The Sacraments of Initiation Chapter 6 The Sacraments of Initiation
Three sacraments of initiation are: Signs and Symbols Three sacraments of initiation are: Baptism - which brings new life Confirmation - which strengthens the new life Eucharist - which nourishes Catholics with Christ’s body and blood -Catechumen- person studying to become a Christian
2. Who has been a model of faith for you? Discussion Questions 1. What do you think convinced people in the first three centuries to enter the catechumenate despite its risks? 2. Who has been a model of faith for you? 3. About how many catechumens were initiated at your parish at the last Easter Vigil? About how many will be initiated this year?
-Has its roots in Scripture -Essential Rite of Baptism -Comes from a Greek word that means “to plunge” or “to immerse” in water -Has its roots in Scripture -Through Baptism, Catholics participate in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ -Infant Baptism shows that salvation is a pure gift of Christ’s grace that extends even to children -Essential Rite of Baptism
Baptism Symbols used in Baptism: -Water - cleansing -Oil - healing and protection -White garment - putting on Christ, purity -Candle - Christ is the light of the world
Baptism Effects of Baptism: 1. Forgives both original sin and personal sin and remits all punishment due to sin 2. Gives us birth into a new life in Christ 3. Confers sanctifying grace, the grace of justification 4. Initiates and incorporates us into Christ’s Body, the Church 5. Seals a Christian with an indelible spiritual character that marks us belonging to Christ
1. Who are your godparents? Why did your parents choose them? Discussion Questions 1. Who are your godparents? Why did your parents choose them? 2. What is the meaning of your Christian name? Why did your parents choose it?
Confirmation Effects are: -Completes the sacramental grace of Baptism -Often received in the teen years to help represent a teen’s increasing personal commitment to faith Effects are: -full outpouring of the Holy Spirit -Binding us closer to the Church and Christ -Increasing the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us
-Origin of Confirmation is found in the apostolic laying on of hands -Rooted in the Bible -Origin of Confirmation is found in the apostolic laying on of hands -In early Church, Baptism and Confirmation were part of adult initiation process ending at Easter -Anointing with oil represents total consecration ot Christ, a sharing in Jesus’ mission
3. Why is Confirmation a sacrament that can be received only once? Discussion Questions 1. At what age do you think those who were baptized as infants should be confirmed? Why? 2. Name three things a confirmed Catholic can do to exhibit a commitment to his or her faith. 3. Why is Confirmation a sacrament that can be received only once?
Eucharist -Completes a person’s Christian initiation -Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves and his changing of water into wine at Cana prefigured the institution of the Eucharist Names for the Eucharist -means “Thanksgiving” -Lord’s Supper -Breaking the Bread -Eucharistic Assembly -Holy and Divine Liturgy -Most Blessed Sacrament -Holy Sacrifice
Eucharist Graces of the Holy Communion are: -Unites us with Christ and forms us into his body -Transubstantiation- bread and wine change into the reality of Jesus Graces of the Holy Communion are: -Spiritual life and nourishment -Cleansing from past sins -Greater commitment to the poor -Increase in the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love -Spiritual energy for our earthly pilgrimage
Eucharist -Mass consists of two major parts - Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist Introductory Rite -Entrance and Greeting -Penitential Rite -Gloria -Opening Prayer Liturgy of the Word -First Reading and Responsorial Psalm -Second Reading and Alleluia -Gospel -Homily -Creed -General Intercessions
Liturgy of the Eucharist -Offertory -Eucharistic Prayer Church has four Eucharistic Prayers: -invoke the power of the Holy Spirit -recount the words of institution spoken by Jesus at the Last Supper -contain intercessions that petition God for special intentions -Conclude with the Great Amen Concluding Rite
Discussion Questions 1. A friend has told you that she stopped going to Mass because she was bored with the repetitious ritual. What could you say to her to help her reconsider? 2. What are some other excuses you have heard that teens (and others) use not to go to Mass on Sunday? Discuss a good response to each of them. 3. Tell about the most memorable liturgy you have ever participated in.
Liturgical Year 1. Advent 2. Christmas Season 3. Ordinary Time 4. Lent 5. Triduum 6. Easter Season 7. Ordinary Time
Sacramentals- sacred signs that resemble the sacraments Liturgical Year Sacramentals- sacred signs that resemble the sacraments -Include objects, actions, prayers that help us become aware of Christ’s presence