Future of Smart Metering Kansas Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency Conference September 26, 2007
2 Definitions F Smart Metering l Integrated collection of devices, networks, systems, protocols and processes collecting information on customer electricity usage and allowing for remote, real-time transactions between the company and its customers l Reliable and securely communicate the information to a central location for meter data storage that can be accessed by the customer and utility
3 History F Traditional Metering l Manually monthly meter reads l One-way radio based (RF) systems l Drive-by/remote reading F Smart Metering l Real time or near real time information l Enabler technology for future requirements l Pre-requisite for fair and effective demand response
4 Integral to Energy Efficiency Initiatives F Fully addressable, two-way communications network between the utility and each of it’s customers’ premises l Enables load management – Load control Enables complex metering (and pricing) – Time of day – Real time l Grid automation – Automated meter reading – Outage management and restoration – Service switch – Prepayment, load limiting, remote connect/disconnect – Theft detection
5 Benefits F Energy information services F Improve billing accuracy F Improve service quality and reliability F Faster outage notification and restoration F More payment options l Prepay metering l Selectable bill dates l Time Based pricing F Analysis of high bills F Security and privacy F New diverse customer services F Service switch benefits - remote connect/reconnect, load limiting F Enabler to energy efficiency initiatives F Improve customer satisfaction