Writing & Reading Workshop A Brief Introduction
Writing Workshop Three Major Writing Components Choice Piece –Process writing –Student chooses topic –Minimum of 2 for the Year –Worked on at home or school –Test & quiz Weighted Mode Piece –Process writing –Teacher assigns Mode –One per marking period –Worked on primarily at school –Test & quiz Weighted
Writing Workshop Three Major Writing Components Continued Writer’s Notebook –One-time entries (not process writing) –Student chooses topics –Develops fluency –Place for storing future writing ideas –Place for experimenting –Student is to fill the page –Worth a homework grade BUT two entries per marking period will be selected to add to a writing portfolio
Timed Paired- Text Responses –On-demand reading/ writing –One per marking period –Test-grade weighted –Worked on at school –Connected to All LA Standards Writing Workshop Two New Components Close Reading –Reading Challenging Text Closely –Re-reading multiple times –One per marking period –Worked on only in school at school –Anchor Standard 10
Reading Workshop Three Major Reading Components Mentor Text Reading –Student selected –Connected to choice writing –Used as mode- related models –Used for style development –Used for idea generation Unit Core Reading –Teacher Selected –All students read (either in the class or in literature circles) –Used for close reading models –Fiction & Nonfiction
Reading Workshop Three Major Reading Components Inquiry-Based Research & Read Aloud Materials –Article-based reading connecting to units –Literature Circle based readings connected to literature circle readings –Read-aloud books selected to model fluency and used for think- aloud strategies
Writing & Reading Workshop Units Heroes in Life and Literature –Fiction & Nonfiction –Argumentative Writing Witnessing Prejudice in Stories, Society, and Self –Historical Fiction & Nonfiction –Compare & Contrast Writing Learning to Thrive from Those Who Survive –Survival & Personal Narratives; Documentary Film –Personal Narrative Writing Real Conflict in Science Fiction –Science Fiction –Radiobroadcast Script Writing
Workshop Structure How the Workshops (typically) Run Mini-Lesson Introduction –Student Work Independently –Self-Assess –Peer Conference –Teacher Roams and supports in process –Share at times Wrap-Up / Closure Formal conferences with the teacher scheduled
Study Island Notes Topics assigned 10-questions per session Counts as an alternative assessment (15% of Marking Period grade) Students may try the sessions as many times as they like in the week to earn the grade they would like May revise any section ALL marking- period long Must record score on chart Show me any revised scores
Workshop Impact on the NJASK
Workshop Impact on the NJASK By the Numbers 2014 Graduating Class When in 6th Grade 2014 Graduating Class When in 7th Grade Advanced Proficient520 Proficient5446 Partiall Proficient Graduating Class When in 6th Grade 2015 Graduating Class When in 7th Grade Advanced Proficient420 Proficient5136 Partiall Proficient97 69% of the 2015 graduating class improved overall 68% of the 2014 graduating class improved overall
Other Numbers 3 x 10,000 = three choice pieces turned in last year consisting of 10,000 words or more (one included 14,000 +) 20 = Number of students who increased their NJASK scores by 25 points or more (one increased by 61 points jumping from just in the proficient range to the AP level