IEP Review Project Presented by: Jennifer Overstreet Amy Fontaine Jen Irazabal Lauren Miano
Student Profile Charlie DOB: 5/28/1998 Age: 12 Grade: 5 School District: Newton Public Schools Instructional/Home Language: English Primary Disability: Autism ESY with transportation Outside Psychologist Behavior plan CMT checklist
Current Level of Performance AreaStrengthsConcerns/Needs Language Arts: DRA2: 28 Comprehension skills impacted decoding and spellingcomprehension and inferencing Math: Below grade level. Modifications to daily work/homework and tests. addition/subtraction/multipli cation facts elapsed time, money, application of skills Writing: below grade levelword processingorganization, handwriting, generating ideas for writing Behavioral/social/emotion al: Behavior plan in place. "Engages in intense target behavior." friendly and outgoing, "helpful nature that can become willing to complete simple tasks" can engage in intense aggression towards adults. at times has defeatist attitude. tries to control most social situations. very easily distracted. perseverative.
Current Level of Performance AreaStrengthsConcerns/Needs Communication: good basic skills vocabulary, improved comprehension of idiomatic phrases social language/communication skills Health/development: PDD_NOS Eye convergence insufficiency Fine and gross motor with accommodations and modifications is able to demonstrate appropriate fine motor skills for written communication Daily livingverbal cues and checklist for self check to wipe mouth and check clothes.
Accommodations and Modifications Modified worksheets, manipulatives, computer for writing. Touch Math program when needed, graph paper, modified writing paper as needed, graphic organizer, provide copy of notes, end top locker, computer software for graphic organization, modify homework as needed for amount/content, use of flash drive, use of graph paper for all number writing, Use of redi-space paper during written work. Inspiration software for graphic organizer prior to composing writing assignments. use of alpha smart or keyboard so he can type for written communication. -modifications to content of tests quizzes and assessments, including number of pages, extra time on tests, modified work presentation, provide additional space. -base grades on IEP -graphic organizers for organization -preferential seating **where?** -Cue expected behavior, structure transitions, positive reinforcement, behavioral contract, behavioral intervention plan, cue "self-check as needed to prompt him to check appearance (pants, salivation, etc.) -provide models, pre-teach content, concrete examples, visual cues, verbal reminders, manipulatives, give one paper at a time, allow for breaks as needed *Participation in social skills group with PPS staff Occupational Therapy consult one time monthly. BCBA consult as needed for collaborative team meetings with parents throughout school year. team collaboration meetings with classroom teacher and inclusion facilitator 2x/month.
Student Daily Placement for Services- Regular School Year
Student Daily Placement for Services- Extended School Year
Goals and Objectives: Reading Goal: Charlie will improve his reading skills through the successful completion of the following objectives. 1.After reading a short passage at his instructional level, Charlie will use implied evidence from the text to draw or support a conclusion, with no more than two prompts. 2.After reading text at his instructional level, Charlie will answer questions using at least one supporting detail. 3.After reading text at his instructional level, Charlie will independently locate answers to questions within one page of the text. The goal is evaluated by the mastery of the achievement of objectives. The first two objectives are evaluated using procedure 3 (Pre and Post Base line data).The performance criteria for these objectives are A (Percentage of growth) with trials being 15% above. The third objective is evaluated by procedure 9 (work samples, job performance or products) and the performance criteria is G (successful completion of task or activity) with the trial being 2/3 times.
Goals and Objectives: Reading Goal: Charlie will improve his reading skills through the successful completion of the following objectives. Common Core State Standards For English Language Arts & Literacy Grade 3: 1.Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. Grade 4: 1.Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. The goal is evaluated by the mastery of the achievement of objectives. Goal: Measurable Evaluation of Objectives #1 & #2: Recommended in addition to procedure 3 (Pre and Post Base line data), add 9 (work samples, job performance or products). Evaluation of Objective #3: Recommended in addition to procedure 9 (work samples, job performance or products), add 11, Teacher created accuracy chart.
Goals and Objectives: Reading Teacher Created Accuracy Chart Sample DateTrial #1Trial #2Trail #
Goals and Objectives: Math Goal: Charles will improve his math skills through the successful completion of the following objectives. 1.Charlie will determine the value of coins and bills up to $ Charlie will determine elapsed time and future time to the hour, half hour, and quarter hour using and analog clock. 3.Charlie will solve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems using a calculator. The goal is evaluated by the mastery of the achievement of objectives. All of the objectives are evaluated using procedure 9 (work samples, job performance, or products. The performance criteria objectives are G (Successful completion of task or activity) with trials being 2/3 times.
Goals and Objectives: Writing Goal: Charlie will improve his writing skills through the successful completion of the following objectives. 1.Charlie will write an effective introduction for his essays with no more than two prompts. 2.Charlie will write a topic sentence and two supporting detail sentences with no more than two prompts. The goal is evaluated by the mastery of the achievement of objectives. All of the objectives are evaluated using procedure 9 (work samples, job performance, or products. The performance criteria objectives are G (Successful completion of task or activity) with trials being 2/3 times.
Goals and Objectives: Communication Goal: To improve communication skills as measured by the following: 1.Charlie will identify 10 feeling words when given a picture cue. 2.Charlie will be able to identify the appropriate feelings when given a scenario and asked how the person is feeling. 3.Charlie will respond to questions related to a targeted topic(giving a compliment, finishing work etc...) The goal is evaluated by the successful completion of the task or activity which is the achievement of objectives. The first two objectives are evaluated using procedure 3 (Pre and Post Base line data). The performance criteria for these are E (frequency/trials) with trials being 3/5 times. The third objective is evaluated using 9 (work samples, job performance or products). The performance criteria is G (successful completion of task or activity). With trials being 3/5 times.
Analysis of IEP Do the goals match the students concerns? Are all of the student’s educational, social, and communication needs addressed by appropriate goals and objectives? Are the goals and objectives correlated to standards? Are the goals and objectives measureable? How will they be measured?