Welcome!! Structural and Earthquake Engineering Group Department of Civil Engineering University of British Columbia
UBC - Vancouver, BC Whistler!!!
Structures Lab and Earthquake Engineering Research Facility
Graduate Students Roughly 90+ students in Structural and Earthquake Engineering Program from all around the world. Roughly equally divided between three degree types. New students: 13 MEng 9 MASc 4 PhD (+2 MASc PhD)
Student Groups / Professional Organizations CEGSS Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Student Chapter Structural Engineers Association of BC Free membership! Institution of Structural Engineers Free membership! American Concrete Institute Free membership!
Course planning Discuss courses with your supervisor For M.Eng. and new MASc students without a supervisor see Group Leader Most should now be registered in at least three of: CIVL Dynamics CIVL Steel CIVL Reliability CIVL Computational Mechanics Other popular options: CIVL 580 – Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering CIVL 529 – Condition assessment and rehabilitation MECH 561 – Linear elasticity Directed studies or project courses
Selecting a supervisor (MASc/Phd) No rush! Talk to the faculty members to learn about projects they are working on. Try to find a good “dance partner”. Frequently MASc and PhD students find a supervisor by early in Term 2.
Ken Elwood (Group Leader) Seismic design, existing reinforced concrete and masonry structures, seismic retrofit, nonlinear structural analysis. CIVL 505 – Seismic Response of Structures Structural and Earthquake Engineering Group
Reza Vaziri (Department Head) Mechanics of composite materials, impact dynamics, nonlinear finite element analysis, damage mechanics. CIVL 537 – Computational Mechanics I Structural and Earthquake Engineering Group
Perry Adebar Concrete structures: seismic design, high-rise buildings, and shear design. CIVL 513 – Concrete Structures
Terje Haukaas Structural safety, probabilistic methods in civil engineering, timber design, software development, performance- based earthquake engineering. CIVL 518 – Reliability and Structural Safety CIVL 539 – Advanced Theory of Structures Structural and Earthquake Engineering Group
Sigi Stiemer Steel design, adaptive structures, knowledge management, composite designs. CIVL Behaviour of Steel Structures (not offered 2011/12) Structural and Earthquake Engineering Group
Thomas Tannert Probabilistic Design of Timber Joints; Mechanical Characterization of Timber; Assessment and Monitoring of Timber Structures CIVL 516 – Behaviour of Timber Structures Structural and Earthquake Engineering Group
Carlos Ventura Earthquake engineering, structural dynamics, instrumentation and testing of structures, experimental mechanics. CIVL 507 – Dynamics of Structures I CIVL 507 – Dynamics of Structures II Structural and Earthquake Engineering Group
Tony Yang Performance-based earthquake engineering, hybrid testing, seismic response of steel structures, innovative protective systems. CIVL 511 – Steel Structures (Seismic) Structural and Earthquake Engineering Group
Emeritus Faculty Don Anderson Seismic design and nonlinear analysis Ricardo Foschi Reliability and structural safety Liam Finn Seismicity and geotechnical earthquake engineering (CIVL 504)
Structures Seminars Required attendance Every week same place and time unless otherwise noted. Who? MASc students must present once during program PhD students must present twice during program Occasional special seminar by visitors Organized by graduate student committee with the assistance of Dr. Stiemer. More on this next Thursday! Coffee and cookies – volunteer needed.