Receive the Holy Spirit in a special way Make us grow in faith, hope, and charity which we received in Baptism Render us more firm in faith & religious duties to live a model life Make strong & perfect Christian so that we become a witness & soldier of Christ (resist attacks of and secure victory over spiritual enemies)
Confirmation Receive in state of grace (no mortal sin) Imprint a spiritual mark on the soul Receive only one time Not necessary for salvation but command obliging to receive A sin if neglect
PREPARATION FOR CONFIRMATION Study chief mysteries of faith (know the laws and the command of Christ) Duties of Christians Nature and effect of sacrament
Outward Signs Extent of hand and pray to receive the Holy Spirit Anointing the forehead with chrism in the form of a cross Profess and practice catholic faith Established by Christ Taught by Apostles Died for by Martyrs Brought true civilization Truly reform and preserve public & private morals Never be ashamed of it Rather die than deny it Slight blow on the cheek by bishop to remind to be ready to suffer for Christ
EFFECTS OF CONFIRMATION Increase sanctifying grace Strengthening of faith Gifts of the Holy Spirit
7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit 1. Wisdom 2. Understanding 3. Counsel 4. Fortitude 5. Knowledge 6. Piety 7. Fear of the Lord
12 Fruits of the Holy Spirit 1. Charity 2. Joy 3. Peace 4. Patience 5. Benignity 6. Goodness 7. Long-suffering 8. Mildness 9. Faith 10. Modesty 11. Continence 12. Chastity
8 BEATITUDES A portion of Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount Hold out a promised reward to those who practice the virtues Chief features in Christ’s own earthly life poverty in His birth, life and death meekness in His teaching sorrow at all times sought to do good showed mercy to all recommended chastity brought peace patiently endured suffering
8 BEATITUDES Poor in spirit Meek Mourners Hunger and thirst after justice Merciful Clean of heart Peacemaker Persecuted for justice' sake
MEANING AND USE OF BEATITUDES embrace whatever pertains to the perfection of Christian life invite us to the practice of the highest Christian virtues promise the same reward, namely, sanctifying grace in this life and eternal glory in the next offer us encouragement and consolation for every trial and affliction
SPONSOR Necessary Good character as in baptism due to same duties and responsibilities Spiritual relationship not impediment to marriage