Copyright © Harcourt Religion Publishers 1 Types of Power 5:1 Power for—power for the good of someone in need Power over—power to direct and command others Manipulative or exploitative power— Power with: empowerment— using others without consideration of the needs of the other working with others to achieve some worthy goal, combining my power with the power of another so that we build power for good
Copyright © Harcourt Religion Publishers 2 Matthew 12:45 Acts 8:71 Peter 3:19 Mark 3:30; 5:2, 8 Galatians 4:3Revelation 16:13 Luke 4:36 Colossians 2:20 (Part 1) The Spirit in the New Testament 5:2
Copyright © Harcourt Religion Publishers 3 (Part 2) The Spirit in the New Testament 5:2 Acts 1:2, 5, 8, 16 Acts 2:4, 33, 38 Acts 4:8, 25, 31 Acts 5:3, 32 Acts 6:5 Acts 7:51, 55 Acts 8:15, 17, 19 Acts 9:17, 31 Acts 10:38, 44, 45, 47 Acts 11:15, 16, 24 Acts 13:2, 4, 9, 52 Acts 15:8, 28 Acts 16:6 Acts 15:8, 28 Acts 16:6 Acts 19:2, 6 Acts 20:23, 28 Romans 5:5 Romans 9:1 Romans 14:17 Romans 15:13, 16 1 Corinthians 6:19 1 Corinthians 12:3 2 Corinthians 13:13 Ephesians 1:13 Ephesians 4:30 1 Thessalonians: 5:19, 23 2 Thessalonians 2:13 2 Timothy 1:7 2 Timothy 4:22 Hebrews 2:4 Hebrews 4:12 Hebrews 6:4 Hebrews 10:29 1 Peter 3:4 2 Peter 1:21 1 John 3:24 1 John 4:1
Copyright © Harcourt Religion Publishers 4 Umoja (unity) Kujichagulia (self-determination) Ujima (collective work and responsibility) Ujamaa (familyhood and cooperative economics) The Principles of Kwanzaa 5:3 How can we increase the unity in our families? How can we increase the unity in our faith community? How does peer pressure interfere with self-determination? How are we influenced positively by peer pressure? How do people in our school community work together to create a true learning environment? How do we economically support the small business people in our neighborhoods and around our school?
Copyright © Harcourt Religion Publishers 5 The Principles of Kwanzaa 5:3 Nia (purpose) Kuumba (creativity) Imani (faith) What do we do to motivate ourselves to be good persons? How do we motivate classmates to do better? What creative talents are present in this class? How could they be better used? In what do we have faith? What are the results of that faith?
Copyright © Harcourt Religion Publishers 6 CHAPTER 5 Vocabulary Review 5:4 an ancient word with many meanings, including breath, life, vitality, inner qualities, personality, invisible reality different ways that Scripture and Christian tradition name the invisible spiritual reality that is God; the third Person of the Holy Trinity; the personal love of the Father and the Son for each other spirit (page 90) Holy Spirit, God’s spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of the Lord, Holy Ghost (page 92) spirit of Jesus, spirit of Christ, spirit of the Lord, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost (page 94) different ways that Scripture and Christian tradition name the invisible spiritual reality that motivated and empowered Jesus, and that motivates and empowers those who commit themselves to following him
Copyright © Harcourt Religion Publishers 7 CHAPTER 5 Vocabulary Review 5:4 strengthened, energized, given the ability to do something from the Latin word meaning to confirm, affirm, or strengthen, the name of the third Sacrament of Initiation; performed ordinarily by a bishop who anoints the forehead of the candidate while saying, “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” empowered (page 95) Confirmation (page 100) gifts of the Spirit (page 102) capabilities or dispositions (sometimes called strengths or virtues) that help us follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and grow in our relationship with God and others
Copyright © Harcourt Religion Publishers 8 CHAPTER 5 Vocabulary Review 5:4 faith, hope, and love; spiritual gifts that enable us to act as children of God and followers of Jesus a spiritual gift; today the term usually refers to special abilities in ministry an ancient ritual gesture of approval, blessing, and acceptance, in which one or both hands are placed on the head of the one receiving the gesture charism (page 106) laying on of hands (page 113) theological virtues (page 103)
Copyright © Harcourt Religion Publishers 9 CHAPTER 5 Vocabulary Review 5:4 anoint (page 114) chrism (page 114) from the Latin word for oil or salve, originally a pouring of perfumed oil on the head or a smearing of scented salve over the upper body the aromatic oil used in Confirmation, from the Greek word related to ointment and anointing