Galvanizing a Collective Effort for World Missions From Everywhere to Everywhere
The Common Purpose which brings us together: The Glory of God among the nations!
ΙΙ.Common Knowledge and networks help us to get connected with what God is doing around the world
1. The World Christianity keeps growing in non western countries…
The rapid growth of evangelicals worldwide…
2. The digital revolution opens new doors in Evangelism
3. A militant Islamic increase along with persecution around the globe
4. Global Economic Crisis did not stop the church growth
5. Spiritual hunger grew more intense!
People are against organized religion, symbols etc but for spirituality Passion of Christ C.S Lewis classics Fireproof Jabez Purpose Driven Life The Shack
6. The movement of cooperation and Unity among believers… The World Evangelical Alliance The Lausanne Movement Spiritual Movements in the Catholic and Orthodox Church
III. Common Programs maximize our Efforts From Everywhere to Everywhere
Each nation contributes according to their gifts, resources, human power… The Boby of Christ The Blessing of Synergy συν (together) + έργο (work) The Blast of Cooperation
IV.. Common shared experiences enlarge our know-how similar ministries could learn from each other and get better equipped to advance the kingdom of God
Globalization Factor
Galvanization Factor…. It is a process not a program or event It is a cooperative process - koinonia It is Biblical imperative Eph. 2/21-22
Through Him the whole building is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you are building each other in making a dwelling place of God in the spirit. Eph. 2/21-22
You are living Stones! A. Pet. 2:5 Συνοικοδομείστε/ Synoikodomeiste Συν (together) + οικοδομή (building) You are building each other For creating a holy temple for His glory!
V. Common Initiatives brings us Closer
V. Common Itiatives brings us Closer Help us not to «reinvent the wheel» Help us to be wise stewards of God’s resources Help us to fullfil the heart of God John 17 Help us not to «reinvent the wheel» Help us to be wise stewards of God’s resources Help us to fullfil the heart of God John 17
We are forced to come closer by: Pressures, or financial crisis or physical disasters Persecution as we seek mutual support Programs like this thanks to the catalytic initiative of Engles of Peace
VI. Common needs help us to focus more and respond better on urgent situations From Everywhere to Everywhere…
These are Global Challenges: Conflicts of worldviews
Urbanization Factor
Our resources running out…
Climate Changes
Children at Risk… AMG International
Increase in the gap between rich and poor
These are local Challenges: The Problem of Refugees
These are local Challenges: Trafficking and Prostitution Drugs and Alcohol Sanctity of Life
VI. Common vision for the future From Everywhere to Everywhere…
Some difficult questions: Q #1: Do we serve the purpose of His Church in our post modern world?
Questions #2 Are we ready to change our programs, priorities and practices just for seeing the Glory of God upon the nations?
Questions #3 Are we ready to pay The cost?
Question #4 Are we ready to surrender to God following what He is doing or we just want to maintain our own «ministry»?
Saved (800 million) Lost, although told (1.5 billion) Lost, within reach, but not told (2.25 billion) Lost, and out of reach (2.25 billion) EVANGELISMEVANGELISM MISSIONSMISSIONS REACHEDREACHED (33%) UNREACHEDUNREACHED (66%) UNEVANGELIZEDUNEVANGELIZED (90%) OUTOFREACHOUTOFREACH (33%) WORLD EVANGELIZATION Total World Population: 6.8 billion
We do not need fireworks WE NEED FIRE!!! From Everywhere to Everywhere…
Proposals for common action in Balkans Family life programs Businness Developents Apologetic Presentations Youth Conferences Synergy in facing local challenges Church planting among ethnic groups Second Balkan Mission Conference
We do not need fireworks WE NEED FIRE!!! From Everywhere to Everywhere… For more info: