WHY LEARN ABOUT STRESS Improves your health You can take an active role Enjoy your life more Tap into your spiritual being
MAIN POINTS Recognize when you feel stress Train yourself to de-stress Learn to live in a peaceful way
OVERVIEW OF STRESS TALK Stressors vs stress Physiology of stress reaction Short-term vs long-term stress Vicious cycles and burnout How to de-stress The benefits of meditation Questions
WHAT IS STRESS? A condition in which an individual perceives the demands of a situation as exceeding their resources »Richard Lazarus and Susan Folkman
STRESSORS VS STRESS Stressor - thing that causes stress -Physical or psychological -Real or perceived Stress - our body/mind reaction -Physical and psychological
Stressor Perception Stress
STRESSORS The runaway car An illness A traffic jam Dealing with an angry person Feeling of having too much to do
ACUTE STRESS ACUTE STRESS Our body's reaction to the stressor “Fight or flight” reaction Physical response - heart, breathing Feeling of anxiety or anger Usually short-lived
PHYSIOLOGY OF STRESS Stress starts in the brain Stress hormones are released Pumps sugar and fats into blood Autonomic nervous system : release catecholamines Effects every cell in the body
PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF STRESS Increased mental energy Increased emotional sensitivity Poor memory, ability to plan and rationalize
HOW DO YOU EXPERIENCE STRESS What are your triggers ? What happens in your body? What happens to your thinking? What emotions do you feel? What thoughts do you have? –What do you say about yourself? –How do you label other people/situations?
IS STRESS ALL BAD? In short term - can help us When in danger - keeps us safe Helps our bodies heal Sharpens our minds The problem - ongoing stress
TOO MUCH STRESS Animals - stress reaction works Humans - ‘think’ and relive a stressful reaction Multiple stressors over years We often forget to relax
PHYSIOLOGY OF CHRONIC STRESS Constant - high output of hormones Mind remains in agitated state Difficulty with sleep Body adapts and is hypersensitized
PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF LONG-TERM STRESS ALL SYSTEMS Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease Mutes the normal stress reaction Susceptible to infection Chronic fatigue syndrome Inflammatory disease Damage our brain
CHRONIC STRESS SYNDROME Irritable Depressed Poor concentration/memory Anxiety Poor sleep and fatigue Vicious circle
VICIOUS CYCLES OF STRESS Sensitization of the brain: Irritable and so any perceived insult creates more stress More stress hormones released every time
HOW DO YOU EXPERIENCE LONG TERM STRESS What happens to your body? What happens to your thinking? What emotions do you feel?
HOW DO YOU EXPERIENCE STRESS? What are your triggers? What happens in your body? What happens to your thinking? What emotions do you feel? How do you know you’re burned out?
How do you help yourself? What practical steps do you take to decrease your stress? In what ways does your spirituality or spiritual life help address stress?
THE ANTIDOTE TO STRESS Dealing with acute stress Looking at the big picture AWARENESS IS KEY Listen to your body Watch your mind and emotions
ANTIDOTE TO ACUTE STRESS Notice - be aware Center yourself with breathing Think - Is the threat real? Reassure yourself Remember to relax - choice
PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS TO DECREASE STRESS LEVELS Find a balance in your life Stop the stressors Rest and exercise Use humour Let Nature surround you Listen to music, garden...
STRESS AND EXERCISE Very effective Burn off the sugars and fats Strengthens the heart More energy, better sleep
LEARNING RELAXATION Relaxation is a natural state Relaxation techniques, massage, meditation Creates a response in the body The feeling stays with us Call upon the relaxation response
PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF STRESS HORMONAL CHANGES Sugar and insulin release Cholesterol release Sex hormones decrease
PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF STRESS CARDIOVASCULAR CHANGES Increase in heart rate and blood pressure Increase in blood clotting factor Increase in sweating
PHYSICAL EFFECTS OF STRESS Increase in respiratory rate Increased tension of all muscles Digestion slows down
HOW TO ELICIT THE RELAXATION RESPONSE Repeat a word, sound or prayer secular - one, ocean, love, peace, calm spiritual - “The Lord is my Shepard”, “om”, “Hail Mary, Full of Grace” Passively disregard everyday thoughts Meditate