Power-On, Power-Up, Power-Through, PowerPoint Scott Crandall Miller District Governor – District January 2010 Toastmasters Leadership Institute Introduction Presentation
Table of Contents Introduction Session Overview What is PowerPoint PowerPoint Features PowerPoint and Speeches PowerPoint Training Presentation
Introduction Have you ever asked any of the following questions: What is PowerPoint? How can I make use of the power of PowerPoint? Are there Guidelines for creating presentations? Can I get examples of PowerPoint presentations? Yes You If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then this educational session is for You
Session Overview PowerPoint and its many uses. What is PowerPoint (PP)? Use AIDE to help craft your PP presentation. Use the accompanying guidelines to construct your PP presentations. See PowerPoint examples
What is PowerPoint? Ask a technical person and you might get, “An application program that provides the means of displaying an electronic slides show with a combination of both text and images!” Ask a laymen and you might get, “A tool to help in communicating ideas, thoughts and images in order to inform or persuade others to your point of view.”
PowerPoint Features Demonstrate some of the features of PowerPoint. Normal View –Slide Mode –Outline Mode Slider Sorter Notes Section
PowerPoint Features (cont.) Change the Template Task Pane under View or Ctr+F1 Slide Design Animation and Transitions Under Slide Show What do the file extensions.ppt and.pps mean?.ppt – think of t for template.pps – think of s for slide show
PowerPoint and Speeches What type of presentations can you create using PowerPoint? Speaker Mode Kiosk Individual Mode –Hands on usage –Training, or Educational Package How does PP relate to the Toastmaster Manuals or any other type of speech?
PowerPoint Training Presentation Guidelines to making and doing PowerPoint presentations. Technical doing it - AIDE.ppt PPGuidelines.ppt See PowerPoint examples Beyond the Numbers Astronomy - sample.ppt Impact Earth.pps How fast must you be going to do.pps