Antônio J. Roque da Silva (IFUSP), Adalberto Fazzio (IFUSP), Raimundo R. dos Santos (UFRJ), and Luiz Eduardo Oliveira (UNICAMP) Parametrization of Mn-Mn interactions in Ga 1-x Mn x As semiconductors Workshop de Nanomagnetismo – 24 e 25/6/2004 Rede Virtual de Nanociência e Nanotecnologia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro/FAPERJ Financiamento: CNPq FAPERJ FAPESP Inst Milênio de Nanociências, Rede Nacional de Materiais Nanoestruturados
Motivation Combination of semiconductor technology with magnetism should give rise to new devices: Spin-polarized electronic transport long spin-coherence times (~ 100 ns) have been observed in semiconductors manipulation of quantum states at a nanoscopic level
Magnetic semiconductors Early 60’s: EuO and CdCr 2 S 4 very hard to grow Mid-80’s: Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors II-VI (e.g., CdTe and ZnS) II Mn difficult to dope direct Mn-Mn AFM exchange interaction PM, AFM, or SG (spin glass) behavior 90’s: Low T MBE (In,Mn)As Uniform (Ga,Mn)As films on GaAs substrates: FM; heterostructures- Possibility of useful devices
Ga: [Ar] 3d 10 4s 2 4p 1 Mn: [Ar] 3d 5 4s 2 Mn atoms: provide both magnetic moments and holes hole-mediated ferromagnetism Ga As Ga 1-x Mn x As
Resistance measurements on samples with different Mn concentrations: Metal R as T Insulator R as T Reentrant MIT [Ohno, JMMM 200, 110(1999)] Ga 1-x Mn x As
Hole concentration vs Mn concentration 1 hole/Mn atom
A simple mean field treatment † yields 1h/Mn Notice maximum of p(x) within the M phase correlate with MIT Early predictions [Matsukura et al., PRB 57, R2037 (1999)] log! † [RRdS, LE Oliveira, and J d’Albuquerque e Castro, JPCM (2002)]
First principles calculations should shed light into these issues Experimental data very sensitive to growth conditions what are the dominant mechanisms behind the origin of ferromagnetism in DMS? how delocalized are the holes (are effective mass theories meaningful)? what is the effective Mn-Mn interaction? RKKY? what is the role of disorder?
Method Ab initio total energy calculations – DFT -VASP Ultra-soft pseudopotential Supercell calculations – 128/250 atoms (fcc) Spin polarized GGA (Perdew, Burke, Ernzerhof) for exchge-correl’n Plane waves basis set – (cutoff of 230eV, k = L) Final forces smaller than 0.02 eV/Å
Mn As Ga Single Mn atom
20.3 Å
Isosurfaces for the net local magnetization Mn Ga Ground state: quite localized hole interacting antiferromagnetically with S=5/2 of Mn(d 5 ) Green=0.004e/A 3 Blue= e/A 3
We now consider two Mn atoms per unit cell Assume all possible non-equivalent positions For a given relative position, we consider FM and AFM relative Mn orientations, and work out the energy difference Fit this energy difference to a Heisenberg interaction: thus estimates for J (r 1 – r 2 )
Ferromagnetic Mn As Mn-Mn 1 st NN Antiferromagnetic
Ferromagnetic Mn As Mn-Mn 1 st NN Antiferromagnetic
Ferromagnetic Mn As Mn Mn-Mn 1 st NN Mn-Mn 2 nd NN Antiferromagnetic
Ferromagnetic Mn As Mn As Mn-Mn 1 st NN Mn-Mn 2 nd NN Antiferromagnetic Again, note quite localized character of the holes
The ferro-antiferro total energy differences yield the effective coupling between Mn spins (J Mn-Mn S Mn ·S Mn )
Therefore: impurity levels are localized effective-mass picture for holes may be quite inadequate Mn-Mn interaction mediated by AFM coupling Mn-hole J Mn-Mn always ferromagnetic non-RKKY estimates for anisotropy and direction dependences for effective J Mn-Mn
Our current agenda: 1)Effects of disorder? 2)Effects of concentration? Preliminary results
