SB 540 Task Force Briefing Establishing a Statewide Facility Database & Regional Comparative Analysis Software at the Dept of Education January 21, 2013 By Joe Rodriguez, Hillsboro School District Superintendent (Retired)
Purpose of Statewide Database Central resource for – ▫District prioritization & comparative analysis ▫Regional & State collaboration ▫Increased equity of facility conditions ▫Rating & ranking for State funds allocation Allows incremental approach to resolving long term deferred maintenance Provides baseline for facility condition & estimated level of need
SB 540. Section 4 Dept. of Education (ODE) shall establish & maintain a public facility database … ▫Pre-school thru 12 th grade ▫Related facilities, auxiliary building, properties ▫May require school districts (SDs) & education service districts to provide (see next slide) ▫Must be accessible by the public ▫May have functions only for ODE & SDs ▫SDs may have waiver from data requirement
SB 540 Required Data Facility Name Square Foot Year Built Renovations last 30 years Outstanding Debt Last Bond-- Year, Amount, Purpose Operations & Maintenance Cost Technology Upgrades Health & Safety Upgrades Energy Use Other publicly available information
SB 540 Task Force Indentified Mandate-Based Funding Priorities All-Day Kindergarten Physical Education (PE) Science Technology Early Childhood Education
What Districts Want From Database Basic data groups leading to comparative analysis – ▫within district & ▫with other districts and school types Central location, easily updateable for storing facility condition data Planning & prioritization tool Communication tool
State of the Schools Atlas Regional Comparative Analysis Tool Decision-making & communications software ▫Quickly analyze data & graphically display ▫Map display shows differences via color, size and symbols + pop-up site data ▫Indicators displayed as customizable data table and multiple formats ▫Allows ability to adjust priorities & rating ▫Data can be exported or imported in Excel ▫Auto app that travels with exported material data
Data Types for Peer Reviewed Standards & Formulas
Industry Condition Analysis
FCI Data Used for Atlas Pilot Districts Based on Density, Energy and National O & M standards Basic Data – School ID #, Name, Enrollment ( ), Enrollment Projections (2012–22), Free & Reduced Lunch % Planning re: Density – Average Square Foot (SF) per Student; Resulting Density Factor Building Condition – Operations & Maintenance per SF, Age (Technology rating = construction <10 yrs); Seismic Rating, Energy Usage Indicator (EUI) Performance – Attendance, Mobility, Reading (Yrs 4, 8, 10); Math (Yrs 4, 8, 10)
Data Comparative Analysis Rating Examples ( 1 = Good; 5 = Not So Good; * = No known public Dbase) Fire Life Safety – ▫Roofing: 1 = new or remodeled; 5 = at or near lifespan ▫Fire alarm: 1 = fully alarmed; 5 no alarms ▫Auto sprinkler alarm: 1 = fully alarmed; 5 = no alarm ▫Chemicals* (mold, lead, asbestos etc): 1 = no evidence; 5 multiple sources ▫Seismic: 1= completely updated; 5 = high falling hazard
Security Analysis: Data Needed Secure perimeter Single, controlled access Sight lines Alarms -- types (panic, silent, fire, etc) Lockdown system Monitors, cameras and surveillance Training & protocols in place
Energy Efficiency Analysis Note: Energy Efficiency (note: 1/3 of the state has not benefited from SB 1149 funds for the past 10 years Energy Usage Intensity -- Electricity, gas, etc., plus building age, type of school, region (i.e. climate), SF, enrollment, O & M/SF Return on Investment (ROI) -- Current EUI, recommended efficiency measures, their cost, the measure savings and over what time period. 1 = High ROI, 5 = Low ROI.
Impact on Learning Note: Several of these topics can be funded with energy efficiency funds; applicable data points found in that section. Additional data points for – Lighting – Light fixtures & day-lighting Air Quality – HVAC rating (i.e. age, commissioning, etc), Noise – Noise rating (dBA) Technology – WiFi, broadband/speed, piping capacity
Funding: Comparative Analysis Examples Fire Life Safety Security Energy Efficiency Facility Impact on Learning ▫Lighting ▫Air Quality ▫Noise ▫Technology
Comparative Analysis from Data & Ratings
Publicly Available Databases DOGAMI – 2007 Level 1 seismic survey data (25% updated by districts) Municipal Market Access – capital bond data* Oregon Department of Education – basic school identification numbers, location etc. Oregon Department of Energy – SB 1149 and non-1149 energy data by building Oregon State Treasury – capital bond data* Technology – Engineering & Technology Industry Council (ETIC)
Other Available D-Bases CISF: Complete statewide database with minimum of 75 data points per school Sources: Prior list screened & aligned plus ▫Format Pro: District-provided facility condition data for 18 districts and 6 ESDs ▫McGraw Hill 1 & 2: Capital investment data purchases ▫PACE: By building, facility condition data gathered for insurance purposes
Conclusion Equity – Overriding issue for any State funding allocation model Requires – statewide data plus comparative analysis capabilities Both exist and are ready for use as launching pad by ODE and the Task Force (and through contract with government agency)