Is There Housing Discrimination?
Homeownership Rates
Household with High Housing Costs Burdens
Housing With Physical Problems
Crowding: Households with more than one person per room
Reported Problems in the Neighborhood,
Average Racial and Ethnic Composition of Metropolitan Neighborhoods, 1990
Whites’ Attitudes Towards Integration
Measuring Housing Segregation
Dissimilarity Measures the neighborhood as compare to population as a whole Similar to the Duncan Index Provides an evenness dimension
Exposure Shows the level by which minorities are either “embedded” or not into the majorities neighborhoods
Concentration Delta Index places importance to the concentration of the minority
Centralization Absolute Centralization Index
Clustering Spatial Proximity Index
Spatial Proximity
Discrimination in Housing Agent (whether renting or buying) Lending Process(when buying a home)
Discrimination in Metropolitan Housing Markets: National Results from Phase I HDS 2000 by Margery Austin Turner, Stephen L. Ross, George C. Galster and John Yinger The Urban Institute. Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center Prepared for USDHUD
AGENT Background Paired testing originated as a tool for fair housing enforcement, detecting and documenting individual instances of discrimination. Since the late 1970s, this methodology has also been used to rigorously measure the prevalence of discrimination across the housing market as a whole. When a large number of consistent and comparable tests are conducted for representative sample of real estate and rental agents, the results control for differences between white and minority homeseekers, and directly measure patterns of adverse treatment based on a homeseeker’s race or ethnicity.
Paired Testing Methodology In a paired test, two individuals¯one minority and the other white¯pose as otherwise identical homeseekers, with comparable housing needs and resources. Both testers visit a real estate or rental agent to inquire about the availability of housing, making the same requests and providing the same information about themselves. Each tester systematically records the information and assistance he or she receives from the agent. If the minority and white are treated differently in important ways, a test provides direct and powerful evidence of differences in the treatment minorities and whites experience when they search for housing.
Lending Process It can occur at the in the pre-loan process It can occur at the loan stage At the Loan Approval or Disapproval Stage At the Loan Administration Stage
Advertising When done on TV or Radio or Newspapers it would appear there is no discrimination –However, stations or association with certain programs could target certain markets and create discrimination. However that in it self is difficult to prove –Mailing by Zip Codes
Location Another subtle mode of discrimination is location of Loan offices –In an important case with the Justice Department –The Decatur Federal Savings and Loan Association in the Atlanta area settled a discrimination law suit
The Decatur Federal Savings and Loan Association FACTS –Between 1927 and 1980 Decatur Federal Opened 43 offices in Atlanta –It only opened 1 in a predominantly Black neighborhood –It closed only 2: The one in the Black Neighborhood One in a neighborhood that was become mostly Black
The Decatur Federal Savings and Loan Association FACTS –Justice found that different criteria were used to decide when to close Branches between White and Black neighborhoods –It excluded census tracks that were located in predominantly Black neighborhoods –An former Loan Officer testified that she was ordered to reject loans south of IH 20, and area where many of the Black neighborhoods in Atlanta are located
In the Pre-Application and Application Process Discrimination can occur: –When discussing different alternatives –Who is presented with larger number of alternatives –The Time spent with the loan officer –Who receives lower interest rates given the similar economic backgrounds
Discussing Different Alternatives
Who is Provided with More Alternative Loan Packages
Who Spend More Time with Loan Officer
Who Received The Lower Interest Rate
Can there Be Discrimination After the Loan is Given: YES There is no concrete evidence of this type of discrimination There is anecdotal evidence done by several TV-magazine shows that indicate there may be evidence of racial discrimination in: –Treatment of customers with late payments may differ by race
Can there Be Discrimination After the Loan is Given: YES –For instance Number of times late payments are allowed before bringing additional penalties Working out payments to bring loan up to date Degree of lagging in payments before foreclosure is started
Can there Be Discrimination After the Loan is Given: YES –The worst case scenario: Loans that are given with the express intent of expecting a default in order to repossess and make a profit on the house Problem is that in this cases there is a downward bias in the loan discrimination since more are generally given HOWEVER, these are anecdotal stories that may or may not represent and accurate representation of the treatment by minorities in the after lending process