To educate, serve, and lead
GOAL 3: LEAD THE STATE AND NATION IN PRE K- 12 EDUCATION G3.Objective 1 – Focus educator-preparation programs on developing 21 st century leader practitioners at all levels G3.O1.S1 – Recruit, develop and retain nationally recognized faculty G3.O1.S2 – Collaborate with the Iowa Department of Education to develop a research and development school as a leading demonstration site for innovative evidence-based practice G3.O1.S3 – Re-examine and adapt educator- preparation programs, formal and non-formal, focusing on 21st century skills and knowledge, and the use of technology
GOAL 3: LEAD THE STATE AND NATION IN PRE K- 12 EDUCATION G3.Objective 2 – Expand the ownership of educator preparation to the entire university community G3.O2.S1 – Redefine the role of the Teacher Education Office, especially its university-wide responsibilities for educator-preparation programs G3.O2.S2 – Redefine the role of the Council of Teacher Education as the leading governance body for university-wide educator preparation G3.O2.S3 – Promote integration of: the liberal arts, the professional education sequence, educator- preparation majors and minors, and field experiences
GOAL 3: LEAD THE STATE AND NATION IN PRE K- 12 EDUCATION G3.Objective 3 – Expand and improve the network of external partners involved in educator-preparation programs G3.O3.S1 – Establish additional professional- development partnerships with school districts G3.O3.S2. Expand the use of advisory board networks G3.O3.S3 – Ensure a wide range of diverse field experiences for educator preparation students G3.O3.S4 – Recognize and support external professional partnerships to promote exemplary teaching, research, scholarship, creative activity and engagement
Diversity Statement The College of Education promotes education, service and leadership and their effects on the next generation. The core values in which we predicate the work that we do are diversity, engagement, leadership, transformation, and service-community outreach. We are a college of diverse ideas, perspectives and intellectual pursuits. We strive to become a college that is representative of diverse people with dispositional stances that embrace all people regardless of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or ability. In the college, people will be treated with dignity and respect as human beings. Ignorance, bigotry, and harassment will not be accepted.
GOAL 1 Lead the state and nation by developing highly effective professionals prepared to educate, serve, and lead future generations.
GOAL 2 Faculty will distinguish themselves by engaging in creative and intellectually rigorous teaching, scholarship, and service.
GOAL 3 Create, maintain, and enhance a culture that is characterized by a proactive commitment to diversity, collegiality, and mutual respect.
GOAL 4 Increase resources, including human, capital, and informational.
GOAL 5: Establish and enhance strong, mutually beneficial relationships with external constituencies.
The StateThe Nation Create a statewide teacher education scholarship program so more of the brightest students choose teaching as a career in hard- to-staff areas Raise the GPA to 3.0 for entry into the teaching profession Improve field-based experiences for new teachers Newly create teacher mentors in all schools will serve as adjunct faculty in supervising student teachers Expand alternative pathways into professional education Demonstrate content mastery via assessment Institutional reporting and state accountability Reform financing of students preparing to become teachers Target support to institutions that prepare high quality teachers from diverse backgrounds The Charge: The state report One Unshakable Vision: World-Class Schools for Iowa and a national report Our Future, Our Teachers set the charge for the transformation of teacher preparation.
One Unshakable Vision: World-Class Schools for Iowa Improve educator recruiting and hiring practices Attract and support talented educators Create educator leadership roles Transformational teacher salary structure Develop a new faculty accountability system based upon a meaningful, peer-based evaluation system where job protection is based upon effectiveness Free principals to lead Improve and expand the Iowa Core Initiate the next generation assessment framework Ensure third grade literacy Increase school innovations Promote Online learning options End the factory education model and create any time, anywhere learning Engage parents and community in a statewide network
Response Frames Responsive – supportive and affirming Proactive – a need to inform and shape the discussion, should be at the table Reactive – opposed to the idea and boldly state rationale
Premier Points and Signature Programs 1.Diversity 2.Research and Development School 3.Technology – rich teaching and learning environments 4.Early Childhood Education 5.Elementary Science 6.Literacy Education 7.Place-based Education? 8.Rural Education?
Current and Aspirational Points of Distinction 1.Assessment 2.Community service and outreach 3.Diversity 4.Field-based Experiences 5.Inquiry 6.Leadership 7.Literacy 8.Technology
Template Strategic Alignment Description Charge Driving Force Factors to Consider Resources Human Capital informational
Phi Delta Kappa 2011 Gallup Poll 76% of respondents believe that high achieving students should be recruited as teachers Nearly 75% would encourage the brightest person they have to become teachers 70% of respondents said they have trust and confidence in the men and women who are teaching in public schools 67% of respondents said they would like to have their child become a public school teacher