Carmenita Middle School Health Unit
What does it mean to be Healthy? Combination of (a balance between) : Physical Social Mental Emotional Spiritual Components of life.
Why do we learn about health? High School Becoming an Adult Ultimately it’s YOUR CHOICE
Health Unit Drugs Violence Family Life
Expectations Be RESPECTFUL!! Ask APPROPRIATE questions Ask questions Take Notes - there will be tests!
TOBACCO FAST FACTS Each day 3,000 children smoke their first cigarette At least 3 million adolescents are smokers. 90% of adult smokers started when they were teenagers. 20% of American teens smoke Teens who have 2 parents who smoke are more than twice as likely than youth without smoking parents to become smokers.
TOBACCO FAST FACTS According to the Surgeon’s General, Teenagers who smoke are: 3x more likely to use alcohol 8x more likely to smoke marijuana 22x more likely to use Cocaine Adolescent girls who smoke & take oral birth control pills greatly increase their chances of having blood clots & strokes.
Why is Smoking Bad? Lung Cancer Throat Cancer Increase risk of Coronary heart disease Stroke Lung Disease Emphysema Bronchitis
Why is Smoking Bad? Teeth & Skin Yellow Increase Aging Rate Clothes, Hair & Breath Smell Expensive habit - $4.50 - $5.00 per pack If smoke pack/day = $31.50 / week = $1638 / year
What is in a cigarette?
If People know that smoking is so bad for them, then why do they do it?
What type of influences will encourage YOU to start?
What’s going to stop you from starting?
Expectations Be RESPECTFUL!! Ask APPROPRIATE questions Ask questions Take Notes - there will be tests!
Alcohol Fast Facts The average age when youth first try alcohol is 11 years for boys & 13 years for girls. By age 14, 41% of children have had at least one drink. Young people who begin drinking before age 15 are 5 x more likely to develop alcoholism than those who start at age 21. Teens that drink are 50X more likely to use cocaine than those who don’t.
Alcohol Fast Facts Parent influence greatly increases/decreases teenage drinking. Leading cause of death among teenagers Automobile crashes, homicides & suicides More than 1,700 college students in the U.S. are killed each year about 4.65 a day - as a result of alcohol-related injuries. Alcohol poisoning, DUI’s, suicide, date rape, family & school problems
How does Alcohol affect the body? Short-Term Effects Dizziness Talkativeness Slurred speech Nausea Vomiting Impairs judgment Impairs coordination Increase aggressive acts
How does Alcohol affect the body? Long Term Effects Alcoholism Damage to brain & liver. Withdrawal symptoms Anxiety, tremors, hallucinations & convulsions.
Should you be worried?
True or False? I can sober up by drinking water/coffee or eating bread after drinking? FALSE A beer, glass of wine & a shot of liquor has the same amount of alcohol. TRUE
Driving Under the Influence D.U.I.
What’s going to influence you to start drinking before you turn 21?
Street Names of Marijuana 420 Acapulco gold BC bud Bubble Gum Buddha Cheeba Chronic Dope Ganja Green goddess Herb Homegrown Hydro Indo KGB (killer green bud) Kindbud Locoweed Mary Jane Shake Sinsemilla Skunk Wacky tabacky
Marijuana Fast Facts 20% of 8th graders reported trying marijuana. Marijuana contains 50-70% more carcinogens than cigarettes. Youth who use marijuana are 104X more likely to use cocaine. Very few young people use other illegal drugs without using marijuana first.
Effects of Marijuana Short Term High or Nothing “Munchies” & Thirst USUALLY Anxiety & Paranoia Memory Loss Learning Problems Trouble Problem Solving Distorted sight, sound, time & touch Loss of muscle coordination Increased heart rate
Effects of Marijuana Long - Term Cancer Lung Infections Pneumonia Reduced immune system Addiction
How to Recognize Someone Using Pot? Dizzy & trouble walking Silly & Giggly for no reason Red, Bloodshot eyes Can’t remember Sleepy
What’s going to STOP you from trying Marijuana?
Discuss with your neighbor: Dangers of smoking cigarettes Dangers of drinking alcohol Dangers of smoking marijuana
What is Drug Abuse? Drug Abuse - the use of a drug for NONmedical purposes. Does drug abuse only occur with illegal drugs? What other types of drugs can be abused?
Drug Abuse Over-the-Counter Medicines Prescription Medicines Illegal Drugs
Legal Drugs Over-the-Counter Examples? Prescription Drugs
Misusing Medicines Take medicine according to directions Take the recommended dosage Take the medicine for the length of time prescribed by a doctor Do not give your prescription medicines to others. Don’t mix medicines w/ out your doctor’s approval.
Illegal Drugs Stimulants Amphetamines Depressants Narcotics Hallucinogens Club Drugs Inhalants
Stimulants Amphetamines “SPEED” - strong stimulant drugs that speed up the nervous system. Cocaine/Crack - “blow,” “snow,” and “coke” - affects heart rate = heart attack - damage nasal membranes - cause lung problems
Depressants Drugs that slow down the body’s functions and reactions. Tranquilizers Barbiturates Alcohol Sleepiness, coma & death *especially if combined with alcohol*
Narcotics Drugs that relieve pain and dull the senses Heroin Morphine Codeine Damages the lungs, liver, kidneys & brain.
Hallucinogens Drugs that distort moods, thoughts, and senses PCP/Angel Dust LSD Acid disoriented, less sensitive to pain, & violent
Club Drugs Illegal drugs available in nightclubs/raves Ecstasy - X GHB - G - liquid Ecstasy Rohyphnol - roofie Ketamine - special K - vitamin K Disorientation, nausea, unconsciousness, death
Inhalants Substances whose fumes are breathed in to produce mind-altering sensations. Glue gasoline Spray paint Nausea, dizziness, mental confusion, loss of motor skills, permanent brain damage, death