Phytoplankton – element in ecological status assessment for lakes of the Wel river catchment area - published 2009 A. Krzebietke, A. Pasztaleniec, A. Hutorowicz Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund
Potential articles: The assessment of ecological status of Wel river lakes based on phytoplankton (chapter in guidelines) – under preparation Deadline: 25 of February 2011 responsible person: A. Hutorowicz, co-authors: A. Krzebietke, A. Pasztaleniec, A.- L. Solheim, S. Haande, B. Skjelbred
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund The diversity of Cyanobacteria of flow-through lakes in the Wel river catchment – under preparation (results were partly presented at International Conference of PPS) Deadline: June 2011 Outline: The aim of study was to determine the diversity and similarity of Cyanoprokaryota community of a flow-through lakes in the Wel river catchment. This paper contains the results based on Cyanoprokaryota data collected in summer (June-September 2009) at different stations. The quantitative phycological analysis indicated the dominance of blue-green algae in summer assemblages of phytoplankton and the tendency to increase their biomass along the Wel river course. There were identified 61 taxa of Cyanoprokaryota, belonged to the genera: Chroococcales (32), Nostocales (13) and Oscillatoriales (16). Agglomerative classification based on taxonomic composition formed three separate groups: first with a high degree of similarity between the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities in lakes Dąbrowa Wielka, Dąbrowa Mała and Lidzbarskie; second - composed of lakes: Grądy, Tarczyńskie and Zarybinek and third group: samples from two stations of lake Rumian. responsible person: A. Krzebietke, co-authors: A. Hutorowicz, A. Pasztaleniec……..
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund The role of Cyanobacteria in ecological state assessment of lakes situated in Wel river catchment - under preparation (results partly presented at International Conference of PPS) Deadline: June 2011 Outline: The aim of paper is the analysis of the sensitivity of phytoplankton- based assessment systems to changes of Cyanobacteria assemblage. Problems for discussion: changes of dominant species abundance along the total phosphorus gradient the influence of Cyanobacteria density and its percentage share in the total biomass on the ecological status assessment the influence of taxonomic level determination on the ecological status assessment the possibility of new tools applying for estimation of Cyanoprokaryota biomass (YSI multiprobe, phycocyanin concentration) responsible person: A. Pasztaleniec, co-authors: A. Krzebietke, A. Hutorowicz…………..
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Uncertainty statement in biomass, chlorophyll determination - planned deadline: June 2011 outline: The aim of study is indicating the level of uncertainty in the estimation of quantity parameters of phytoplankton (uncertainty due to sample collection and processing). The analysis of uncertainty includes: determination of error in biomass and chlorophyll measurement determination of comparative error of mean biomass and chlorophyll in relation to models (created on the basis of three parameters: biomass, chlorophyll, seston) spatial, temporal and personal uncertainty of biomass and chlorophyll estimation Anne-Lyche suggestion – to estimate the influence of personal uncertainty for TI result Responsible person: A. Hutorowicz, co-authors: B. Skjelbred, J. Moe, A. Krzebietke, A. Pasztaleniec, J. Hutorowicz ……
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Assessing eutrophication and reference conditions for Polish lakes using paleolimnological methods - planned Deadline: the end of 2011 responsible person: S. Haande, co-authors: A. Hutorowicz, ……
Polsko-Norweski Fundusz Badań Naukowych / Polish-Norwegian Research Fund Raport for Wel Landscape Park – planned Deadline the end of 2011