Strategy (in principle): Randomly place Mn atoms in the Ga sublattice and use a look up table for J’s Ga Mn J1J1 J4J4 J2J2
We start with 4 Mn in our 128 atoms supercell: Roadmap 1)Randomly place 4 Mn atoms in the Ga sublattice 2)Calculate, using same ab initio scheme, the total energies for: a)(Mn 1,Mn 2,Mn 3,Mn 4 )=(up,up,up,up) – Ferro b)(Mn 1,Mn 2,Mn 3,Mn 4 )=(down,up,up,up) – Flip Mn 1 c)(Mn 1,Mn 2,Mn 3,Mn 4 )=(up,down,up,up) – Flip Mn 2 d)Etc. 3)Calculate energy differences E (Flip-Mn1)-Ferro, etc. 4)Write up same energy differences using an effective Heisenberg Hamiltonian, and extract effective J n 5)Compare with previous results with only two Mn
4 Mn in 128 cell: - disorder inside unit cell - images are taken care of (unwanted order!) - Mn concentration – (6.25 %) - Different from 1 Mn in 32 atoms unit cell or 2 Mn in 64 atoms unit cell Ga Mn J1J1 JiJi
4 Mn in 128 atoms unit cell Ab initio results Ferro = eV Flip 1 = eV Flip 2 = eV Flip 3 = eV Flip 4 = eV Ferro - lowest energy configuration 1-Ferro = eV 2-Ferro = eV 3-Ferro = eV 4-Ferro = eV
4 Mn in 128 atoms unit cell Heisenberg Hamiltonian results Ferro = Flip 1 = Flip 2 = Flip 3 = Flip 4 = 1-Ferro = 2-Ferro = 3-Ferro = 4-Ferro = For the particular realization, the Hamiltonian is
2 Mn in 128 atoms unit cell Classical x Quantum Heisenberg Hamiltonian results ClassicalQuantum J1J J2J J3J J4J J5J J6J J (meV) Same trend, Classical or Quantum
2 Mn x 4 Mn in 128 atoms unit cell Classical Heisenberg Hamiltonian 2Mn4Mn J1J J2J J3J J4J J5J J6J J (meV)
2 Mn x 4 Mn in 128 atoms unit cell Classical Heisenberg Hamiltonian 2Mn(4Mn) 1 (4Mn) 2 J1J J2J J3J J4J J5J J6J J (meV)
2 Mn x 3Mn x 4 Mn in 128 atoms unit cell Classical Heisenberg Hamiltonian 2Mn3Mn(4Mn) 1 (4Mn) 2 J1J J2J J3J J4J J5J J6J J (meV) 2Mn: x = Mn: x = Mn: x =
2 Mn x 3Mn x 4 Mn in 128 atoms unit cell Large reduction in the values of some of the J’s – Possible reasons: -Effective Heisenberg Hamiltonian may not be appropriate to describe “magnetic” excitations -Effective Hamiltonian ok to describe low-energy magnetic excitations, but our spin flip excitations may have too high an energy (non-collinear spin ab initio calculations?) -Disorder and/or concentration may have an important effect in the effective J couplings
Next steps (1): Perform more calculations with random structures – obtain a distribution for effective J’s Perform similar calculations for different Mn concentrations Non-collinear spin calculations If we conclude that we have a physically correct description through effective J’s + classical Heisenberg Hamiltonian, perform calculations for T > 0 (Monte Carlo) Next steps (2): Study (ab initio) how defects (e.g., interstitial Mn) change this picture by placing them in the, for example, 4 Mn in 128 atoms supercell – local disorder + defects
Conclusions: Effective mass descriptions (and improvements thereof) not reliable Effective Mn-Mn interactions not RKKY Disorder strongly influences effective Mn-Mn interactions; simple model? Heterostructures: -doping, Be co- doping
Mn-hole exchange coupling J hd = eV; 250 atoms, x = J hd = 0.11 eV; 128 atoms, x =
We have performed total energy calculations based on the density-functional theory (DFT) within the generalized-gradient approximation (GCA) for the exchange-correlation potential. The electron-ion interactions are described using ultra-soft pseudopotentials and plane wave expansion up to 200 eV as implemented in the VASP code. We used a 128-atom and 250-atom fcc supercell and the L-point for the Brillouin sampling. The positions of all atoms in the supercell were relaxed until all the force components were smaller than 0.05 eV/Å.
