science played in the creation of race? What does it mean to be scientific? How are ideas of difference, superiority, inferiority, and “we and they” established in society?
WHO IS WHITE? Complete the survey at the link. There are no right answers, just your opinion! When you finish, click “See How Others Responded” to compare your responses when you are finished. x.html x.html
How others responded to the survey questions Why are some groups harder to pin down over others? WHO IS WHITE?
Who am I? How does identity influence how I see others? And vice versa? Who is in our universe of obligation? How has the notion of a ‘we and they’ exist in America? How have ideas of race defined America’ history? How do we choose to remember difficult and complex histories? How have people resisted or challenged these ideas about race and racism?
DEFINING “SCIENTIFIC” Work with a partner to define (to the best of your ability) the term “scientific.”
SCI·EN·TIF·IC (ADJ.) of, relating to, or exhibiting the methods or principles of science
SCI·ENCE (NOUN) knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation
SCI·EN·TIF·IC ME·THOD (NOUN) principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses
RACE TIMELINE 1680 “White” begins to appear in Colonial laws instead of “Englishmen” 1859 Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species + inspires “social Darwinism” 1839 Samuel Morton’s Crania Americana Reinforces polygenesis, all races created separately w/unique traits 1781 Jefferson’s Notes on a State of Virginia argues black inferiority 1883 Francis Galton coins the term “eugenics” 1776 Birth of the term "Caucasian” 1676 Bacon’s Rebellion 1899 Influx of Eastern European immigrants creates sub- division of whites 1619 First enslaved Africans brought to Virginia 1300 Origin of the word “slave” (has no racial meaning) Source:
“It is the province of prejudice to blind; and scientific writers, not less than others, write to please, as well as to instruct, and even unconsciously to themselves, sacrifice what is true to what is popular. Fashion is not confined to dress; but extends to philosophy as well – and it is fashionable now…to exaggerate the differences between the Negro and the European.” FREDERICK DOUGLASS, 1854
JIGSAW READING In small groups you will be assigned different sections of a text to read, annotate and discuss: Group 1: 18 th Century “Race Science” Group 2: Samuel Morton and 19 th Century Race Science Group 3: The Eugenics Movement and 20 th Century “Race Science” Discuss the readings together, be sure to address the four items listed on the front the packet.
You are responsible for exploring one set of documents in-depth. As you read and discuss in your group, be sure you can confident speak about the key points below. Each person in the group will explain these key points to members of the other groups. Questions for all groups 1.Describe the scientist(s) and their research and findings. 2.In what ways was this work ‘scientific’? 3.How were these scientists shaped by their society? 4.How did these scientists shape their society? JIGSAW READING
SUMMARY At your table, work together to create a six-word memoir summarizing this history.
Dr. W Montague Cobb was a physical anthropologist (first African-American PhD in anthropology) worked to disprove the science of race In measuring Jesse Owens, future 4-time gold medalist at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Dr. Cobb determined He concluded that training was far more important than race or genetic endowment PUSHBACK ON SCIENCE OF RACE Source: Harrison, Ira. African-American Pioneers in Anthropology.
In the Mismeasure of Man, Stephen Jay Gould, a biologist, evaluated Samuel Morton’s methods and concluded: He omitted certain skull sizes when they didn’t fit his conclusions He failed to correct his measurements for gender and stature – inflating the size of European skulls and decreasing others Randomly rounded up and down when WAS “RACE SCIENCE” SCIENTIFIC? Source: Race and Membership in American History: The Eugenics Movement
This stuff was popular! Types of Mankind sold well and over nine editions were printed Rise of the eugenics movement Influenced entire generations of scientists, scholars, politicians and journalists Continued use of categorization and labeling (i.e. aptitude tests, census, etc.) LEGACY OF SCIENCE AND RACE
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES The Hapa Project (art installation): Race Power of an Illusion – Sorting People activity: home.htm home.htm Race Power of an Illusion – Human Diversity: home.htm home.htm Race and Membership in American History: The Eugenics Movement (“The Blue Book”) p Examples of six-word memoirs in schools: memoirs-in-schools/ memoirs-in-schools/
What might you use from this session to help your students understand “race science”? What are some takeaways for your own teaching? What could be some challenges in teaching this? PUT YOUR TEACHER HAT ON!