Reflections on Choice Survey of Canadians in mid 80’s –which of the following factors inhibits your participation in recreational activities ILL HEALTH, FAMILY TIES, FINANCIAL COST, LACK OF AVAILABLE FACILITIES, LACK OF A CAR, LACK OF TIME, OLD AGE, OTHER
% Lack of Time 52 Financial Cost 17 Ill Health & Old Age 11 Family Ties 11 Lack of Available Facilities 9 Lack of a Car 5 Lack of Equipment 4 Misc 9 Don’t Know 4
Conclusion Major factors in hindering participation in recreational activity are not physical Rather they are socio-cultural in nature –also an indication that there are a great number of demands on our discretionary time - hence recreational participation will take up a small % of our time
ASSUMPTION OF BENEFIT Further assumptions that if planners or managers provide opportunities they will be beneficial to the society Some on the edge –gambling as an example dependent on culture and timing
STATE OF MIND AVEDON –Recreation: A personal sensation of well- being experienced in the process of anticipating, recalling, or engaging in any activity
STATE OF MIND PIEPER –Leisure is a mental and spiritual attitude, not the inevitable result of spare time, a holiday, a weekend or a vacation. It is, in the first place an attitude of the mind, a condition of the soul.
STATE OF MIND GRAY AND GREBEN –Recreation is an emotional condition within an individual human being that flows from a feeling of well being and self satisfaction. It reinforces a positive self-image.
STATE OF MIND DICTIONARY OF SOCIOLOGY –Recreation has its own immediate appeal and is not impelled by a delayed reward beyond itself
SUMMARY 1Recreation is in the eyes of the participant 2Feeling of well being/attitude of uplift 3Satisfaction from an individual standpoint 4Immediate gratification
This area - psychological, behavioural motivations - is one of the least researched by geographers. Reflected by various writers such as WALL - recreational research is about do- able things. –Study things that can be measured Not an accurate picture of a system that is very dependent on attitudes and feeling
CONSISTENCY? Recreation then is highly individually oriented - possibility of conflicts? Do we always have feelings of gratification from recreational activity? Can gratification be delayed so that future enjoyment is enhanced?
WHY INVESTIGATE? Definite reasons why we become concerned with the concepts of recreation and leisure 1Leisure time has increased in our society for each individual with the exception of this decade we assume that this long term trend should continue
INDUSTRIAL WORKWEEK SINCE 1850 Late 1800’s –6 days work - 12 to 14 hrs per day –work week 78 hrs –weekly free time - 13 hrs Early 1900’s –6 days work - 10 hrs per day –work week 60 hrs –weekly free time - 31 hrs
INDUSTRIAL WORKWEEK SINCE ’s –5 1/2 days work - 9 hrs per day –work week 50 hrs –weekly free time - 41 hrs 1950’s –5 days work - 8 hrs per day –work week 40 hrs –weekly free time - 51 hrs
INDUSTRIAL WORKWEEK SINCE ’s to present –5 days work - 7 hrs per day –work week 35 hrs –weekly free time - 56 hrs Note: this is “in official notice” and assuming 8 hrs sleep and 3 hrs essential activities each day –increase in free time since %
With these assumptions - Leisure time assumes about 33 to 40 % of an individuals time If leisure time increases then so should recreation time as this is an activity then corresponding expenditures will increase –equipment costs, fees, travel, development, and so on
Leisure is also seen as an important social force that shapes and individuals attitude toward life. It is seen as an opportunity or challenge for an individual Association with the constructive use of free or discretionary time