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ABC Biography of Benjamin Franklin ABC Biography
Although Ben Franklin was born in Boston, the city of Philadelphia was known as his home. Benjamin’s father wanted him to go into the clergy. Clergymen require years of school and Ben’s father could only afford to send him for one year. During his youth, Ben worked as an apprentice in his brother’s printing and newspaper businesses.
Even though Ben had kept the newspaper going while his brother was in prison, his brother harassed and beat him when he was released. For his own safety, Ben ran away to Philadelphia. Getting started in his own business was difficult, but Ben managed to open his own print shop. He married his childhood sweetheart and together they ran the print shop, a general store, and a book store.
In 1729, Benjamin bought a newspaper, The Pennslyvania Gazette. He contributed articles under aliases and created the first political cartoon. Just a few years later, in 1733, Ben began to write and publish Poor Richard’s Almanac. Keeping to his strong civic convictions, Ben launched projects to pave, clean, and light Philadelphia’s streets. Later, he started the first fire department in the city, and founded an insurance company for those who lost homes in fires.
Making a decision to retire from business in 1749, Ben started concentrating on science, experiments, and inventions. Never one to give up, Ben invented swim fins, bifocals, the Franklin stove, and other things. Observations, such as his kite experiment, led to the discovery of electricity. Politics became an active interest for Franklin and he spent the next 18 years in England as a colonial representative.
Quitting his London position, Franklin returned to America where he worked on the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence. Right after his wife died, Franklin moved to France where he served as an ambassador. Speaking a little French, Franklin became with the ladies and was a notorious flirt. The Treaty of France was signed by Franklin in 1783, after the Americans had won the Revolution.
Until his late seventies, Franklin stayed in France. Finally he returned to America. Voters elected Franklin to the Executive council of Pennsylvania. While serving as a delegate, Franklin signed the Constitution. eXactly why he died is not known, but Franklin passed away in 1790 at the age of 84.
Years of public service had made Franklin very popular. Over 20,000 people attended his funeral. Zealous supporters say that Franklin’s “electric” personality still lights the world. Information and images in this presentation are from:
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Quick & Easy Examples Acrostic ABC Biography Post Card Book Report
Whatever Happened to Janie? Written By: Caroline B. Cooney Presented by: Jessica 6th Grade Derby Middle School
Setting Half of this story takes place in New Jersey. It is about the month of May, during the present day times. The other half of this book takes place in Connecticut during the present day. Both places are in a small town.
Janie Johnson/Jennie Spring ?Red, curly hair, and freckles ?15 years old ?Middle child ?Lactose intolerant ?Very unsure, confused, and scared ?Not a very good sister ?Caught in a nightmare and a bad situation Milk
Jodie Spring _Red, curly hair _16 years old _Jennie’s sister _Very curious and wants to know more about her biological sister _Wants Jennie to be a better sister
Stephen Spring ©Red hair ©17 years old ©Jennie’s brother ©Very close to Jodie ©Does not like Jennie ©Somewhat selfish
Mr. and Mrs. Spring ?Red hair ?Very worried and over- protective of kids ?Very religious-Catholic ?Envious of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
Main Conflict Janie Johnson or Jennie Spring, who is she? That is the main conflict in this story. Janie Johnson does not know who she is or who she belongs to. Either her birth family whom she does not know, or the family of the kidnappers in which she was raised for twelve years in. Janie wants to get Hannah back for what she has done, which she has torn Janie’s life apart.
What I Learned and My Thoughts.I learned that people don’t need to be so selfish and need to realize that when one makes a mistake, they need to realize that they hurt other people too..The story was filled with suspense and made me want to read more and find out “Whatever Happened to Janie?”
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Quick & Easy Examples Acrostic ABC Biography Post Card Polygons Label & identify “Beyond Copy & Paste” ~Tammy Worcester
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