Isosurfaces for the difference between calculated for the Mn Ga ground state and the GaAs host
m(r) = (r)- (r) m(r) = +0.5 e - /Å 3
Sub-Si n=p
As Ga a1 t2 As a1a1 t2t2 Mn a1a1 t2t2 t2t2 e
F. Matsukura, H. Ohno, A. Shen, and Y. Sugawara, Phys. Rev. B 57, R2037 (1998) MBE at low growth T ( O C) on GaAs (001) substrates x = – nm thick Ga 1-x Mn x As samples A. van Esch et al, PRB 56, (1997) Ga 1-x Mn x As layers grown on GaAs (100) substrates GaAs grown by MBE at low temperatures (200 – 300 O C) samples of 3 m thick with Mn concentrations up to 9% K. W. Edmonds et al, APL 81, 3010 (2002) metallic behavior for x 0.08 Ga 1-x Mn x As layers grown on semi-insulating GaAs (001) substrates by low-temperature (180 – 300 O C) MBE using As 2 samples: 45 nm thick S. J. Potashnik et al, APL 79, 1495 (2001) temperature during growth: 250 O C Ga 1-x Mn x As layers: thicknesses in range 110 – 140 nm
M. J. Seong et al, PRB 66, (2002) samples grown as in Potashnik et al: 250 O C and 120 nm used a Raman-scattering intensity analysis of the coupled plasmon-LO phonon mode and the unscreened LO phonon. H. Asklund et al, PRB 66, (2002) angle-resolved photoemission; 1% - 6% growth temperature of LT-GaAs and GaMnAs was typically C Mn concentrations accurate within 0.5 % NOTE THAT T. Hayashi et al, APL 78, 1691 (2001) “a 10 o C difference in the substrate temperature during growth can lead to a considerable difference in the transport properties as well as in magnetism even though there is no difference in the growth mode as observed by electron diffraction
2 Mn atoms as nearest-neighbors (Ga sub-lattice) Antiferromagnetic coupling m(r) = e - /Å 3 m(r) = e - /Å 3
VERY DILUTED DOPING LIMIT: Mn FORMS ACCEPTOR LEVEL 110 meV ABOVE VALENCE BAND ANGLE-RESOLVED PHOTOEMISSION SPECTROSCOPY OBSERVES IMPURITY BAND NEAR E F. INFRARED MEASUREMENTS OF THE ABSORPTION COEFFICIENT ALSO REVEAL A STRONG RESONANCE NEAR THE ENERGY OF THE Mn ACCEPTOR IN GaAs. E. J. Singley, R. Kawakami, D. D. Awschalom, and D. N. Basov, PRL 89, (02) conductivity data: estimate the effective mass to be 0.7 mo < m* < 15 m o for the x = sample, and larger at all other dopings, which suggest that the carriers do not simply reside in the unaltered GaAs valence band
favor a picture of the electronic structure involving impurity states at E F rather than of holes doped into an unaltered GaAs valence band work obtained by using “complete” Kohn-Luttinger formalism (magnetic anisotropy, strain, etc): M. Abolfath, T. Jungwirth, J. Brum, and A. H. MacDonald, PRB 63, (2001). T. Dietl, H. Ohno, and F. Matsukura, PRB 63, (2001).
Isosurfaces for the net local magnetization: two Mn Ga defects In (a) and (b) the two Mn are nearest neighbors with their S=5/2 spins alligned parallel and antiparallel, respectively Mn As Mn-Mn 1 st nn Mn As Green=0.004e/A Blue= e/A